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Potentially IRL GraveKeepers

Boss Z

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My GK's

[center]Apparently the Gravekeeper's Archtype is a rather Straight Forward Deck type to run... Thats a good thing for me... but I've read that GKs NEED Pot of Duality to be successful... I'm trying to change that... as my philosophy is that every Deck has at least 1 potential alternative...

I just want to get a sense of what people think Before I place my order:

Monsters - 14
3x GK Spy
3x GK Recruiter
3x GK Desendant
3x GK Commandent
1x GK Assailant
1x Morphing Jar

Spells - 14
3x Gravekeeper's Stele
2x Royal Tribute
2x GK Valley
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Card Destruction
1x Allure of Darkness
1x Dark Hole
1x Book of Moon

Traps - 12
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Evacuation Compulsory Device
2x Dimensional Prison
2x Rite of Spirit
1x Royal Oppression
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Solemn Judgement

Extra - 10*
1x Cyber Fortress Dragon
3x No. 39 Apsiring Emperor Hope
1x Guenersauras
2x Steelswarm Roach
2x Mainspring Armored Zenmeister
1x Vylon Disigma

The Extra Deck will be expanded as more worthy Exceeds are added to the game...
*Should I run Malfeic Cyber Dragon? I have the Fusion and the Card... and I know the Malfeics are occasionally run with Gravekeepers...

Also... my draw power comes with Card Destruction and Morphing Jar (Which is funny when people think it is Spy)... but although they help the opponent draw I don't use them unless I can then Activate a Tribute soon After... 3 Stele are to compensate for the Draw Stradegy I use... and to allow Recovery from Exceed Summoning...

If you suggest any major Changes... make sure they are cheap... I don't have a pot of Gold (or Duality) to my name... so I am playing with less expensive cards...

[spoiler=Testing for the Future]
My Friend let me Proxy in 3x Wonder Wand into my GK Deck... and He regreted that choice

My opening hand:
Spy, Wonderwand, Rite of Spirit, Allure of Darkness, Commandant, hand Destruction
1. Set spy, rite of spirit and hand destruction
2. Commandant -> Valley -> Play it
3. End Turn
*opponents turn*
4. Draw spy
5. Allure of darkness with spy
6. Draw Wonder Wand, DPrison
*Current hand: 2x WonderWand, DPrison, Hand Destruction
7. Flip Spy, SS Recruiter
8. Equip recruiter w/ WW and sac
9. Draw Bottomless & Morphing Jar, Search Assassin
*hand: WW, DPrison, Hand Destruction, Morping, Bottomless, Asassin...
10. Rite of Spirit for recruiter, and equip with WW, and sac and Draw Royal Tribute and Desendant, search for last Spy
11. hand Destruction, discard Desendant and Spy -> draw Stele and Mirrorforce
*hand: DPrison, Morphing, Bottomless, Assasin, Stele, RT, MF
12. Activate RT
13. Activate Stele, get back Spy and Assasin
*hand: DPrison, Bottomless, Assasin, Spy, MF

It was SUCH a nice combination of cards... Didn't get to keep my Morphing Jar, but it didn't matter... I won the duel...[/spoiler]
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