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Naruto - Final Showdown in the Hidden Leaf (Started still accepting)


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Hayate reached his fellow Anbu members their where about 20 their. "I want 5 of you to follow the Ninja and make sure they follow their orders and keep the villagers safe. The rest of you and me will begin the barrier techniques" He said as the 5 anbu left and the rest rondevous around the leaf in different locations.

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The 15 anbu plus Hayate did a long set of hand signs, "Bird (Rooster) Boar (Pig) Dog Bird (Rooster)Boar (Pig) Dog Dragon Rabbit Horse Dragon Rabbit Horse Monkey Ox Ram (Sheep) Ox Monkey Ram (Sheep) Rat Snake Tiger

Rat Snake Tiger" in synch then they began pouring their chakra out of their hands as they pushed them away from their body toward stones placed around the village. "We must use all the chakra we can in order to keep the barrier up and working. As long as 5 of us live this barrier shall not fail the leaf nor the 6th hokage" He said

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ooc: the leaf ninja wont be locked out of the barrier we can open it when you come back.


Hayate and the anbu worked furiously to control the barrier and poured their chakra into it. The 5 Anbu that was to detail the ninja and villagers spoke through com links to hayate.


"Sir their just now starting to gether the villagers." a voice said.


"Fine just make sure nothing happens to them." Hayate said.

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ooc: Hey guy I have to go for about an hour or so, so continue with your mission which should take a while their will be ninja waiting for you half way their and fight them. then bring the villagers to saftey. after that Gara will instruct you to go on your next mission of tracking the ninja that attacked you back to the sound village that is working for the akatsuiki your mission is to capture and retain a ninja for questioning. that should keep you busy untill I return.

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((she's a SAND NINJA, and she doesn't want to join the Leaf... is it ok if i make he join Akatsuki later?))


Rose started to feel the Shukaku gaining control over her body "Not... AGAIN!" she said trying not to lose control again "I... Must... Keep Control!" the Sand Armour started to morph into more of a Shukaku like Armour "Not... YET!" the Shukaku-Styled Sand Armour became un-changeable "Damnit... You Bastard!" "Grrr.... i'm just protecting you... and waiting to use you..." the Shukaku Growled

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OCC wow this is moving fast

Saruto is at the training in a forest 5 miles from the Leaf Village. "Lightning Bolt Jutsu" a bolt of lightning hit a tree. "Mud Wall Justu" then he hit the wall with his hammer "Yes now Lightning Hammer Jutsu" then he hits the ground and makes a earthquake 'Sweet"

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Jake and Clarie had poisuns close to each other so Jake start hitting on her

Jake: he tuts (clarie then trows a knine at jake but Dograi catchs it but then Jake sees something on the end of the knine)

Jake: dograi trowe that knine away it has a bomb (then it expoisies and jake runs up to dograi)

Jake: dograi dograi u ok (he check his heart beat)

Clarie: ha surves u right

Jake: u know what do me a favorier stay away from me during this trip (he then pick up dograi and places him in Jakes arms)

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