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FrogNinga's PKMN Sprite Shop


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Welcome to FrogNinga's PKMN Sprite Shop. If you can't tell what PKMN means it means PoKeMoN.
We do pokemon sprites of any kind dosn't matter if it's from the HG/SS sprites or R/B sprites.
Pokemon 1(The body):
Pokemon 2:
Pokemon 3:
Any other amount of Pokemon:
Color Pokemon(The Pokemon used for most of the color)(Any amount aloud of Pokemon):
Name for ImageShack:


2 Pokemon = 5 Points

2 Pokemon + Color Pokemon = 7 points

3 Pokemon = 10 Points

3 Pokemon + Color Pokemon = 12 points

More than 3 Pokemon = 15 Points

More than 5 Pokemon = 25 Points

More than 3 + Color Pokemon = 17 Points

More than 5 + Color Pokemon = 27 Points
Have fun

UPDATE: [b]First 3 people to order gets every order free forever. If someone orders more than 10 times they get the rest of there orders free forever.[/b]
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