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[X-Mas Event] The Grand Writing Challenge (done, thanks everyone!)


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[center] [img]http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb266/mulane/christmas/small_red-ornament_on_tree_T-1.png[/img] [u][b][color=#008000][size=5]The Grand Writing Challenge[/size][/color][/b][/u][img]http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb266/mulane/christmas/small_red-ornament_on_tree_T-1.png[/img][/center]
[center] (I'm changing the name on a daily basis, but it always sounds stupid or off so yeah...)[/center]

[spoiler=[b]How it's going to work[/b]][/center]
[center] The goal is to work on a small written piece (not much, 15-30 lines).[/center]
[center] It should be at least [i]kind of[/i] related to the winter season or to Christmas,[/center]
[center]but the thing is, you won't need to come up with a whole story.[/center]

[center] The whole event is divided into 3 parts: [/center][list=1]

[*]main parts

[center] For every part, the submissions are going to be switched around per randomizer and you're going to be assigned with what someone else wrote.[/center]
[center] So basically, you're going to continue someone else's intro and someone else is going to continue yours. ;)[/center]

[center] That means, be creative, make it funny/sad/epic, there aren't many limits. :D[/center]
[center] You may want to include unicorns and Yugimonz and criminals into your story to make it extra hard for the next person, but be aware that it can also get back to you.;3[/center]

Should be obvious, but [b]no mature content[/b].

Yeah... That and all YCM rules apply.

Story parts will be rated on [color=#ff8c00]conten[/color][color=#ff8c00]t[/color][color=#FF8C00] and originality[/color].
Proper grammar is expected, but you're not going to get points off for small mistakes and such.

[spoiler=[b]Participants[/b] (10)]
PikaPerson01 [submitted]
Mr. Striker [submitted]
[s]~King Crouton~[/s]
~Rarity~ [submitted]
Twig [submitted]
Verz Bahamut [submitted]
Christian Exodia [submitted]
TwinSeed [submitted]
Atman Seijo [submitted]
Tentacruel [submitted]
Twilight Sparkle [submitted]

[spoiler=[color=#008000][size=5][b]1st phase: Intros[/b][/size][/color]]
Post here if you want to take part.

All intros should have [b]about 5-10 lines on the YCM forum[/b] (can get off the limits, but just make sure you don't write the whole thing already ;)).

Deadline is [b]Wednesday, the 14th[/b].
(Oh and PM them to me please, don't post them here.)[/spoiler]

[size=5][size=4][color=#000000][spoiler=[/color][/size][color=#FF0000]2nd phase: Main parts[/color][/size]]
Right, now that everyone got the intros in, the 2nd part will be about the main parts.
That means, [b]make things happen[/b], you can also make it a bit longer if you like.
But keep in mind that it's not the end phase yet, so don't let everyone die or the happy couple get children and live happily forever.

You have time until [b]Monday, the 19th[/b].

Good luck everyone!;3

[spoiler=PikaPerson01]Kevin put his knitting needles and unfinished scarf on the bed next to him. He was almost done with his project, he only needed another day. He looked at the diagonal stripe pattern he had made, part red and part purple. His favorite colors. He couldn’t wait to get it done, it was already a week into December and it was getting pretty cold, even for Texas. He leaned back to relax, noticing that his clock read 5:15 pm. “Only 15 minutes huh?” he thought, sighing. He didn't want to leave, but he had to. He promised to help Jasmine with her knitting project the other day so she was expecting him. He got up and out of his bed and walked out of his apartment, putting on his shoes at the door. He didn’t want to be late and piss her off. He sighed again as he got on his bike and road off.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Mr. Striker]Life at the top was meaningless. A salary climb, yes. But of anything good; love, he lost his wife. No children. Any true money gain; the money goes to retirement funds, and to his wife. He was broke at the top. How quaint. "It's Christmas Eve, boss. You have any plans?" One of his lower employees piped up. He had not promoted anyone since the mrs. left. "No. How could I afford anything in the place I am in? The one child we had died. Remorse in the family. All of it came from bad luck. Deaths, failures in business. They all died sad. In the Scrooge family, nobody since old Ebenezer died happy. Before, grumpy. He went merry. All since, sorrow took them all." He walked past, while the worker looked down. Back to the man. He was Thirty-seven, the hair receding. He passes an orphanage where a nine year old sits in a corner, neglected. Men are talking about him. "It's been three years. The boy hasn't found a family. To the next orphanage if some family doesn't find him as a last minute present. Should we do anything different?" The orphanage was almost empty, the others Christmas presents for families. He looks in, sighs...

As he arrives home, he notices a peculiar eye in the door. Similar to a picture he had seen before. When he opened, it was gone! He looked around. "Nicholas..." The voice moaned. He turned, shivering. The sky suddenly went black. The moon shot up, he was in his bedclothes. "W-who are you?" He smiled and shot into his face, bouncing. "Why, i'm Ebenezer! The last one who changed his ways!" He smiled, looking into the eyes of Nicholas. "Sadly, my nephew, Fred, went into remorse shortly before he died. You are in remorse right now. Tonight, and tonight only, you will be visited by three spirits. I'm gonna keep it a surprise on what they are." The man said, chain-free. "Listen to the first's naivety. The second's wisdom, and the third's power. Surely they will show you the light. They did with me." He clapped, and disappeared. "Weird. Should I heed his words?" He shook his head, and since it was late, went down to bed.

He awoke with a weird, almost paranormal essence. A little boy, the little boy at the orphange, almost. "Hello. I am the little ghost. The ghost of Christmas past. Your tenderness and love." He gave a warm and tender smile. "You are definitely familiar." He noted peculiar features. "I'm not the one you seek. Rather the one you would have. If he had had a stable life." The man had a bulb flicker above, in his head. The child. Harriet! "Your past. What could have happened?" The ghost entered him, and a flood of memories escaped.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=~Rarity~][color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]Twind looked out the window of his little office. It was the same sight as always, a flat blanket of snow under a dark starry sky. He went back to making toys. He couldn’t let himself get caught again by his elf macdaddy, Tingo. Last time it happened, he was forced to make toys outside in the piercing snow. Twind looked at his progress and saw that he’d only been able to make two wind-up rats, one jack-in-a-box, and three yo-yos. He had to work faster, but he kept getting distracted. He was anxious to find out if his brother had survived. He glanced at the window again but quickly retracted himself. [/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]“I can’t slow myself,” he told himself, “at this rate, they’ll never let me fight.”[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]A sound of a trumpet filled the office, and Twind immediately stood up. He ran out to the hallway to find a stream of elves heading towards the main hall. In the sea of green hats, he spotted a red one. Quickly, he reached in and pulled the little small elf. [/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]“Hey! What are you doing?!” the little elf cried. [/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]“No Lue!” Twind shoted, “what are [i]you [/i]doing? You know you’re too young to go to these meetings.”[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]“But I want to know what happened to Leo,” Lue whimpered. “He’s my brother too you know!”[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]“I’ll tell you everything after, okay?”[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]“You promise?” Lue asked.[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]“Yes, now go. I’m already late.”[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]Lue nodded and headed back while Twind jogged to the main hall. [/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]Twind pushed the doors and entered a large room filled with elves. He was one of the last elves to enter. The head elf, Ruwena, was already giving the news. [/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]“Though we have only few casualties, the penguins are advancing.” [/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]Murmurs and whispers immediately dispersed among the crowd.[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]“Their alliance with the polar bears has been greatly troubling,” Rowena continued. “At this rate, we’ve decided to add more troops.”[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]This was exciting news for the battle hungry elves, including Twind. Maybe he can finally fight a long side with his brother. [/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]“...but this also means that we’ll have to delay Christmas,” Ruwena said.[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]The room exploded with yellling elves. “You can’t do that! That would be impossible! Might as well skip it for the year!” Those were the shouts of room. Ruwena just stood there with a depressed face. [/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]“Settle down!” Ruwena bellowed, trying to fight the cries. “We are in truly dark times, but if we are to get out of this, we must make sacrifices.”[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]The whole room went from chaos to quiet sorrow. They knew that they'd need more troops to fight off those penguins, but delaying Christmas was unheard of. The last time the North Pole had trouble, they still managed to get Santa on the sleigh at Christmas, despite being unable to give out all the presents. But Christmas has always been on December 25th, and no elf had ever dreamed let alone thought about having to change it. One thing was clear though. They can't lose to the penguins, or it will be all over.[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]“It is now time to read the list of casualties as well as the new elves to join the troops."[/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]

[spoiler=Twig]A YuGiOh Christmas Carol - Part 1

One grey, dreary Christmas Eve in Neo Domino City, one unlike previous winters due to the effects of Ener-D Warming, and a soft glow emanates from a small mechanics shop in the suburbs. A man in tatty overalls is working on an old duel runner, whilst in the office overlooking the workshop a tall man with the most incredible white coat is sat in the warmth, counting stacks and stacks of coins, because the no-one in this winter’s tale seems to have heard of paying by card. There is a knock on the office door, making the man lose count as his mechanic walks in.

“I’m going to clock off now Jack. I promised the family I’d be back early to decorate for tomorrow.”

Jack shot the mechanic a dirty look. “You’re decorating your house for Christmas Crachett? Ha, I knew family life would make you go soft, but remember I expect you back here for nine o’clock tomorrow?”

“You gotta be kidding Jack!?” exclaimed Yusei Crachett. “Tomorrow’s Christmas Day, I should spend it with my adopted kids, even though they can be quite annoying, and my unbelievably hot wife.”

“Oh yeah, well I raise your family by a medium sized harem, so there. Nine o’clock tomorrow, or I’ll be forced to give you another schooling out on the track with my powerrrrrr!”


That night, Jack Scrooge was sleeping soundly in the grand four poster bed that symbolized his entire mansion in the Tops district, when an eerie chill started to build seemingly from nowhere. The curtains fluttered despite the windows being closed, the lights flickered, as a ghostly figure appeared at the bedside. “Scroooge.... Scrooooooooge!”


Frustrated that he wasn’t getting through to the sleeping king, the ghost picked up the expensive looking duel disk on the bedside table (yeah, a ghost picked up a solid object, this plot sucks) and beat Scrooge around the head yelling “Wake the f*** up Jack you lazy bum!” until he sat up rubbing his head, and looked at the ghost in shock, the same look a supposed duelling king made at the play of every trap card.

“Crow Marley!”


[spoiler=Verz Bahamut][b]The Plan[/b]

It was a chilly night in the city of Portsville. A young boy sat next to a trash can in an alleyway, hugging his knees. His pale blue eyes reflected the christmas lights all around the town. He brushed his blond hair away from his forehead, and shivered a bit, despite having a scarf around his neck, and a somewhat ragged jacket. Just then, a petite girl with almond-shaped brown eyes and flowing black hair approached him, and kneeled down next to him.

"Ryan, it's almost time," she said, smiling.

The boy looked up, raising an eyebrow. "Already? Has it even started yet?"

"It sure has. Let's go see, we might as well have some fun while we're at it, right?"

The girl grabbed the boy's hand, and dragged him to the town's yearly Christmas festival.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Christian Exodia]It was Christmas Eve during the year 1999.The usual candlelight service finished in haste as families hustled to their cars in time for Santa’s arrival. A particular family, the Jeffersons, entered their car with extreme fright. They had just seen the creature of the Northwest. It is not an animal in the customary term; it is quite human indeed. However, it possesses a dying hatred for Christmas unannounced to most. It would stalk the city, terrorizing unsuspecting families as they minded their own affairs concerning Christmas. Now, the Jeffersons were victims of it the year before. They called the police, but they were unable to capture the creature responsible.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Twin Seed]As the snow fell quietly around us, drifting endlessly from the night sky, I could only think of one thing, the horrible looming predicament that had been haunting me for the last few days. Our current position was indeed circumstantial, sprawled out on the cold hard ground trying to breathe as silently as possible, squinting through the unrelenting weather to see the captain's signal when the time came. Our perilous mission was ever so clear in my mind, the vibrant details of our conquest rattling every bone in my body. When the signal was given, we were to charge. No hesitation, no fear, no mistakes. The blood of our enemies would be on our hands, never leaving our tired souls alone.

I shook the remorse from my mind focusing now on our goal, the factory just over the hill. With my mind in reality once again, the cold sunk it's icy claws into my skin. In subzero temperatures, one finds it hard to keep vigilant, but to compromise one's decisiveness in battle is to sacrifice one's honor, a fate worse than death ten times over. The factory was so close, smoke rising from it like a snake, coiling sinisterly upward toward the sky, taunting us. The time was drawing ever closer, the anxiousness heavy upon the air.

And then the signal came. We vaulted ourselves over the hill and down the other side, sprinting downward toward the enemy defenses and our goal. We reached the perimeter as I brought my axe crashing through the head of a guard, his small body falling limp in the snow. My Nordic brothers around me continued the charge, and I followed with no hesitation. The lights from the factory were upon us, a few warriors being silenced by the cannons. I dove behind a snow bank and waited for an opening. The grim realization of our task finally clawed through my subconscious and presented itself to me. We could not ignore what we had to do.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Atman Seijo]"You think that you can just shut me out like that!?" Grabbing the clipboard from a narrow table, Lucy stormed out of the basement, furious with Nick's sudden mood change. Mumbling and exasperated, she opened the front door and stepped onto their large, brown, dead wheat field.

Meanwhile, Nick sat in the basement, shifting uncomfortably on the hard rocks beneath him. "Why does she blow up like that?" He pondered this question now, just as he had done many times before. To him, it was a known fact that Lucy had a short fuse, he just didn't know what set her off. "She'll cool down soon," he reassured himself, "always returning to the comfort of her big brother."

Four years ago, when Nick had turned 14, his little sister only 9, their parents left them with their uncle Ben. Only a month later was Ben hung for practicing witch craft. Since then, Nick had taken full responsibility over the farm and the lives of himself and Lucy. Now, four years have gone by, but Nick and his sister still have heard no word from their parents. Were they simply abandoned, or is there a more sinister work behind the scenes?

Another Christmas has arrived, another day of going through the motions and decorating the traditional fern. Another day of silence. Lucy appeared more distant than ever, cold even. Nick walked around listlessly, tapping on the walls and humming, as he'd done all day. No snow. No presents. No joy. No family. Just as the past four years, the house was only filled with the two sullen children.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Tentacruel]A loud slamming of a door. A quick and panicked yelp. Then, a loud noise.

"Daddy! Daddy!" The young girl was in her pajamas, a cotton ball in her mouth muffled her voice, but it was still quite obvious she was calling to her father. He looked up from his newspaper, a tad confused as he watched his 8 year old approach. She had both her hands cupped, holding down to something like had just caught a butterfly.

"What is it pumpkin?" he asked, stooping down to pick see the girl. Only when he noticed the cotton in her mouth and the small spittle of blood on her shirt did he figure it out.

"I did it! I finally lost my last baby tooth!" She uncapped her top hand, presenting the pearly white enamel to her father. Her father looked at it before speaking.

"How exciting. You're gonna get two visits tonight. One from Santa, and one from the Tooth Fairy." He gave a quick yawn. "But it's almost midnight. If you don't go to sleep soon, you may not get a visit from either.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Twilight Sparkle]A long time ago, there was a village who lived on top of the world. Not in the sense that the village was wealthy, but that the village sat on the north pole; it was literally on top of the world. As such, the village got to see the most astonishing light show on Earth. The people below called it aurora, or the Northern Lights. Whatever it's called, my mom always said that God put on the lights for the good children of the world. Every year, on Christmas morning, the light show was always at it's brightest and most colorful. My mom said it's a special Christmas gift just for me, since I always was a good girl. I would have believed her, too. But one year, the lights didn't show...[/spoiler]

[color=#006400][b][size=5]3rd phase: Endings[/size][/b][/color]

[spoiler=Intro (written by someone else][b]The Plan[/b]

It was a chilly night in the city of Portsville. A young boy sat next to a trash can in an alleyway, hugging his knees. His pale blue eyes reflected the christmas lights all around the town. He brushed his blond hair away from his forehead, and shivered a bit, despite having a scarf around his neck, and a somewhat ragged jacket. Just then, a petite girl with almond-shaped brown eyes and flowing black hair approached him, and kneeled down next to him.

"Ryan, it's almost time," she said, smiling.

The boy looked up, raising an eyebrow. "Already? Has it even started yet?"

"It sure has. Let's go see, we might as well have some fun while we're at it, right?"

The girl grabbed the boy's hand, and dragged him to the town's yearly Christmas festival.[/spoiler]

Hurrying through the city streets packed with happy families and groups of friends, almost pulling Ryan’s arm off in her excitement, the girl stared around wide-eyed in wonder at the stalls and rides that made up the Portsville Christmas festival. Ryan looked at the same things with none of the joy of the others, instead with an empty sadness.

“Ryan, those teddy bears are so cute.” The girl was pointing at the hook-a-duck stall and positively bouncing on the spot at the prospect of the enormous cuddly bear offered as the top prize. “Can you win me one? Please?”

With some reluctance, Ryan attempted the attraction and with little effort, won the toy. This made her extremely happy, twirling around and hugging the giant toy.

“Thank you Ryan. Hey, let’s go on the Ferris Wheel next.” Without a chance to get a word in reply, Ryan found himself pulled through the crowds in the direction of the big wheel. Paying for their carriage, the girl pulled him into the small seat next to her, sitting so close to one another thanks to the room taken by the bear, and then they were up into the cool winter night. As they approached the top they could see most of the city. The girl turned towards Ryan, who was sat silently looking down at the streets with an empty hopelessness, numb to her hand touching his.

[spoiler=Intro (written by someone else)]
[spoiler=Intro (written by someone else)][color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]Twind looked out the window of his little office. It was the same sight as always, a flat blanket of snow under a dark starry sky. He went back to making toys. He couldn’t let himself get caught again by his elf macdaddy, Tingo. Last time it happened, he was forced to make toys outside in the piercing snow. Twind looked at his progress and saw that he’d only been able to make two wind-up rats, one jack-in-a-box, and three yo-yos. He had to work faster, but he kept getting distracted. He was anxious to find out if his brother had survived. He glanced at the window again but quickly retracted himself. [/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]“I can’t slow myself,” he told himself, “at this rate, they’ll never let me fight.”[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]A sound of a trumpet filled the office, and Twind immediately stood up. He ran out to the hallway to find a stream of elves heading towards the main hall. In the sea of green hats, he spotted a red one. Quickly, he reached in and pulled the little small elf. [/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]“Hey! What are you doing?!” the little elf cried. [/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]“No Lue!” Twind shoted, “what are [i]you [/i]doing? You know you’re too young to go to these meetings.”[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]“But I want to know what happened to Leo,” Lue whimpered. “He’s my brother too you know!”[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]“I’ll tell you everything after, okay?”[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]“You promise?” Lue asked.[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]“Yes, now go. I’m already late.”[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]Lue nodded and headed back while Twind jogged to the main hall. [/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]Twind pushed the doors and entered a large room filled with elves. He was one of the last elves to enter. The head elf, Ruwena, was already giving the news. [/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]“Though we have only few casualties, the penguins are advancing.” [/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]Murmurs and whispers immediately dispersed among the crowd.[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]“Their alliance with the polar bears has been greatly troubling,” Rowena continued. “At this rate, we’ve decided to add more troops.”[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]This was exciting news for the battle hungry elves, including Twind. Maybe he can finally fight a long side with his brother. [/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]“...but this also means that we’ll have to delay Christmas,” Ruwena said.[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]The room exploded with yellling elves. “You can’t do that! That would be impossible! Might as well skip it for the year!” Those were the shouts of room. Ruwena just stood there with a depressed face. [/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]“Settle down!” Ruwena bellowed, trying to fight the cries. “We are in truly dark times, but if we are to get out of this, we must make sacrifices.”[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]The whole room went from chaos to quiet sorrow. They knew that they'd need more troops to fight off those penguins, but delaying Christmas was unheard of. The last time the North Pole had trouble, they still managed to get Santa on the sleigh at Christmas, despite being unable to give out all the presents. But Christmas has always been on December 25th, and no elf had ever dreamed let alone thought about having to change it. One thing was clear though. They can't lose to the penguins, or it will be all over.[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=Arial][size=4]“It is now time to read the list of casualties as well as the new elves to join the troops."[/spoiler][/size][/font][/color]

Twind bit his lip, anxiously hearing the names being called from the list. His mind was only on the lookout for those three letters in conjuction. Leo. He couldn’t make out anything else that was said. He awaited his body tense, his breathing shallow, and a few beads of sweat rolling down his forehead.

“Leonardo Aisenwald,” Ruwena said.

Twind blinked. He knew it was a possibility. He was almost expecting to hear the name, though he dreaded it. But hearing it now made it seem like this was all just a dream. That he would wake up in a minute, and still be staring down those few toys he had made, with Leo beside him, working twice as fast as any elf with little effort, and with Christmas just around the corner. It would be a jolly time. But this wasn’t a dream. This was reality.

Without even waiting to hear the end of the meeting, Twind rushed out of the room. Some of the elves turned their heads, but soon came the list of new elves, and their attention was drawn back to the meeting.

Twind passed Lue on the hallway, who turned around as Twind sped by.

“Hey,” Lue called. “What happened to-”

Before he could continue, Twind had ran out of sight.

After a few minutes of running, Twind finally reached his house. He opened the door, slammed it shut, and ran to his room.

He punched his pillow. “Curses…why…why does it have to be happening now? Christmas is supposed to be the happiest time of the year…but I don’t see any happiness here…”

He clenched his teeth, tears beginning to well up in his eyes.

A small rock his the window, but he ignored it. Then another. He simply let the sound be lost in the sea of his thoughts. Suddenly, a mildly large rock went crashing through the window, causing Twind to almost fall off of his bed.

He sat up on the bed, shaking. “W-what in the world?”

“Hey, loser, open the door already!”

Twind blinked. “That voice…”

He looked out of the broken window, and saw a tall elf with blond hair outside his house.

“L-Leo!” he rushed downstairs, and opened the door, panting. “B-but you…you were…and then…and I…”

“Alright, alright, calm down. I’ll explain everything.”

“A-and who are THEY?” Twind asked, gesturing to the dozens of elves near Leo.

They wore different clothes from any elf Twind had ever seen, and he knew most elves from these parts, but he recognized none of these faces.

“Oh, these? These are some friends I made on my journey.”


“Well, I got caught by the seals and taken to their base. So when I escaped…I met these guys. And I brought them with me because I know EXACTLY how drastic the situation is. We probably won’t have enough elves to finish up all the toys, at this rate. And so me and my buddies are here to save Christmas,” Leo said with a grin.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Verz Bahamut]
[spoiler=Intro (written by someone else)]A loud slamming of a door. A quick and panicked yelp. Then, a loud noise.

"Daddy! Daddy!" The young girl was in her pajamas, a cotton ball in her mouth muffled her voice, but it was still quite obvious she was calling to her father. He looked up from his newspaper, a tad confused as he watched his 8 year old approach. She had both her hands cupped, holding down to something like had just caught a butterfly.

"What is it pumpkin?" he asked, stooping down to pick see the girl. Only when he noticed the cotton in her mouth and the small spittle of blood on her shirt did he figure it out.

"I did it! I finally lost my last baby tooth!" She uncapped her top hand, presenting the pearly white enamel to her father. Her father looked at it before speaking.

"How exciting. You're gonna get two visits tonight. One from Santa, and one from the Tooth Fairy." He gave a quick yawn. "But it's almost midnight. If you don't go to sleep soon, you may not get a visit from either.[/spoiler]

"Fine..." the girl groaned as she skipped quickly off to bed, not wanting to drift into slumber but wishing desperately for her ethereal visitors to arrive. "But Dad, are you sure..." she started looking around the corner of the hall one last time.

"Yes dear," her father reassured her, looking up from his paper again with a gentle stare. "Now please, it's late and you'll need your rest. It's Christmas tomorrow!"

The small child nodded, eyes gleaming and this time permanently retired to her bedroom, stepping quietly to her bed. She pulled the covers over herself and slammed her head against the pillow wanting to fall asleep instantly, but to no avail, the ever growing anticipation of the coming festivities still livid in her brain. As her repeated bursts of energy finally took their toll, and the fatigue finally started to set in, she took one last desperate look at the clock wishing for the time to pass more quickly.

As the long tendrils of sleep firmly took their grip, she felt her consciousness drifting from her protective home into someplace else...

The child opened her eyes. There was a chilling feeling. A soft touch. The image of her surroundings began to come into focus. Standing over her bed were the two beings she had waited to meet, the Tooth Fairy and Santa Clause! "You're here!" the girl exclaimed. But instead of them replying, the unexpected happened. Their figures twisted together in a mess of darkness, long tendrils shooting in all directions, the red coat in and pink dress being replaced by a black suit. She screamed but no sound came. Before the horror took her, a whisper rang in her ear.

"Don't look out the window."

[spoiler=Christian Exodia]
[spoiler=Intro (written by someone else)]It was Christmas Eve during the year 1999.The usual candlelight service finished in haste as families hustled to their cars in time for Santa’s arrival. A particular family, the Jeffersons, entered their car with extreme fright. They had just seen the creature of the Northwest. It is not an animal in the customary term; it is quite human indeed. However, it possesses a dying hatred for Christmas unannounced to most. It would stalk the city, terrorizing unsuspecting families as they minded their own affairs concerning Christmas. Now, the Jeffersons were victims of it the year before. They called the police, but they were unable to capture the creature responsible.[/spoiler]

The Jeffersons went back towards their merriment, placing the round, sparkling orbs onto the holly, tinsel, and fir with care. The kids made cookies for Santa, by hand, as well. Mrs. Jefferson, Alexandria, went to the airport to pick up relatives. Sadly, it would be awhile before she could get home to play Santa, eating the cookies and drinking the milk. The kids were snug in their beds, sleeping in anticipation.

At about Midnight, she wasn't home. But still, a jolly laughter filled the home. The kids eyes locked shut when they wanted to burst with joy. Someone went through the chimney. Mr. Jefferson eyes bulged. And the creature burst through the fireplace like a hellhound, mauling Mr. Jefferson, and burst upstairs. The kids screamed as they were taken, shoved into a giant sack (with care, of course), with two others he didn't drop off. He made sure that Mr. Jefferson was incapacitated until he was done.

The morning came, when Mrs. Jefferson finally came home. The house was a mess. Walls and Windows were broken, the tree was overturned on Mr. Jefferson, who's name was Tim, and blood dripped from the staircase. No deaths, but a cut burst open from the beast's chin. She dropped the bags, and fainted just as Tim awoke. "Uh, stuck." He spoke. The family lifted the tree from his nearly limp body. "Go get the kids." The grandmother shot upstairs, like a bullet. "They are not there."

[spoiler=Intro (written by someone else)]"You think that you can just shut me out like that!?" Grabbing the clipboard from a narrow table, Lucy stormed out of the basement, furious with Nick's sudden mood change. Mumbling and exasperated, she opened the front door and stepped onto their large, brown, dead wheat field.

Meanwhile, Nick sat in the basement, shifting uncomfortably on the hard rocks beneath him. "Why does she blow up like that?" He pondered this question now, just as he had done many times before. To him, it was a known fact that Lucy had a short fuse, he just didn't know what set her off. "She'll cool down soon," he reassured himself, "always returning to the comfort of her big brother."

Four years ago, when Nick had turned 14, his little sister only 9, their parents left them with their uncle Ben. Only a month later was Ben hung for practicing witch craft. Since then, Nick had taken full responsibility over the farm and the lives of himself and Lucy. Now, four years have gone by, but Nick and his sister still have heard no word from their parents. Were they simply abandoned, or is there a more sinister work behind the scenes?

Another Christmas has arrived, another day of going through the motions and decorating the traditional fern. Another day of silence. Lucy appeared more distant than ever, cold even. Nick walked around listlessly, tapping on the walls and humming, as he'd done all day. No snow. No presents. No joy. No family. Just as the past four years, the house was only filled with the two sullen children.[/spoiler]

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Nick wasn't expecting company, but was glad to have it. He opened the door. It was Reverend Perris, with four other men from the village behind him. Nick knew this couldn't end well.

"Good evening, Reverend," Nick said nervously. "What brings you here on Christmas?"

"Troubling news, I'm afraid," the Reverend said, "And worse on these sacred of holidays. Your sister, Lucille, has been charged of witchcraft."

Nick stared at the Reverend dumbfoundedly. For what seemed like eternity, he could not react at all. Finally, he managed to croak a word or two. "..what? ...who?"

"I'm sorry to come, Nicholas, especially this day, but you're sister has commited a most heinous crime - not just against her victim - but God! She must be tried. If you'll please move, we-" The Reverend stopped when he noticed Lucy come in. She got in the house through the back door in the kitchen. Lucy, noticing him as well, looked fearful. "Lucille, we-"

Suddenly, Lucy bolted back into the kitchen. The men behind Reverend Perris rushed into the house, knocking Nick over. Nick was still dazed from the Reverend's accusation. He could hear a huge scuffle break loose in the kitchen. Lucy was scratching, throwing, hitting the men with anything she could grab, but they overpowered her, and dragged her out. Seeing Lucy in such a fit of rage only made Nick more fearful. When he could finally react, the men had dragged her outside, tying her hands together, though it didn't do much good. They were taking her into town.

"[size=1]Lucy[/size][size=2]Lucy[/size][size=3]Lucy[/size][size=4]Lucy[/size][i][b]Lucy[/b][/i]!" Nick yelled, preparing to go after them, but the Reverend held him back.

"Nicholas, you wouldn't suffer a witch to live! It's a grave sin! But your sister has the chance to repent and only live through ja-" The Reverend couldn't finish due to Nick's fist in his face. Nick threatened the Reverend many frightening deeds if he didn't get out of here. The Reverend complied and left with the men. Nick fell to the floor, sobbing. The only thing he could hear above his cries were the curses of his sister, many of which were directed at him.

[spoiler=Atman Seijo]
[spoiler=Intro (written by someone else)]As the snow fell quietly around us, drifting endlessly from the night sky, I could only think of one thing, the horrible looming predicament that had been haunting me for the last few days. Our current position was indeed circumstantial, sprawled out on the cold hard ground trying to breathe as silently as possible, squinting through the unrelenting weather to see the captain's signal when the time came. Our perilous mission was ever so clear in my mind, the vibrant details of our conquest rattling every bone in my body. When the signal was given, we were to charge. No hesitation, no fear, no mistakes. The blood of our enemies would be on our hands, never leaving our tired souls alone.

I shook the remorse from my mind focusing now on our goal, the factory just over the hill. With my mind in reality once again, the cold sunk it's icy claws into my skin. In subzero temperatures, one finds it hard to keep vigilant, but to compromise one's decisiveness in battle is to sacrifice one's honor, a fate worse than death ten times over. The factory was so close, smoke rising from it like a snake, coiling sinisterly upward toward the sky, taunting us. The time was drawing ever closer, the anxiousness heavy upon the air.

And then the signal came. We vaulted ourselves over the hill and down the other side, sprinting downward toward the enemy defenses and our goal. We reached the perimeter as I brought my axe crashing through the head of a guard, his small body falling limp in the snow. My Nordic brothers around me continued the charge, and I followed with no hesitation. The lights from the factory were upon us, a few warriors being silenced by the cannons. I dove behind a snow bank and waited for an opening. The grim realization of our task finally clawed through my subconscious and presented itself to me. We could not ignore what we had to do.[/spoiler]

Shrieks of the wounded and dying pierced the night's cold touch whilst velvet blood stained the snow. Darkness had fallen heavily, and we had little idea of what was waiting on the other side of those stony walls. A couple of our men were tossing explosives towards the building, but showed little effect. Eventually, we all realized that we'd have to charge straight in if we were to make any progress in our mission.

I took a glance around, attempting to survey my supply of troops in the night. Sight didn't help much, but the huffs and grunts told me what I needed to hear. With courage and patriotism rushing in our blood, we knew that we were fighting for more than our lives; we were not just soldiers, we were the last line of defense; we were the last men standing on our soil that could take back what belonged to us. We were prepared to die, but only after regaining our country's dignity.]

I pulled a tiny whistle from my medical bag and gave three short blows, signaling that we were heading into formation Delta. All the cries, gunfire, and explosions halted. The love, support, and understanding was almost physical. I heard the agreement within everyone's hearts. Four soldiers ran to the side of the structure, tossing grenades above them to gain attention, to set the diversion, to pave the way. Then two more.

The rest of us followed behind, split into two groups with one leader. Their objective was simple: get to the other side alive by killing every adversary in site. Gunfire rang again as figures were made in the darkness; sparks from the weapons signaled the enemy's whearabouts, as well as our own. Within seconds we had lost nearly a fifth of our men, due mainly to hidden snipers and general fire. Charging forward through the snow, I couldn't help but wonder what awaited us inside; namely, I feared an ambush on a much smaller scale.

I was suddenly snapped out of my daze as a corpse fell in front of me from 20 feet up, and I could hear the bones cracking on impact. [i]This isn't how Christmas is supposed to be![/i] I couldn't help but scream that over and over in my head, hoping that it would take some effect on the physical world, but all in vain. We finally reached the other side, after what seemed like an forever. Most of my team was gone, but we had made it. I grabbed the whistle and gave one blow, then another half. A final grenade exploded, sending shrapnel and door hinges everywhere. Then their steel, prison-like door collapsed onto the ground...


[spoiler=Intro (written by someone else)][size=1]One grey, dreary Christmas Eve in Neo Domino City, one unlike previous winters due to the effects of Ener-D Warming, and a soft glow emanates from a small mechanics shop in the suburbs. A man in tatty overalls is working on an old duel runner, whilst in the office overlooking the workshop a tall man with the most incredible white coat is sat in the warmth, counting stacks and stacks of coins, because the no-one in this winter’s tale seems to have heard of paying by card. There is a knock on the office door, making the man lose count as his mechanic walks in.

“I’m going to clock off now Jack. I promised the family I’d be back early to decorate for tomorrow.”

Jack shot the mechanic a dirty look. “You’re decorating your house for Christmas Crachett? Ha, I knew family life would make you go soft, but remember I expect you back here for nine o’clock tomorrow?”

“You gotta be kidding Jack!?” exclaimed Yusei Crachett. “Tomorrow’s Christmas Day, I should spend it with my adopted kids, even though they can be quite annoying, and my unbelievably hot wife.”

“Oh yeah, well I raise your family by a medium sized harem, so there. Nine o’clock tomorrow, or I’ll be forced to give you another schooling out on the track with my powerrrrrr!”


That night, Jack Scrooge was sleeping soundly in the grand four poster bed that symbolized his entire mansion in the Tops district, when an eerie chill started to build seemingly from nowhere. The curtains fluttered despite the windows being closed, the lights flickered, as a ghostly figure appeared at the bedside. “Scroooge.... Scrooooooooge!”


Frustrated that he wasn’t getting through to the sleeping king, the ghost picked up the expensive looking duel disk on the bedside table (yeah, a ghost picked up a solid object, this plot sucks) and beat Scrooge around the head yelling “Wake the f*** up Jack you lazy bum!” until he sat up rubbing his head, and looked at the ghost in shock, the same look a supposed duelling king made at the play of every trap card.[/size]

[size=1]“Crow Marley!”[/spoiler][/size]

[size=3][color=#000000][font=tahoma,geneva,sans-serif]The ghost floated to Jack’s face and pointed overdramatically with his ghostly fingers.

“It is required of every man that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow men! If it goes not forth in life, it is condemned to do so after death! It is doomed to wander through the world! Oh, woe is me! And witness what it cannot share but MIGHT HAVE SHARED on Earth and turned to happiness!”

“Wha-what happened to the horrendous dialogue?!” Jack exclaimed.

“You mean the cheesy cliche crap we had at the beginning? Well it’s gone now.”

“But that dialogue bit you just said was amazing. You can even call it classical!”

“That’s because it is,” Crow said. “I just stole that quote from the book.”

“But...But you can’t do that! That’s plagiarizing!” Jack retorted.

“Well the past author already stole the title, the plot, and even character names. What’s stopping me from stealing dialogue?”

“But as a writer, you must do everything to make this story original and captivating!”

“It’s too late now. Well...I could have turned this story around, but I think making fun of it would be much more fun.”

“Wouldn’t that make it super hard for the next author?”

“...That’s his/her problem.”

“Well then I’m going back to sleep. This is stupid.”

“Insert stupid onomatopoeia of snoring instead of just writing Jack was snoring”

The ghost picked up yet another solid object (OMGLOL! GHOSTS CAN’T TOUCH SOLID OBJECTS! <---Seriously, don’t ever add criticism inside the story. That’s stupid, but since I’m making fun of it, I’m allowed to show and point it out.) and threw it at Jack. (Did you get lost after the long parenthesis thing? See that’s why we don’t do this.) “Jack! Wake up you f***! We have to get on with this story!” (Because unnecessarily cussing is cool and adds so much character and depth to the story! Okay. I’ll stop with the parenthesis now.)

Jack then sat back up, rubbed his now black eye, and looked at the ghost in shock, the same way a supposed dueling king made at the play of a trap card. Then he realized that he was too grown of a man to be scared of trap cards. Seriously, what kind of duel king gets surprised when a trap card is activated? Trap cards are things you’re supposed to expect when you’re the duel king.

“Oh, it’s you again,” Jack mumbled.

“Hurry up! We have to go!” Crow shouted.


“Anywhere! I don’t care!”

“Why would I dare? You might lead me into your lair!”

“You’ll be safe! I swear!”

“Fine, but the rhymes, I can’t bear!”

So Crow used his magic pixie dust so that Jack could fly, and they both floated out the window. While high up in the city sky, Jack noticed the absurd amount of Christmas decorations in the city. Almost all the trees were turned into Christmas trees, and houses were drowned with Christmas lights. Then he remembered why the ghost appeared in the first place.

“Hey Crow,” Jack said. “Aren’t you here to teach me a lesson about loving this Christmas humbug. Also, isn’t there suppose to be three more ghosts?”

“No. We’re not following the plot of [u]A Christmas Carol[/u],” Crow asserted. “My seventh grade English teacher had shoved that book down our throats for far too long, not to mention the amount of movies I watched that had the same damn plot. But I don’t know about the other gho-”

Suddenly, Crow collided with a small yet tough object, resulting in large bruise on Crow’s head.

“Now you know how it feels,” Jack said.

When Crow had regained his balance, he turned to see a tiny colorful clock with eyes.

“I am Time Wizard, the Ghost of Christmas Past!” it announced. “Crow! You were supposed to call me hours ago! The spotlight is on me now! Hurry before the next ghost appea-”

A magical missile blasted the little clock, sending him tumbling down. A robed wizard with long hair took his place.

“I am Dark Magician! The Ghost of Christmas Present! Now where is Jack? And how come you’re still here Crow? Time Wizard was supposed to be done by now.”

“Well...you see...” Crow mumbled.

“Dark Magician!” Clock shouted as he floated back up. “I haven’t gotten my turn yet!”

Jack just watched in confusion as he watched the three ghosts argue. Then he remembered the rest of the story. A fourth ghost was to come, the ghost that would reveal his coming death. He then quickly tried to formulate an escape plan. Slowly, he floated away as the ghosts continued to argue. Then as he turned to pick up his speed, he bumped into a bony figure. Jack froze in fear as he saw the robed figure clutching his scythe.

“Hello Jack,” the skeleton muttered. “I am Spirit Reaper, also the ghost of Christmas future.”

“Have you come to take my soul?” Jack whispered as he readied himself for his doom.

Spirit Reaper let out a laugh, but it wasn’t so frightening. It didn’t seem evil. Jack stopped flinching, and look at him. He was still laughing.

“So...You’re not going to kill me?” Jack asked.

“Stupid fool! You’re already DEAD!”

Spirit Reaper continued to laugh, but it got louder. Jack just stayed afloat, speechless.[/font][/color][/size]

A quick ending just to make your story [i]somewhat[/i] meaningful.
If you still have no clue what it's about, just pretend that you do.;3

Ends on the 25th maybe?

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Make one?=3
Nah, you can join on your own too.
Should I put you on the list?

Also, since people seem to have trouble making something up:
[spoiler=Ideas & Advice for those 5-10 lines you're starting with]
- take your favourite fandom and put them into a story?
- Christmas on YCM / take your best buds or anyone and let them do stuff
- write about your club
- make up your own characters
- or use regular Santa and his elves
- comedy, just start something to make people laugh, someone else is going to continue your segment anyway
- use unexpected genres like crime stories, tragedy, satire, and and and...
- songs/poems are ok too

Concrete ideas:
- ponies? since like, every second person on the forum has them in his profile
- Yugimonz, Pokémonz, etc...
- Christmas meal
- setting up the tree
- search for presents
- music groups/artists you like
- mythology
- make up a regular fairytale like the ones you already know
- write about the real you


Hope that helped a bit for those who were stuck. ;)

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.................[size=1]I didn't know other mods existed[/size].

1) I'm stupid. Does it have to be a club or can I do it alone? [size=1]Holy crap. There are more mods other than Icy, Crab, Kyubey, Cin/Yin/whatever name she's using this week, Flame Dragon, Chaos Pudding, and Pika?[/size]

2) Can it be related to an existing story I'm writing on the forum? [size=1]I hope I didn't post this aloud in 8-point font cause that would be embarrassing.[/size]

3) Can it be more than 30 lines? [size=1]Ha. No way anyone, especially me, the great King Crouton, is dumb enough to post my thoughts on the internet in 8-point font. Only a fool would do that. HA! Speaking of fools, how bout those people in Clubs and Organizations...you know, I can't help but think someone is reading my thoughts right now....[/size]

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[size=1]Wow I'm wondering what's up with people these days...[/size]
[size=1]Do you think this guy can read, Opal?[/size]
[size=1]Oh well, I don't know, maybe he lost his glasses.[/size]
[size=1]Would he be able to read this, I wonder?[/size]
[size=1]And to look on the staff team page where all the mods are listed?[/size]
[size=1]But in 8-font...wouldn't people need really strong glasses?[/size]

1) Yes you can enter on your own.

2) Sure, as long as it's not a total copypasta.

3) "can go a little past the limits, but not too much please" /quote
So yes. But for Monday, we only need the lines with the setting and all. If you end up with like, 40 or 50 lines at the end of the event, it's fine.

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[quote name='Cinnamon Star' timestamp='1323479765' post='5698069']
[size=1]Wow I'm wondering what's up with people these days...[/size]
[size=1]Do you think this guy can read, Opal?[/size]
[size=1]Oh well, I don't know, maybe he lost his glasses.[/size]
[size=1]Would he be able to read this, I wonder?[/size]
[size=1]And to look on the staff team page where all the mods are listed?[/size]
[size=1]But in 8-font...wouldn't people need really strong glasses?[/size]

1) Yes you can enter on your own.

2) Sure, as long as it's not a total copypasta.

3) "can go a little past the limits, but not too much please" /quote
So yes. But for Monday, we only need the lines with the setting and all. If you end up with like, 40 or 50 lines at the end of the event, it's fine.

[size=1]Gee willikers! Cinnamon is Opal...who I've only seen around...hey, how am I reading Opal's thoughts? I must be psychic! I can read people's minds! But, it seems Cinnamon is reading my thoughts, too. And I'm reading her thoughts while watching a crappy segment on WWE Smackdown at the same time! Are we Newtypes? How else would she know of my illiteracy and habit of losing my glasses? Could it be...SIROCCO?!?[/size]

[size=1]I wonder what Crab Helmet is thinking...[/size]

[size=1]Wow, Crab Helmet thoughts consist entirely of sarcasm...and hailing me as king, I wonder if Cinnamon Star hails me, King Crouton.................oh, I think my Newtype powers burned out! No![/size] [size=1]I still want to summon the Psycho Gundam with my mind like Four did![/size]

[i]...but you won't need to come up with a whole story.[/i]

But, if I write up the entire story in say, the next 3-10 hours ([size=2]I improv cause I'm King Crouton, and I'm a rebel against the system, including my own, causing my kingdom to fall into chaos, then I rebel against the chaos, rebuilding my kingdom,[/size]) I can put it all up? Otherwise, I can break it into 2-3 parts like it says.

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[quote name='~King Crouton~' timestamp='1323482379' post='5698197']
But, if I write up the entire story in say, the next 3-10 hours ([size=2]I improv cause I'm King Crouton, and I'm a rebel against the system, including my own, causing my kingdom to fall into chaos, then I rebel against the chaos, rebuilding my kingdom,[/size]) I can put it all up? Otherwise, I can break it into 2-3 parts like it says.

Well the goal of the whole thing is not to write some cool story with flawless grammar and awesome structure and all.
That would be for the Fanfictions forum.
The twist in the game is that you're not going to work on your own stuff for the most part, but on someone else's.

So yes, it would be nice if you did like everyone else.=3

[quote name='~Rarity~' timestamp='1323482620' post='5698206']
Hmm...alrighta, I'll participate, this sounds fun

Tho I'll participate alone, it would be weird having a whole club working on 5-10 lines O-o

...Yeah it would.:S But I thought since people are usually busy the weeks before Christmas, it'd be better to do something easy.
And if you're more, there will be more ideas coming together.;3

What do you think, should we just move this to General and make it a general event?

Dang don't know where my head is, my concern was to make something for the C/O section, but meh...:/
I'll think of something else for Clubs, maybe we could do the Awards at the end of the year like some of you suggested.

EDIT: movedmovedmoved =3

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[quote name='Cinnamon Star' timestamp='1323482910' post='5698217']
Well the goal of the whole thing is not to write some cool story with flawless grammar and awesome structure and all.
That would be for the Fanfictions forum.
The twist in the game is that you're not going to work on your own stuff for the most part, but on someone else's.

So yes, it would be nice if you did like everyone else.=3

Oh...I missed that part.


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[quote name='Verz Bahamut' timestamp='1323544292' post='5699246']
So we'll see all the completed stories at the end then?

Think there should be a prize for best story overall, but like the idea. Now do I have the time to do anything for this?

15 sentences? Guess I can do something for that. In.

...It's a bit late, yep. That's why it won't be a lot to write.

I'm thinking about adding a prize for the best story overall, but first we need to create the prizes to give out. Eheh...

And yes you're going to see all the stories in the end and see who wrote what.;3

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