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>>Elemental Hero Support<<


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E-HERO will always be my main <3 and this just makes it more awesome. You should do a fusion monster that uses her too, she's WIND and a warrior of course but I don't remember if there are E hero fusion monsters that require WIND (didn't play for so long))


Graveyard is capitalized and I doin't think From needs to be capitalized too (from your hand or Graveyard)


It's a searcher, so you can get yourself any warrior from your deck, can add more firepower to your situation. can also summon a HERO that you really want from the Graveyard <3.


It also serves as a beatstick by its own 1800 ATK <3

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E-HERO will always be my main <3 and this just makes it more awesome. You should do a fusion monster that uses her too, she's WIND and a warrior of course but I don't remember if there are E hero fusion monsters that require WIND (didn't play for so long))


Graveyard is capitalized and I doin't think From needs to be capitalized too (from your hand or Graveyard)


It's a searcher, so you can get yourself any warrior from your deck, can add more firepower to your situation. can also summon a HERO that you really want from the Graveyard <3.


It also serves as a beatstick by its own 1800 ATK <3


I hate making Fusions, sorry.

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Hey, a balanced Stratos! What balances the fact that it has an extremely powerful pair of effects is that it's rather hard to summon, especially given the fact that HERO Beat (the top tier HERO deck) usually only has 1 HERO fusion on the field at a given time. For that reason, I'd change the summoning condition to controlling 1 or more HERO fusions. I'd also limit the search to searching only level 4 or lower e-heroes, just in case Konami makes some wacky shit.

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 I don't remember if there are E hero fusion monsters that require WIND (didn't play for so long))


Elemental HERO Great Tornado.  It's one of the Omni-HEROS along with The Shining, Gaia, Absolute Zero, and so on.



A few OGC fixes:


lowercase "from"; capitalize "Graveyard"


Make a colon after "effects"


The second sentence should read:  Special Summon 1 Level 4 "HERO" monster from your Graveyard.  Its effects are negated.



Pretty nice card.  And depending on the build, you can easily make 2+ Fusions in a turn.

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