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Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage

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[quote]2 [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Level"]Level[/url] 4 "[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Heraldic_Beast"]Heraldic Beast[/url]" [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Monster_Card"]monsters[/url]
Once per [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Turn"]turn[/url]: You can [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Target"]target[/url] 1 [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Face-up"]face-up[/url] [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Xyz_Monster"]Xyz Monster[/url] your opponent [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Control"]controls[/url]; this card's name and original [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/ATK"]ATK[/url] become that monster's name and current ATK, and this card's [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Card_effect"]effect[/url] becomes that monster's original effect, then that monster's ATK becomes 0, and its effects are [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Negate"]negated[/url]. These changes last until the [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/End_Phase"]End Phase[/url].[/quote]

Jesus, why was that change even [i]necessary? [/i]


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[quote name='slayer_supreme' timestamp='1351736092' post='6058435']
Also because it only lasts until the End Phase.
But on the bright side, it doesn't need Materials to use its effect, so you can freely Reborn it, then automatically negate whatever effects and reduce stuff to 0, and proceed to dish damage, which is actually pretty cool in my opinion.
But yeah, generic materials would have made this a staple maybe.

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This thing is actually amazing. specifically because of what chihaya said, makes this card ridiculous. its still a live xyz-killer with monster reborn (how Chihaya beat me one of our games) and can do diffirent shenangans based on the opponents deck. Being non-generic keeps it relatively balanced imo. Overall an amazing card.


also wtf name change.

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[quote name='Jord200' timestamp='1351777222' post='6058759']
Its a Super now? Me gusta.

Too bad it still sucks. Heraldics just don't have enough good cards to work with.
Have you [i]seen[/i] the new Heraldic Beasts??? Okay maybe there still aren't enough.

I hacked Konami of America's work servers and located this transcript of a meeting between two employees in regards to Genome Heriter's name change:

Employee 1: wtf "Heriter" isn't a word.
Employee 2: Maybe it comes from "inherit" because the monster inherits the attributes of other monste -
Employee 1: They must have meant "heritage"! Japanese people sure are dumb. They can't even talk good English.
Employee 2: Bob, we work for a Japanese company...
Employee 1: Go back to Funimation you weaboo f**.

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[quote name='Expelsword - 黎明' timestamp='1351745264' post='6058581']
After watching ZeXal and Guilty Crown, I find myself always pronouncing "genome" as geh-nome instead of gee-nome...

Your not the only one my friend.

[quote name='Jord200' timestamp='1351777222' post='6058759']
Its a Super now? Me gusta.

Too bad it still sucks. Heraldics just don't have enough good cards to work with.

It doesn't stop peoples creativity to use it. Chihaya and I have both been using it, even with just the obscure pool of 2 monsters they had. Not we're patiently waiting for the new ones to get on DN.

Can you give a reason as to why it sucks, other then the fact currently the archetype is ridiculously small? No.

As i said before, it would be crazy if it was generic, and quite possibly a staple in all decks that could make rank 4s since Xyz are such a prominent force. Hell, it would almost make them un-safe to play if this guy was so rampant.

also my definition of amazing or good, doesn't mean it has to be competent in the meta, which may very well be my short-coming, but w/e.

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[quote name='newhat' timestamp='1351786301' post='6058818']
I think it's silly to judge an archetype before all the support has been released.

Even if the judgment is accurate for that time.
[/quote]Yes, we should wait till all the Phantom Beast support is released.

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