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Dark Worlders

Boss Z

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[center][color="#8B0000"][color="#FF8C00"]Monsters - 21[/color]
3x Snow, Mage of Dark World
3x Broww, Hunter of Dark World
3x Cerli, Monk of Dark World
2x Grapha, Dragon God of Dark World
2x Goldd, Wu-Lord of Dark World
2x Silva, Warlord of Dark World
2x Tour Guide from the Underworld
2x Junk Synchron
1x Morphing Jar
1x Glow-up Bulb

[color="#00FF00"]Spells - 14[/color]
3x Gate of the Dark World
3x Dark World Dealings
2x Dark World Lightning
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
1x Card Destruction
1x Allure of Darkness

[color="#800080"]Traps - 6[/color]
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Solemn Judgement
1x Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Return from the Different Dimension

[color="#000000"]Extra - 15[/color]
2x Armory Arm
2x Colossal Warrior
1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1x Dark End Dragon
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1x Mist Wurm
2x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
2x Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon
1x Number 17: Leviath Dragon

[b][size="5"]41 Cards[/size][/b]
An Attempt at a Dark World Deck...
I've yet to use any, and while DN doesn't have Xyz Monsters yet, I plan to test this without them...[/color][/center]
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Okay... So how do I get Terra to 3??
And I always use Bottomless, as I can actually afford it and all my Decks are made for me to make them one day IRL

[quote name='∞ Wisel ∞' timestamp='1308246266' post='5287807']
Why 2 armorys and 2 colossals?
Colossal OTK, plus, Armory is easy to get with Junk and Cerli...

[quote name='Fizzy™' timestamp='1308247050' post='5287834']
-2 Junk Synchron
-1 Glow-Up Bulb
-1 RftDD
-2 BTH
-2 MST (side them since you have lightning and grapha)

+1 Grapha
+1 Sangan
+1 Raven and take it out for +1 Tour Guide when you use xyzs.
+1 Terraforming
+2 Warning
+2 DDV
So many changes that it wouldn't even be my deck, but The Viruses are something I wasn't sure how to fit in, so I didn't, Lol
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[quote name='Fizzy™' timestamp='1308247571' post='5287847']
Colossal OTK doesn't work anymore. j/s

2 Colossal Fighters are needed
he runs 2 Colossals

I never see why this Deck runs Junk Synchrons when you could run Ravens. But meh...
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[quote name='Vough' timestamp='1308247791' post='5287853']
2 Colossal Fighters are needed
he runs 2 Colossals

I never see why this Deck runs Junk Synchrons when you could run Ravens. But meh...
Junk + Cerli + Goldd/Silva = Trishula / Mist Wurm

But its not the best

And Colossal OTk requires a Synchro Summoned Colossal Warrior in the Grave and then One on the field and 1 Armory Arm... its not really a legit [i]OTK[/i] anymore
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[quote name='∞ Skiel ∞' timestamp='1308248499' post='5287884']
Junk + Cerli + Goldd/Silva = Trishula / Mist Wurm

But its not the best

And Colossal OTk requires a Synchro Summoned Colossal Warrior in the Grave and then One on the field and 1 Armory Arm... its not really a legit [i]OTK[/i] anymore

ITT: Colossal effect is not optional so you can just have 2 on the field and perform OTK
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[quote name='The suppression PLUTO' timestamp='1308249368' post='5287941']
Meaning that you don't need to have 1 colossal in grave to perform the OTK 2 on the field also does the job...(You let the first die and then start looping between the one that's still alive and the one in your [i][b]graveyard[/b][/i] )
Okay... Umm...
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[quote name='The suppression PLUTO' timestamp='1308250574' post='5288005']
The one in your Graveyard was the first one that attacked...died and is in your Graveyard...>_<

It is not that hard to understand---->_<
But it still has to go to the Graveyard... though you are right I guess...
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