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YCM Weekly Episode 5: Take the Stage


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[left][b][size=4][color=red]Welcome ladies and gentlemen, I'm glad to welcome you to this week's episode of the YCM Weekly. I will be your host today, KingBUSCUS, also known as Creator by some. I'm not one to go off on a tangent before we begin, so why don't we get this show on the road![/color][/size][/b][/left]


[left][size=4][b][color=red]I guess since we are putting Youtube videos up front, I'll go ahead and put this right where it belongs! If I could direct your attention to the stage, ladies and gentlemen. I give you, a Let's Play episode![/color][/b][/size][/left]


[left][b][color=red]Right, Horin is such a jolly fellow. Anyway, next up we have an interesting tidbit of information from our very own Star! Cinnamon Star, take the stage with your dazzling music review![/color][/b][/left]

[left][spoiler=[b][size=4]Song review 1[/size][/b]][/left]

[center]Alright, since we didn't have any song suggestions for this week, I'm just going ahead and spazz over one of my favourite songs. :D


So Because of You exists in 3 versions, the very first one, the newer one with the newer members (since they tend to add/remove/switch 500 different members around T_T) and the Japanese one. I'm going to focus on the differences between the 2011 Korean version and the Japanese one, since there isn't any big difference between the first two.

Now let's not beat around the bush, what exactly makes me borderline-obsessed with the song? It might be the overall feel, the powerful lyrics, the equally as powerful choreography and live versions, or the piano parts - this is probably one of the most emotional songs I've heard so far. At first I wasn't a fan of it. At all. The aspect that sounded the most out-of-place to me were the raps. The turn from the emotional, softer parts to the "powerful" rap just sounded like a gap of the worse sort in my ears and I soon forgot about it. It's only months later that I really got into the song (after casually listening to it from time to time before) and I don't know if it was me actually paying attention to the translated lyrics or seeing the live versions, but it clicked somehow.[/center]

[center][url="http://youtu.be/7UPjPXrWvrU"]MV with subs[/url][/center]
[center][url="http://youtu.be/PeWADqu2Sew"]live version[/url][/center]
Damn, the lyrics.;~; There are a few translations available around the net and the message is roughly the same, but eh...for someone who doesn't know Korean, it may help to get into the song and possibly the music video.


[center][size=3]Now what the hell is the music video about, I don't know. Some people were spazzing over the idea that it was some lesbian love triangle (which would be really a step out of this world for a Korean music video, considering how songs that only mention the words "club" or "drink" get banned). Most reviewers have come to the conclusion that it's one girl (the one you can see in the car among others) who broke up with the guy and the 2 other girls are there to console her, but it soon breaks into a fight over...I don't know, some fight really.:'D But even though I'm still not sure about what it means exactly, I soon got caught into the music video as well and found the scenes very powerful and good at conveying the message of the song.[/size][/center]

[url="http://youtu.be/vlOIVii8Kes"]Japanese version[/url]

[size=3]Now the Japanese version doesn't have a separate music video (which is just fine IMO) and the slightly forced rap parts that I grew to love aren't as strong anymore; in fact, they're not there at all! What we get is the member with the highest-pitched voice speaking the parts in a breathy tone and it's just fine for me. You notice that it's directed towards a different audience, with the overall cutesier and high-pitched tone of the song. Now what the Jap. version DOES do a lot better is blending all the parts more evenly. In the Korean version, you have strong rap parts for the members who are usually decent at it, challenging parts for the main singers and...well, obvious lackluster parts for the ones who aren't as good. And everyone notices it.=/ That aspect is evened out in the Jap. version and you don't have the feeling anymore that "oh look, here's that member who can't sing but she needs something and wow, here comes a main singer with an amazing part!".

I can't really tell which version I prefer so far and am really loving all of them so far. I'm inclined to go with the original version because the depth and different power levels of the song are what makes it so worth listening to for me, but I often end up listening to both anyway.^^


So I'd really say, if you're a sucker for romance stuff and strong emotions, I'd definitely recommend to give this song a try and at best, both versions. My biggest kudos however go to some of the live versions (I put my favourite one here). If sung that emotionally, the raps are definitely not an issue anymore and it definitely puts the song on a new level.[/spoiler][/size]

[size=4][b][color=red]Oh my, I may very well have to go see this performance myself when we are done here. Speaking of performance, our dear Opal Star has also arranged a nice dance routine with the popular evilfusion. I'd like to welcome the two to the stage at this time![/color][/b][/size]

[spoiler=Interview with evilfusion]
[b]1) Well, first tell us something about you. Like, some basic facts, who is evilfusion and all.[/b]

Such an ambiguous question. Very well, I'm known on the site as 'evilfusion', and have been here for about three years. My primary interest is fortunately the primary focus of the site, that being Yu-Gi-Oh. While I've never been bothered to make and post my card designs, mostly due to the full awareness that I'm absolutely terrible at it, I still have become a frequent presence and well-known by many members.

With time, I have become probably one of the top members on the site in terms of raw ruling and game mechanic knowledge, which has probably played a significant role in my eventual mod promotion about 8 months ago, and my later promotion to a Dueling Network Admin.

In terms of personality, I'm more often than not described as intelligent and logical, with a strong dislike for trolling, and the remarkable tendency to go off on long-winded rants or tangents. There are a few things I tend to become rather passionate about, which has a tendency to change every few months. I'm usually viewed as polite and friendly, and keep my ego in check, a skill likely bordering on a lost art on the Internet.

[b]2) You seem to have joined quite a while ago. Why did you join the forum in the first place and what made you stay here?[/b]
Let's see...I don't really remember how the forum was introduced to me, if at all. I think a friend of mine was a member here, and I, already very into Yu-Gi-Oh, if a bit outdated in RL cards, decided that I could at least have a look around, and see if it was somewhere I could spend some time. At first, I wasn't much of a big poster, just looked around and made posts now and then.

Early on, I think I was more into the RP section, forum and IM RPs being something I was already a little familiar with, and overall, I was accepted enough to be more confident in posting around. Eventually, my interests shifted to the TCG section, where my general and specific knowledge improved with time. So I stayed because I found it an interesting place to spend time discussing a hobby I've enjoyed for years.

[b]3) So right about the egos... Very well then, since you're into the TCG, what Decks do you play with mostly and what is your favourite card/archetype?[/b]

There isn't usually just one Deck I use, because I tend to change them up every so often, especially if they go on losing streaks or another Deck starts to interest me. A few examples of Decks I've used are Rescue Rabbit, Photon Sanctuary (my own design), Nordic, and T.G.

My favorite card is, (easily predicted), Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon.

[b]4) In terms of the forum, what are your views on the TCG and Your Deck sections? Is there anything you feel needs improvement or something you think has improved with your presence as a mod?[/b]

The Your Deck section is pretty smooth much of the time, even when I first started modding it. There's the rare occasion where a thread goes insane, but again, that's fairly rare. Things have been rather quiet as of late, although I find it dificult to directly credit that to anything I've done as a mod, and more because the worst offenders got wiped off the board at once.

TCG, I don't usually go there with the intent of finding its flaws, so for the most part, I consider it an extremely active section that one can go to discuss cards, Decks, or strategies. The greatest issue is that the topics are usually very easy to categorize: Either the card is amazing, or the card is bad. There's rarely a middle ground, and that's easily explained by most topics being produced by someone who had an experience with the card(s) recently, or did some sort of randomization to choose that card.

With classification almost completely in terms of black and white, discussion runs short. However, there's usually a huge burst of discussion whenever new Sets come out, but that's to be expected.

[b]5) lol here's a question that got thrown at me on the way. What would you do if Konami banned your favourite card?[/b]

Probably wouldn't bother me that much. The card's not OPed, so I'm not really worried about it, either.

[b]6) What is your overall opinion on Yugioh Zexal and how does it fare in comparison to the previous series? Also what could be your favourite series so far?[/b]

Zexal is a series that had potential to at least be enjoyable. Unlike the previous series, where I dismissed it from the start and later watched it on a whim, only to end up enjoying it, I gave Zexal a fair chance and have found it mostly good, although still a few complaints in regards to the writers not giving some aspects the potential it was meant to have. In fact, Yuma may be the LEAST flexible of the Yugioh protagonists and the most blatantly ignoring the potential (Jaden had varied Fusions, Yusei had varied Synchros, Yuma only uses Utopia, despite having over 12 different Numbers with decent effects).

My favorite series was probably 5Ds, which I credit to watching the Japanese version instead of the dub, making it a series with a massive quality spike.

[b]7) Last book you read and movie you watched?[/b]
Hmm...what's a book? I think it was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

[b]8 ) I'm hungry. What would I find in your fridge right now?[/b]
Nothing special. Probably bread, eggs, salad, cheese, hot dogs.

[b]9) Favourite colour, drink and icecream flavour?[/b]
Blue, Pepsi, and Mint Chocolate Chip.

[b]10) On a scale from 1 being the worst to 10 being the best, how happy are you with your life? Why/why not?[/b]
I dunno. 7? Maybe 8 now, since my job interview went great.

[b]11) If you only had a month left to live, what would you do with the time?[/b]
A month left to live...I may become obsessively devoted to leaving my mark upon the world, so that I'll still be remembered somehow. Probably make amends with my life so that passing can be peaceful...

[b]12) How would you react if you were transformed into a fish?[/b]
Freak out because I'm nowhere near water.

[b]13) Knights or pirates? Kaito* or Kaito**? Tom & Jerry or Spongebob Squarepants[/b][b]?[/b]
* [img]http://i1120.photobucket.com/albums/l498/couplesmix2/Yugioh%20Zexal/Kaito%20x%20Ryoga/21516985_m.jpg[/img]

** [img]http://i1187.photobucket.com/albums/z391/CreamHanz/Vocaloid_-_Kaito_Spin.gif[/img]

Knights, Kaito*, and Tom and Jerry.

[b]14) What makes you really ANGRY?[/b]
People being in my personal space. My personal space range depends on what I'm doing at the time, as well as the angle I'm facing relative to the person in my space.

[b]15) Be[/b][b]st friends on YCM and people you look up to the most?[/b]
Dementuo, Yuzuru, Pacmanexus, TheFinalFan, and a few others.

[b]16) Will you sing a part in that joke song we've planned for next week?[/b]
*blank look* What?

[b]17) III, IV or V?[/b]
III. His Deck is interesting, his style is interesting, his personality is pretty good. V is dull as hell, and while IV's Numbers and personality are fun, his Deck is just too weird and conditional to really "like".

[b]18) Most people have come across the "If you're not evilfusion, then you're doing it wrong" meme. Can you eplain the less-informed people what it means?[/b]

Aggro made the image.

After tracking down the image's origin to remind myself of the context, the "meme" was created due to the fact I had designed the Photon Sanctuary Deck, a Deck focused upon the namesake card and Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon. One of the main points of that Deck was how I was able to Summon Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon, which while an epic card, was almost unplayable due to the effort needed to Summon it.

I have taken to screenshotting epic moments when I've Summoned Neo Galaxy (also in my sig). In a TCG topic discussing the card, Aggro posted the screenshot of one of my recent victories with Neo Galaxy, involving negating a bunch of stall cards an Exodia player had thrown up against me, alongside the meme image.

The implication is probably that other people attempting the Deck design or using the Galaxy-Eyes cards are most likely doing so inefficiently or foolishly, hence "doing it wrong". This is supported by the fact another TCG topic a few months ago discussed how a player Summoned Neo Galaxy, and then lost next turn because his opponent brought out Giant Killer. I noted that the player bringing out Neo Galaxy deserved to lose for such a ridiculously reckless move that didnt assure victory.

The meaning of the meme inherent to Galaxy-Eyes has probably been lost a bit, and refers to almost anything I specialize in. Considering I'm a blatant fanboy of Kaito and Galaxy-Eyes, it stands to reason that if you're not me, and yet using Galaxy-Eyes, you're doing so incorrectly.

I'm not positive on whether the details are right, but I'm probably on the right track with my explanation.

[b]Alright, that's all. Thanks for your time [size=2](and sort of saving tonight's issue along the way)[/size].^^[/b]

[size=4][b][color=red]It's not often we get back to back performances from our staff! What if I told you there was another, this time our generous and gracious Star of sweet Cinnamon has graced us with a performance that can only be described with RAEG![/color][/b][/size]

[spoiler=Interview with RAEG]
[b]1) Who is RAEG? aka tell us some things about you pls[/b]
RAEG has been on YCM for 4 years now. RAEG likes Pokemanz and Yugimanz. Everything else is classified.

[b]2) How is it in Antarctica? Have you met any penguins?[/b]
That's classified.


RAEG has been on this website for 4 years. RAEG has a habit of refering to himself in the 3rd person. RAEG is both a Pokemon and a Yugioh fan but likes the former more. RAEG's favorite pokemanz is Rayquaza and RAEG's favorite yugimanz is everyone's favorite monster: Chaos Emperor Dragon.

When RAEG joined YCM, he was in the second half of his freshman year in high school. Now. RAEG is in college.


[b]3) What does RAEG do in college then?[/b]
RAEG is trying to get a degree in something related to computers.

[b]4) And why RAEG? Are you really so angry all the time?[/b]
RAEG is always angry because RAEG always finds something that makes him ANGRY. That and I must live up to my name :3.

[b]5) Why did you join the forum and what made you stay here?[/b]
I joined YCM because I had been lurking for sometime. I couldn't join earlier because my Internet would freeze everytime I tried to register :(.
EDIT: for the first question. I also liked this place quite a lot.

[b]6) You already answered the question about favourite Pokémonz and Yugimonz, so do you play YGO? If yes, what Decks do you use mostly? If not, what random Decks would you use if you had to? [/b]
I don't play Yugioh. I collect. I wouldn't play this game even if I had all the $ cards.

[b]7) [size=2][s]do u write stories[/s] k, I know you do~ Last book you read or movie you watched?[/size][/b]
[size=2]I haven't read a book or watched a movie in a while [/size] :P

[b]8 ) :cool: If you had a time machine and could go back/forward/switch places in time, where would you go? [/b]
[size=2]I would go back in time because Opal and RAEG rarely spoke to each other in the last 3 years and I would change that. [/size]

[b]9) Favourite colour, drink and icecream flavour?[/b]
[size=2]RAEG likes the color black and choclate Ice Cream.[/size]

[b]10) Opal hungry. What would I find in your fridge right now?[/b]
You would find stuff. Honestly, I don't even know half of what's in it.

[b]11) [size=2]lololol...k... You don't have a time period in history that you're interested into?[/size][/b]
[size=2]20th century.[/size]

[b][size=2]12) [/size][size=2]Since you asked, favourite music genre? And what would be your theme song?[/size][/b]
[size=2]I like rock and a bit of rap/hip-hop but my theme song.....wait I don't have a theme song.[/size]

[b]13) [size=2]Who are your best friends on YCM? And people you look up to the most?[/size][/b]
Armadilloz and I have been friends since 2009. He's my best friend. Opal is a close second.

[b]14) You didn't answer the question about drinks. So favourite drink?[/b]

[b]15) On a scale from 1 being the worst and 10 being the best, how happy are you with your life right now?[/b]
[size=2]OVER 9000[/size]

[b]16) How would you react if you woke up as a girl?[/b]
[size=2]What kind of question is this?[/size]

[b]17) What makes you really ANGRY?[/b]
[size=2]A lot of things Opal. A lot of things.[/size]


also, you ignored the girl question :([/b]

I did. I responded with "What kind of question is this"?
Too many causes of raeg anger to list :s

[b]ok then~[/b]
[b]18) What sorts of things are you interested into outside of Yugimonz and Pokémonz? Like real-life hobbies?[/b]
[size=2]I liek cars and cop/crime shows.[/size]

[b]19) If you were an animal, what sort of animal would you be?[/b]
[size=2]I would be the worlds most raeging lion.[/size]

[b]20) k, last questions. NCIS or Law & Order or [insert other show here]? Basically, what is your favourite TV crime show? [/b]
[size=2]I like reality shows like The First 48.[/size]

[b]21) Will you sing a part in that song we're going to sing next week?[/b]
No. [b][lol][/b]

[b]Alright, that was it. Thanks for your time. :D[/b]

[size=4][b][color=red]*wipes sweat from forehead as an assistant walks back behind stage* Well folks, it would appear that most of our staff has come down with a severe case of Life and issues. Therefore I will now...ummmm...sing you a song! (Did I really just say that?) Ummm...ladies and gentlemen, I will be presenting you with a song...that is, the song is titled "I'm a Member of the Midnight Crew".[/color][/b][/size]

[color=red][url="http://k005.kiwi6.com/hotlink/0xr74dsywe/horrible_singing.wav"]I'm a Member of the Midnight Crew[/url]

I hate a moral coward, one who lacks a manly spark.
I just detest a man afraid to go home in the dark.
I always spend my evening where there's women wine and song.
but like a man, I always bring my little wife along!

I'm a member of the Midnight Crew.
I'm a night owl, and a wise bird too.
Home with the milk in the morning.
Singing the same old song!
Rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun.
Early to bed, and you'll miss all the fun.
Bring your wife and trouble, it will never trouble you.
Make her a member of the Midnight Crew!

The fun it doesn't stop 'til 12 on happy old Broadway.
So what's the use of going home, until the break of day?
Now, something confidential, whisper not above a breath,
I once went home at 2 AM, and scared my wife to death!

I'm a member of the Midnight Crew.
I'm a night owl, and a wise bird too.
Home with the milk in the morning.
Singing the same old song!
Rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun.
Early to bed, and you'll miss all the fun.
Bring your wife and trouble, it will never trouble you.
Make her a member of the Midnight Crew!

I never shall forget the night I made Six Rappers' Run.
Although I didn't have a knife, a blackjack, or a gun.
I proved myself a hero of a very high degree.
I ran for home, and six of them, were running after me!

I'm a member of the Midnight Crew.
I'm a night owl, and a wise bird too.
Home with the milk in the morning.
Singing the same old song!
Rise with the moon, go to bed with the sun.
Early to bed, and you'll miss all the fun.
Bring your wife and trouble, it will never trouble you.
Make her a member of the Midnight Crew![/color]

[size=4][b][color=red]*Is stressing over the various boos and obnoxious noises* Come now, I wasn't that bad was I? Oh, look at that! Mako is here to present us his interpretation of a Manga via interpretive dance! Raise the curtains![/color][/b][/size]

[spoiler=Manga Spotlight 2]
Hi, I’m Mako109, and this is

[size=6]Mako109's HowManyTimesDoINeedToHitRandomAtMangaReader[/size]
[size=6]UntilIFindSomethingInteresting Manga Spotlight![/size]
I don’t even know how many times I hit random any more! I should start keeping track! =D

This week’s spotlight?

[Genre/Tags] - [url="http://www.mangareader.net/popular/comedy"]Comedy[/url] [url="http://www.mangareader.net/popular/seinen"]Seinen[/url] [url="http://www.mangareader.net/popular/slice-of-life"]Slice of Life[/url]

“Takahashi gets a job at a family restaurant... nothing remotely funny ensues. Four-panel manga.” – Copied from Mangareader.net

…Despite being a little short, that description actually fits really well.

Well, oddly enough, I have actually heard of this before. I normally don’t try to show ones I’ve heard of, but this is a special exception. That’s mostly because I only heard of it from a video. *Gestures to sig*

Anyway, it’s what it says. It follows the story of a guy (with a weirdly tragic backstory) as he works in a “family restaurant.” And from there, mayhem ensues.

Because of a lack of continuous plot, I’ll describe the characters instead.

[spoiler=Characters]Souta Takanashi: The probable main character of the series. He’s from a family of very tall woman, and has an almost pedophilic liking towards small things, whether they are insects, animals, or children. Other than that, he’s pretty average for a wacky 4koma.

Popura Taneshima: A very, very short 17 year old that could very easily pass for an elementary student. She unknowingly used her smallness to get Takanashi to work at the restaurant. She hates to be called small, especially by Satou. She’s also the target of Satou in terms of being picked on.

Hyougo Otoo: A character that is not seen very often, due to him always being on the search for his directionally challenged wife. He is probably the most normal character here. (not saying much)

Jun Sato (or Satou): From what I can tell, he’s the main chef. Usually, he’s pretty emotionless, but he has a knack for picking on Taneshima and hates it when the manager eats the food supplies. He’s also in love with *shot*

Yachiyo Todoroki: She has followed the manager ever since elementary, since she is in love with her (quite obviously) and answers her every beck and call. She loves to give the manager food, and will threaten anyone who approaches her (love and otherwise) with her katana.

Kyouku Shirafuji: The manager of the restaurant, she’s basically a lazy chick with a bottomless pit for a stomach. She doesn’t work. At all. So don’t ask her to. She also likes parfaits and is almost clueless to most things around her, but she’s not dense. Probably.

Mahiru Inami: A girl who was told by her father at a young age that all men are wolves and evil. That, coupled with him training her unknowingly, led to complications later in life, where she refuses to interact with men due to her habit of punching (and kicking)them whenever they are near or talk to her. She’s actually very soft, as the assaults never comes out of anger, but out of fear and shyness, leading to some contradicting situations.

There are a few more characters, but these are the mains.[/spoiler]

[color=#008000]Being a 4koma type manga, you should know what to expect from it in terms of set ups. Except…this is just…weird. Weird in it’s own special way. I couldn’t really put my finger on it if I tried. It might be the combination of the katana girl, the sort of maybe not really pedophile main character who likes small things, or the really small girl that does it, but I don’t know. However, I’m not saying it isn’t funny. Heavens no. This thing is hilarious. However, it will just leave one scratching his head at what just happened. Not in the way that you don’t understand what just happened, but in that one-way where you don’t know what to feel.[/color]

[color=#008000]But for the most part, you will enjoy this manga for the character interactions. They are uniquely interesting; do to the wacky personalities or character traits that MAKE them interesting. Whether it’s Taneshima being worried about her height (no one really helps), Todoroki threatening Otoo for the gifts he gives the manager (at her request), or Takanashi’s attempts to train Inami to be around men, there is always a reason to keep reading, despite the fact that it might not SEEM like there is from my lackluster descriptions.[/color]

[color=#008000]In other words, just about all of them are jerks at one point or another and plot is overrated, and that’s the way I like it. It’s funny, interesting, and will eat up your time. The only depressing part is that the last update was in January. I have no idea why, but let’s just hope that it comes back soon.

I give this manga a COOL out of YES.[/color]

Note: All of the green is my opinion. If you don’t agree with it, go get a pedigree in it. I’m sure you’ll be successful in life somehow.[/spoiler]

[size=4][b][color=red]Well folks, that's curtains for this episode. We apologize for the lack of varied content but as I told you our staff called in with several problems. Luckily Opal and Mako were able to assist me in giving you a show none the less! I really do hope that you continue to read and hope you enjoy next week's issue! Also remember audience, Life is like a Forge, Once it's lit, The World is yours. This has been KingBUSUCS, also called Creator, Signing Off.[/color][/b][/size]

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[color=#0000cd]I find it sad that I've already heard the OP twice. And dammit, if I knew this was a Homestuck thing I would have worked extra hard to get something in. My blue is so perfect for it. Hell, Mako already has green. P.S. You should have made Opal's pink.[/color]

[color=#0000cd]And sorry again, everybody, for the lack of content. This has been a busy week for a lot of us involved. Seriously one hell of a week. Not a great one but always something having me preoccupoed. Il'l try and make up for it in the next issue.[/color]

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...Why do I get the feeling RAEG's interview was like something out of my GX fic?
And coke as a favorite drink made me LOL.
Thats probably cuz' I'm thinking of it from one of RAEG's stories, point of view, but still... It was a good interview overall.

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The RAEG interview was awesome to do. :D
I was doing both of them almost simultanously, so the switching between the tones was hilarious.=D

I'm a bit sad at the lack of comments about KingBUSCUS' singing though.=/
It made my heart go woosh.<3

Also, "our generous and gracious Star of sweet Cinnamon", without wanting to be nasty and I know it's meant in a nice way. But I'd suggest switching the sucking-up parts to someone else next time. Or tone them down or so... ._.

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