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Some monsters you might consider putting in a WATER deck...

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Megalodon Does way to little for it's staggeringly high cost
levitation is a really cool card, seems fair good work

#3 seems worthless, but with legendary ocean it would work fine
#2, a card that only works with a 5 star vanilla star on the field, and it's effect isnt that good, this card should probably be a 7 star effect monster
#1 A card that only works when a card was speciall summoned from another specific special sumon, only gets up to 3500 damage, and then can only attack twice, by the time you even get to attack with this card in the Perfect situation its like turn 12, really really weak needs a total rework
Abyssal looks cool, but is so op it hurts, which is shocking since most of your cards seemed to be nerfed into the ground. like you made them bad so you could justify this auto win monstrosity.

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