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[Thar] - Hyper-Rainbow Dragon


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1 "Rainbow Dragon" and 2 or more "Crystal Beast" monsters
This card is unaffected by card effects while you have at least 1 "Crystal Beast" monster in your Spell/Trap card zone. Once per turn, while you control a "Crystal Beast" monster in your Spell/Trap card zone: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; destroy all Spell/Trap cards on your opponent's field. You gain 500 Life Points for each card destroyed this way.
I actually saved this card, so Cnc is definitely welcome~
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Pretty strong for its "unaffected by other card effects" part. I'd prefer it if you changed it to "Your opponent cannot target this card for card effects", or if you changed that condition to "control a face-up Continuous Spell Card" so that it doesn't function as well outside of its intended archetype. Imagine if Infernities used this card after bringing out Scrap Dragon, Infernity Doom Dragon, and Hundred Eyes Dragon.

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This is fairly cool. My major suggestion is change it to be:
"You can use 2 or more (Max 5) "Crystal Beast" Monsters..." And just drop the generic one. This finally gets rid of one of the Crystal's trouble spots: Opponents Back-row.
One thing I would change it to also: Have the effects only work when you have Face-up Continuous Spells. (So that it doesn't become a staple)

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I'm sorry but, how do you get 5 Level 4 Crystal Beasts out?

I haven't played that deck since the Synchro era with Psychics, so I could be missing an important combo.

As far as I know, Carbuncle is a lower Level and is the one that swarms the field. 

For it to work you'd have to use the Field Spell's effect to bring front Carbuncle, let it swarm 4 Level 4s, suiside it against something, and use your Normal Summon on Main Phase 2. Even then, you seem to be giving up your engine as a whole, with only Pegasus giving something back.


Pegasus in the above combo would mean you have the requirements for the other effect and the immunity upon Summon.


For some reason it makes the image of Crystal Abundance pop-up in my head.


Encouraging Rainbow Dragon sounds interesting.



I'd suggest you make any Rainbow Dragon work with it (Malefic and Dark too). It'd give it more uses than the 2 it has.

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Ignoring the alternate Summoning conditions, this is absurdly powerful. Felgrand has "only" 2800 and you can force its effect early. For the price of another Material, Lance can't touch it, Gunman can't dap it, and most Decks won't be able to kill it at all. Perhaps if you gave it a Maintenance Cost, or made its protection conditional, it would be fair. Right now you could just sit on this and nothing else and attack until your opponent dies, or just wait for them to Deck Out.

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Like I said, make it more Crystal Beast Specific.

Newhat - The game right now already has tons of cards that can jump the gun on their Summon conditions already like Gaia Dragon the Thunder Charger or any Dragon Ruler. Also being unaffected by Spell/Traps isn't insane... It just means you have to actually focus on the Backrow. While I agree that the effect should be more towards Crystal Beast stuff (like it only be while you have Face-up Spells or something) it doesn't need much else. That's what I'm noticing with this card idea.

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The game right now already has tons of cards that can jump the gun on their Summon conditions already like Gaia Dragon the Thunder Charger or any Dragon Ruler. Also being unaffected by Spell/Traps isn't insane...


What I meant was that Summoning it with 3 Level 8 monsters is too easy for how strong it is. The alternate Summon condition is icing on the cake.


Now Hyper-Rainbow Dragon is unaffected by anything while the owner controls Spells or Traps. That's really strong, but can be worked around. I cannot say whether it is balanced or not.

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Those conditions make no sense for a regular summoning requirement sentence. By that I mean you can't pretend it's the same as saying "2 Level 7 monsters", because it doesn't compare at all. It should read "Can only be Xyz Summoned by using 1 "Rainbow Dragon" and 2 Level 4 "Crystal Beast" monsters as Xyz Material."

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I would put it as "or" because Crystal Beast players that still use the deck now don't play Rainbow. (He just doesn't work that good anymore with the deck and dies too easily. Plus it requires playing the Crystals that no one likes to play)

I hate to rain on your parade, but have you ever heard of a little archetype called "Gimmick Puppets"?

Yes, but that deck has better options then this. Also, anyone notice that Rainbow is a LV10 not 8?
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