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[Leaderboard] Therrion vs. Fraxure [FINISHED]


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1. All rules of 1v1 apply.
2. All spamming, trolling, flaming, etc. will be reported on sight
3. Cards due 2 days after a contestant is chosen. Cards Due: 6/23/13
4. First to 3 votes win. Voting Ends: 5 days after card is due: 6/28/13
5. Winner will receive 1 LIKE from the loser
6. This contest will be using the 'Card A' & 'Card B' system

7. Writtens allowed


~Voter Bonus~



Requirements: Create a card that supports "Umi" Decks. (As direct as Codarus or indirect as Warrior of Atlantis, as long as voters can clearly see it would assist the Deck).


Card A:



3 Level 4 WATER monsters
If "A Legendary Ocean" or "Lemuria, The Forgotten City" is face-up on the field: Monsters used as Xyz Material Monsters to Xyz Summon this card can have there level become their original level. 
Once per turn, during your Main Phase: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; Special Summon it to your opponent's field, and if you do, Special Summon 1 WATER monster from your hand or Graveyard. 
If your opponent controls 1 or more WATER monsters, but has no WATER monsters in their Graveyard; this card cannot be destroyed.


Card B:


You can Special Summon this card (from your hand) by discarding 1 WATER monster. When this card is Summoned while "Umi" is face-up on the field: Add 1 Level 6 or lower WATER monster from your Deck to your hand. You can only use the effect of "Mermaid of the Deeps" once per turn.

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Card A is interesting to say the least. Its summoning conditions are a bit steep, but I guess it would be fun to run, nonetheless. The effect of the card is quite creative in my opinion, and though I usually don't take creativity into account, every part of the effect ties together well with each other. Basically, it detaches to allow a well-earned Special Summon, then due to the detaching (at least against most decks), it leaves the card invulnerable, temporarily. It's a bit difficult to use, but the effect pays off well, and it looks like a lot of fun.


Card B, on the other hand, looks simple enough, but obviously it takes a more competitive stand, allowing the trigger of Atlantean effects. And the second effect acts as a very versatile searcher (granted you have to play a Umi variant of the deck), and can be activated with any summon (like Stratos), but aside from Abyssmegalo and Abyssleed (thank god), it can basically grab anything in the deck. And though from a competitive standpoint I find it effective, the design just seems questionable.


So with that said, I like both cards, and it's very hard to properly pit the two head-on, since one is more oriented towards a casual game while the other has more competitive sense to it. However, I will have to vote Card A in this case, since its a tad quite flavorful while Card B is just a little concerning in terms of potential for abuse.


*Please don't hate me for my vote D:*

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Thanks for the review, ofc there is no hate ^^

I was questioning the discard, but figured Umi made Mermail/Atlantean not even question running it as it would slow them too much.

1-0 Card A


Ooo...a valid point. And here I thought I had an easy decision in front of me.


I will say right off the bat, that I don't like that Card B supports Merlantean builds, because I hate how little skill is really required for those decks. I am not commenting on your skills as card maker there, just saying that the cards it supports infuriate me to no end. However, if you are going to make support for WATERS, you might as well support the cards actually being used, so I can't hold that against you. So on to the actual reviewing of the cards.


My initial concern with Card A, was that it is hard for certain Umi builds to Xyz Summon with consistency, because of the Level modulation going on, but that concern was quickly squashed, something I give you kudos to, because it shows that you could recognize the problem, as well as find a creative and inventive way around it. Card A has interesting idea and concept to it, something that I have never really seen in all honesty. Very impressed with the amount of originality going on there. Its usability is the card's downfall here, really its summoning conditions. Could be a bit difficult to get out, but I mean, once it is on the field, it would be very lulzy. So not an overly competitive card, an interesting and an original one.


Card B is obviously much more competitive. It is a powerful searcher, although requires a bit of a different build than waters are used to right now. I could see it potentially being abused, as most of the discard WATER monsters are now. And like Zextra, I think that is what is going to push me away from the card and lead me to ultimately choose to vote for Card A. While your point was valid Therrion, if someone really wanted to use the card, they would adjust their build for it. 

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I for one think that Mermails wouldn't run the card. Obviously running Umi would slow them and with their consistency and speed, no true player is going to want to mess with that. I guess you could look at it as abuseable, but then you have to ask if it would be considered abuseable without the speed that is normally associated with Mermails? Card A is cool and all, but I feel as if the effort to get it out makes it so it can't compare to the searching ability of Card B. Gonna have to go with Card B.

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Both are solid cards. A has an interesting dynamic, coupled with some nice general support. It's also good to see more meta-friendly Umi support. B is simple and effective, but it feels a little cheap with a SS and a search for no pay. I'm an advocate of more interesting card design. This is where card A comes in. The dual summon effect is interesting, and nicely handled. The fact that in one sense you are encouraged to destroy your own protection is a fair mechanic. It's also the more flavoursome of the two, and therefore, it has my vote. 

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