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Jappio's Sprites, Splices and Fakemon


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This is my showcase thread. C+C and all that is welcomed. I try to keep this updated, but sadly that only happens every now and again. For the most part the really old stuff is labeled. Most recent stuff though you'll find actually being posted later in the thread.

I take requests on splices, can't promise I'll do anything. Everything else though I probably won't do, as I haven't the time nor care to do just any old spriting for just anyone.

Also I'd like to take a moment to say something. My splices contain the sprites from multiple Pokemon games. Credit of the original sprites used in the making to Nintendo and Gamefreak. I would also like to thank Spriter's Resource, the place where they were ripped and distributed.

Scratch Spriting

[spoiler=Paper Octorok]Paper Mario styled Octorok

[spoiler=Zoroark Guess]Before Zoroard was revealed, I tried spriting him myself using his silouette.ZenrirV1.pngZenrirV2.pngZenrirVLucario.pngZoroark.png

[spoiler=Diglette using dig]Pointless Diglette Animation

[spoiler=Winter Kirby]This proves Kirby is one of the few things that can get me int he holiday spirit.

[spoiler=Rita Mordio]My rendition of one of my favorite video game characters, Rita. She's a black from Tales of Vesperia. No particular style here.

[spoiler=Red Ryu]My friend's RP character, Red Ryu. Done in the Disgaea sprite style.

[spoiler=Ganondorf]Ganondorf from The Legend of Zelda.

[spoiler=Lazengann]Lazengann from Gurren Lagann.

[spoiler=Vargas]A friend's RP character. Name is Vargas. Attempt in a style used in a game called Meltyblood.

[spoiler=Raizou]Old sprites I was making for a fighting game. I've stopped since I want to get better and do them over in the future. Character name is Raizou, one of my RP characters.

[spoiler=Relicant Evo]A Relicant Evo I made for someone I did a bit of an art trade with. Raelen Solo is the name of it's creator, I merely sprited it for him.

[spoiler=Torkoal Evo]A Torkoal Evo. I held a raffle and the winner got a request from me. This is the result. Concept idea goes to Turtle King.

[spoiler=Random Fakemon]A person by the name of Icyblue created a drawing of a critter. He asked if I would sprite it, and I figured he was a cool enough guy. So here is the result:

[spoiler=Newest Splices]SpliceSheet48.png

[spoiler=Older Splices]
[spoiler=Splice Sheet 1-10]splicesheet1.png

[spoiler=Splice Sheet 11-20]SpliceSheet11.png

[spoiler=Splice Sheet 21-30]splicesheet20.png

[spoiler=Splice Sheet 31-40]splicesheet31.png

[spoiler=Splice Sheet 41-50]SpliceSheet41.png?t=1231952799

Captace Region
My own Pokemon region filled with new Pokemon and terrain. Everything here except Porygon 0 is a scratched sprite by me(Pory 0 is a sprite edit, but will later be made into a scratch sprite). I will not be posting their Dex entries here to save room. If you wish to know more, you can either find the original posts they were on, or you can PM me.

Any question, feel free to ask. I also gladly accept any critique.

[spoiler=Region Map]
*Captace Region* is obviously a mountainess region. There is also a large river running through it. I have provided three maps. Two that are in the normal pokemon style. One is to a smaller more familiar size, the other has longer routes, both are pretty much the same. The third map shows features like forests and mountains better. The third also has the towns numbered, here is a description of each and some plot descriptions.

1. *Home Town* To the south is *Serenity Meadow*
2. *Town 2* Usual town where a parcel or whatever must be delivered. I might not do the delivery, but hey, it is classic so I might (I try not to be too stereo typical with everything, but some things I think are more so tradition).
3. *Town 3* First gym, a normal gym, you receive the Regular Badge upon victory.
4. *Peak Town* Home of the fifth gym, a wind gym, get Cyclone Badge. Various reasons as to why you can't do this gym yet. Also a planned town for a *Team Rocket* attack.
5. *Requiem Town* Home of the 2nd gym, a psychic gym, get Mind's Eye Badge. League route blocked by guy who needs to check for badges.
6. *Town 6* A nothing planned Town. The bike route to the south of it is only accessible by bike, so you must travel through the swamp.
7. *Swamp Town* 3rd Gym, poison gym, get Toxic Badge. Town sits on top of board walks, like the one town in R/S, but instead of over water, they are over a toxic swamp.
8. *Town 8* Bike is received here. Probably also a department store. Suppose to be the place to go when you come to this region.
9. *Town 9* 4th Gym, dragon gym, get *Draco Badge*. Originally a bridge/boat gets you across the river. Events though prevent you to get back, you obtain fly though and go back to to Town 4.
10. *Town 10* No real purpose as of now. Something prevents heading west (Future HM required or something).
11. *Town 11* 6th Gym Fire/Ice gym. Two leaders, double battle. Get the Burning Cold badge.
12. *Town 12* Another not really sure what I'm going to do with it town.
13. Crater Canyon. 7th Gym, Dark gym, get the Void Badge. Possibly legendary event goes down here or is explained.
14. *Town 14* Hard to reach secret town. 8th gym, Lightning gym, Bolt Badge. Sea connection, probably for S.S. activities. Also the town is surrounded in constant storms.
15. *Town 15* Not even sure if it will be town. Place where E4 is.

Planned things:
-Things like the breeding center and gambling hall could go anywhere Probably gambling hall goes in town 8, and breeder in town 6.
-Town 10 or 12 might get a "Pseudo Gym" Something like the fighting dojo in Blue/Red, special prize for winning.
-Extra Caves and Routes might exist and be added or not shown.
-A bridge exists between Town 5 and Town 6
-Routes will be given numbers. They are yet to be depicted, but more likely than not they will go 500, 501, 502, etc... It should be pretty much every piece of land between towns is one route.

[spoiler=Older Fakemon]

Large Badges
Regular Badge: A normal gym.
Mind's Eye Badge: A psychic gym.
Toxic Badge: A poison gym.
Draco Badge: A dragon gym.
Cyclone Badge: A wind gym.
Burning Cold Badge: A fire/ice double battle gym.
Void Badge: A dark gym.
Smiting Badge: A lightning gym.

Miniature Badges

[spoiler=Super Pokemon World]A more recent project. Turning all the sprites in Super Mario World to Pokemon related things. Videos of other sprites also here.

[spoiler=Splicing Tut]SplicingTutorial.png?t=1220980814

Video Splicing Tut

Shorter Video Splicing Tut



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Here are the names I gave them, they aren't very original though:


1. Raislash (Raichu and Sandslash)

2. Togeslash (Sandslash and Togekiss)

3. Magmagius (Mismagius and Magmortar)

4. Magnedoom (Magnezone and Houndoom)

5. Maroterra (Marowhak and Torterra)

6. Mewquaza (Mewtwo and Rayquaza)

7. Pikadoof (Pikachu and Bidoof)

8. Raimaldo (Raichu and Armaldo)

9. Rainite (Raikou and Dragonite)

10. Rotdos (Rotom and Gharados)

11. Rosespinking (Roserade, Spinda, and Slaking)

12. Rhyturn (Rhydon and Lanturn)

13. Blastzard (Blastoise and Charizard)

14. Gallcross (Gallade and Heracross)


If you can't tell, Sandslash and Raichu are my two favorite Pokemon, hence them being used a lot.

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Ok, I've made some new splices. The first three are a combination of the Abra and Spheal family. I did them for a contest, I hope I'm going to win. The next few are just random combinations I came up with. Cloyturn and Skarninja both were a pain to color and make, for whatever reason. I like the results (my fav is the Megadactle). The last one on here is TROGDOR THE BURNiNATOR. I made him comepletely from Pokemon Parts (The most editing I had to do was for the body, but mostly was just the cutting up of Rayquaza).


Well hope you all like them, I'd love comments.




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I now have more. I find it sort of easy to chug these out. Its nice and simple and gives me something to do when nothing else seems appealing. Hope to hear all your comments and stuff. Some of these I don't quite like, but I won't hide them or anything.



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Excellent!! What's with the one with Trogdor?


What do you mean? I did him because I thought it could be done, and I was right. I'm sort of unhappy that I put it with those other splices though, now most people just comment on Trogdor, which is understandable. I should have given him his own post, oh well, next time I make something so hard core, I'll be sure to leave it out of the ordinary.

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Here is the fifth sheet. Upon request I was asked to make a Manbearpig. There are two because I really couldn't decide which I liked better, so I kept both. The others are just normal double splices. Nothing in particular to say. I like pretty much all of them here.



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Well as of right now I will be taking requests and suggestions. Now I'm new to the whole submitting art to the internet. Now from my understanding, a request is when you ask me to do something, I do it, and then I post it and you are allowed to use it as long as you give credit to me. A suggestion is when you give me an idea of something to do, and I post it, but you don't use it. Now if my assumption on these two things is right, than lets move on with things. If my assumptions are wrong, than please let me know.


Now if anyone is wanting to place a request or suggestion. You may PM me, or ask here. I will be asking for requests and suggestions from other people on other sites, so the speed of getting your specific splice might be slowed because of that. Also for requests all I ask is credit and what it is being used for.

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Here are my newest splices. This time round I have thrown in threes, fours, and twos. The four was special; I decided to take a few Pokemon I dislike and hate, and combined them. Sadly it neglects a lot of Pachirisu and Dundparce, but they all wouldn't go together evenly the way I did it. The others were just general ideas I got.




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