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[Finished]Pokémon Card Contest


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[size=4]Hi! I'm new to the site, but a veteran to forums. I love making contests, especially long-term ones. However, I feel I need to start small.[/size]
[size=4]This contest will see who can make the pest Pokémon-themed Yu-Gi-Oh card![/size]

[center][spoiler=Show Description][/center]
[center]I've seen a lot of poorly-made cards from the Pokémon series. They have unprofessional looking art, and their effects are less-than good enough to fit Yu-Gi-Oh. I think that the art can be changed, and the effects should fit Yu-Gi-Oh. Your job is to create a few Yu-Gi-Oh cards based on your favorite Pokémon. The cards you make should include the Pokémon and all forms of its evolutions, however many it may have, I want to see all of them (and I'm a Pokémon expert, so don't think I won't know if you missed one). You should also make at least one Equip-Spell Card to go with one (or more) of your Monster Cards. You may also make any extra cards you feel it be necessary, however, no additional points will be given out for doing so.[/center]

[center]The entry fee will be 5 points.
I wish you all good luck! :)[/spoiler][/center]

[center][b][u]RULES FOR CARDS:[/u][/b][/center]
[center][spoiler=Show Rules][/center][list]
[*]Must include the Pokémon you chose AND all of its evolutions
[*]Must include at least 1 Equip-Spell Card created for one or more of your Pokémon
[*]All cards must be posted in the same post otherwise I will not accept them
[*]Pokémon from all generations are accepted, however made-up (fake, self created, etc.) Pokémon are not allowed
[*]Cards must be made on yugiohcardmaker.net. Cards made on other sites will not be accepted.
[*]Once a Pokemon is chosen by somone, no one else may use it.
[*]Other than that, have fun with it!

[center][b]Art --- 10 points[/b][/center]
[center]The art I'm looking for is more of a usual Yu-Gi-Oh card style more than a Pokémon anime style.[/center]

[center][b]Effect / Description --- 10 points[/b][/center]
[center]The effects cannot be too descriptive or specific (ex: When this pokemon is sent out onto the field, it uses vine-whip to...). Keep it general enough to be considered a real Yu-Gi-Oh card effect.[/center]

[center]If you are doing a Normal-Type, keep it general, but descriptive.[/center]
[center]EX: Bulbasaur are hard to find naturally in the wild. They use vines from the bud on their back to protect themselves from predators.[/center]

[center]EX: Bulbasaur is given to you from Professor Oak. It is really good at using vine whip.[/center]

[center][color=#808080][i](You may not use any descriptions from above.)[/i][/color][/center]

[center][b]Level (Stars), ATK, & DEF --- 3 points[/b][/center]
[center]Keep these values realistic. Like, don't give Zigzagoon 12 stars and 8000 ATK and DEF. Keep it realistic to your Pokémon.[/center]

[center][b]Attribute & Type --- 2 points[/b][/center]
[center]This should be obvious. If Heracross is a BUG/FIGHTING type, make it at least a Bug-type. Basically, don't give a Water-type Pokémon a Fire attribute and a Pyro type. Keep it realistic.[/center]

[center]NOTE: Divine attributes are not allowed.[/center]
[center]You may still do legendary Pokémon, but just be little bit more creative. Divine types are restricted, even for them.[/center]

[center][b]Name --- 1 point[/b][/center]
[center]If you can't think of anything really cool-sounding and creative, just put the Pokémon's actual name so at least you get the point. You lose the point if the name sounds dumb, or if you do not include the Pokémon's actual name.[/center]

[center][b]Equip-Spell Card --- 3 points[/b][/center]
[center]You earn 1 point for creativity with the effect, 1 point for art, and 1 point for submitting it.[/center]

[center][b]Other Rules --- 1 point[/b][/center]
[center]NO FAKE POKÉMON ALLOWED[/center]

[center][b]TOTAL: 30 POINTS[/b][/center]

[center][spoiler=Show Prizes][/center]
[center]1st: +13 points and a like[/center]
[center]2nd: +5 points and a like[/center]
[center]3rd: +1 point and a like[/center]

[spoiler=Show Contestants]
[spoiler=sora1499] [img]http://upurs.us/image/42608.jpeg[/img] [img]http://upurs.us/image/42609.jpeg[/img][/spoiler][/spoiler] [/center]

[center][size=5]Judging begins and the contest ends on October 20th.[/size][/center]
[center][size=5]Good luck! :D[/size][/center]

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Will join here are cards.
Eff. This card can not be normal summoned or set. this card can only be special summoned by paying 1000 life points when your opponent special summones a monster. This card can only attack that card. When that monster is destroyed return this card to your hand.
Eff. Equip only to "Rayquaza The Sky Serpent" The equiped monster cannot be returned to the hand.

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