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The YCM Ryder Cup

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Been wanting to do this ever since Europe won the Ryder Cup a month ago, but I was already hosting another contest. I've noticed that there have only been a few team based tournaments (which have failed spectacularly) so want to make this a good one. Don't worry, there isn't too much golf related stuff, just the format.


Practise your card-making swing and lead your team to glory...


[spoiler=Starting The Contest]

-First of all, entry to this contest is free. Completely and totally zip all to pay.

-We need 12 'golfers', who will be split into Team Europe and Team America.

-Note these teams are in name only, you don't have to be European to play for Europe, etc.

-Each team will have a captain, who will be in charge of team selection and matchups.



[spoiler=Contest Format]

-There are two rounds: A doubles round (3 matches) and a singles round (6 matches).

-I give out the requirement 'teasers' and the captain selects who is best suited to each one (you may want to alert your captain to your preferences).

-When the team sheets are submitted, I release the full requirements, and you make the cards.

-Best card for each requirement wins 'the hole' (best average in doubles round). Whoever wins the most holes out of 9 wins.

-Margains of victory on each hole mean naff all, and it is possible for a hole to be halved/drawn. In the event of a tie.. we'll figure something out ;)



[spoiler=Judging and Prizes]

-I am judging this one alone.

-What I'd - ideally - like to happen is for requirements to be released Monday, all cards in by Friday, so I can judge whenever I get chance at weekend and post results on the Sunday. And repeat.

-Each member of the winning team will recieve a rep. I may also make little Ryder Cup trophy cards if you really want.




[spoiler=Team Europe]

Captained by Colin 'Skizo' Montgomery

- Hila Nuerfa

- SK.O

- Hundred Suns

- Synergy

- Bluster Soldier



[spoiler=Team America]

Captained by Corey 'FTW' Pavin

- Newfie Shark

- Jad2342

- Just Incredible

- Mr Spaz

- Broken Dreamer






[spoiler=Doubles Round - Results]

Match 1 - Hila Nuerfa/Hundred Suns vs Newfie Shark/Broken Dreamer

ATK requirement - Make a monster with ? ATK and DEF

Team Europe - Star Stallion (18/25) and Fate Twister (9/25) - Both cards suffered from the same problem, overfilling of effects. But Star Stallion was still very interesting and each effect individually was reasonably balanced, just a bit saturated as a collective. Fate Twister has so many congested effects it suffers from gridlock. The summon from hand at start is obviously redundant and many other aspects are unbalanced.

Team America - Toon Mothra (9/25) - Has all the standard Toon text correct, but the other sentences are all differently ordered which is wierd. None of the effects would ever get activated, as the range of monster-types needed to be activated is far too broad and illogical. Unfortunately BD did not submit a card, which didn't help.


Team Europe wins the point.


Match 2 - Synergy/Bluster Soldier vs Just Incredible/Jad2342

Ritual requirement - Make a Ritual Spell that can summon multiple cards

Team Europe - Holy Ritual (18/25) and Honoured Ritual (22/25) - The standard in this contest was superb. Holy Ritual can be used to summon ANY monster which I don't like, although it restricts itself in that Tributes must be LIGHT, and was just a little less unique than the other entries, although still high scoring. Honoured Ritual was my favourite card of the round, it deals with the trouble of getting all the cards in hand, but is balanced out by having to pay over the odds. Would be instantly used by anyone who uses Rituals.

Team America - Radiance of Glory (21/25) and Nocturne of Abyss (22/25) - The teamwork here was obvious and may well have been a decided factor. Both cards really fit in with thier Attribute and they mirror each other. Radiance doubles as excellent protection where Abyss is detrimental to your opponent.


Team America wins the point.


Match 3 - Skizo/SK.0 vs FTW/Mr Spaz

Support requirement - Make a card (M/S/T) that supports 'Lava Golem'

Team Europe - Molten Dragon (10/25) and Molten Magician (15/25) - Molten Dragon is unfortunately broken from the start, as you cannot Special Summon Lava Golem in the same turn you Normal Summon. Also not as useful as it first appears, as getting rid of two monsters is a nice side-bonus of using Lava Golem. Molten Magician's effect is more productive on lower level monsters, and a bit basic.

Team America - Molten Wasteland (18/25) and Lava Burst (16/25) - I can see the combo potential and it is a good effect, but you forgot one crucial thing: summon limit. As it stands you could easily OTK someone with this and Dark Hole/etc, or alternatively lockdown like hell (appropriately given the pic). I can also see where Lava Burst is coming from as it's well designed and useful, but probably not that unique and I don't think the picture fits it.


Team America wins the point.




[spoiler=Singles Round - Results]

Match 1 - Synergy vs Newfie Shark

Equip Requirement - Make an Equip Card for 1 specific monster.

Team Europe - Phoenix Blade (19/25) Balanced and useful enough.

Team America - Spell of B.Dragon (19/25) Really good card but awful pic.


Point halved.


Match 2 - Hila Nuerfa vs Just Incredible

One Turn Req - Make a monster that stays on the field for only one turn. Must NOT be a Spirit.

Team Europe - Paridas Warrior of Justice (15/25) Card doesn't flow very well with a collection of seemingly random effects.

Team America - Flying Blast Shogun (20/25) Great concept and pretty flawless OCG, last effect maybe a touch too much.


Team America wins the point.


Match 3 - Bluster Soldier vs For The Wynn

Manga Req - Make a character card representing any recurring character from any YGO anime series.


Team America wins the point by default.FTW card scored 21/25, as it fitted the characer to a tee, the fact it could never be played IRL is fairly irrelevant.


Match 4 - Hundred Suns vs Jad2342

Luck Req - Make a card (M/S/T) that involves either 2+ dice OR 2+ coins (NOT both).

Team Europe - Balance (11/25) Unlikely to ever pull anything off.

Team America - Luck of Neos (18/25) Does what it needs to, well balanced for luck card.


Team America wins the point.


Match 5 - SK.O vs Mr Spaz

Odd Req - Make a card that does something unusual....


Team America wins the point by default.Spaz scored 15/25, it's ok but as you entered a similar card in another contest I held, you lost a lot of points for originality.


Match 6 - Skizo vs Broken Dreamer

Banned Req - Re-make a card that is currently forbidden so that it would be playable.


Team Europe wins the point by default. Skizo scored 19/25 for making the card balanced enough to get unbanned (just) but still worth playing. Would still probably be limited.




Final result is America win by 6.5 to 2.5 reps to be administered shortly. Thank you to all who competed.


Matt Bahamut

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i think that nobody should be called racist in this contest just for joining a certaint team


I shouldn't think that would be an issue, if it is it will be dealt with... severly...


Skizo, jad and SK.O are in. Got your PM Skizo, will pencil you in as captain for now until I recieve your confirmation either way.


Just Incredible has also joined Team America by PM.

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Spaz and Hundred Suns accepted (btw I've put you on Team Europe as they are currently fewer numbers and I'd like the teams to be balanced in terms of YCM experience).


Speaking of experience, it's a very fresh looking field at the minute. Any old stagers fancy a go?


Currently three spaces left.

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Still only 3 places left, so bump as we're busy right now.


Anyway more than a bump: these are the 12 possible requirement 'teasers' that will make up the holes.


They are 1 turn, ATK, Banned, Equip, Hand, Luck, Manga, Odd, Pop, Ritual, Support and Ultimate requirements.


The idea is that different requires will require different skills, but there is plenty left to interpretation. So you may want to PM your captain any preferences you have or what you think your best skills are. Just a suggestion :) Like I said, this is a team tournament.


Speaking of, once we start, there will be no replacements if people suddenly decide they can't be bothered to make cards/don't like the requirements. Not turning up will automatically lose your team up to two holes, which I can't imagine your mates would take too kindly to. So if you're commitment to this is in any question, you may want to consider dropping out now.

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Team Europe already have a 1 star member though (100 Suns), so tbh I'm more inclined to put him on your team if we're going to talk balance. I know post count is no indication of card-making ability, but it's a relevant (and simple) gauge of experience.


I want to know where all the contest regulars are, there's a lot of people I would have put the proverbial house on entering this, especially as it's free.

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Well, if we put Synergy on your side (atm I'm tempted just to wait until the other applicants book their place and see what he's left with, or he comes back and tells us) that means I'd be actively recruiting for team Europe, so me going after those two wouldn't be fair IMO.


Anyway, I thought recruitment was you and Skizo's job :lol: don't worry, I'm having to stay immpartial as possible in this and only be that active in judging and overseeing the thread is maintained. I'm not taking sides (come on Europe! :lol: )


They were two I was thinking about when I said that, amongst others. You're welcome to PM them, or recommend them to Skizo if you're feeling generous.

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As it is, Skizo's at a disadvantage already though...however, if you were to put them both on his team, I'd be at a disadvantage...hmm, I wonder how this is going to turn out.


I hope you meant less experienced members by that. Otherwise, I take that personally.


I'm trying to advertise, but trying to refrain from asking directly. Not as many people look at the status bar as you might think.

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