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[Fanfiction] Thar's YCM Pairings (PG-16)


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Just read the Remo installment.


Despite some glaring errors "said a vice..." early on being the most notable, they can be overlooked. That was brilliant. I needed something to cheer me up after a crap day, and this made me chuckle start to finish.


As long as you enjoy writing it, keep doing what you do Thar. It's pretty cool.

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Yeah yeah yeah. Grammar errors. Get a second beta reader. Helps. One can catch stuff the other misses. Also helps for when one is busy or not in the best condition.


Anyway, once again the chapter is hilarious. Really good concept you've got going on in it. Just too bad Remo never tried it with a stranger.


I wouldn't mind being shipped with Aix, and you could make me "not Raeg"


It doesn't work like that god dammit.

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So.... YCM portrays me as some kind of doctor. I'm totally ok with this.
Either way, you should have included a severed foot in this, just for gits and shiggles.


In all honesty, if I wasn't disgusted by feet in general, I probably would've put one in.

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Alright, I sent it to Night for it to be beta read. Considering having it beta read by another person afterward, but we'll see how it plays out.


Should be soon, though. I'm hoping this'll conclude things properly.

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Alright, I sent it to Night for it to be beta read. Considering having it beta read by another person afterward, but we'll see how it plays out.


Should be soon, though. I'm hoping this'll conclude things properly.


All my hype!

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[spoiler=Power Scandal - Crab x Pika (Part 2) (4,598 words)]Time passed since the murder of Yin; the event planted the seed for a city-wide lockdown. The streets were plagued with the night watch at every intersection. Their eyes were all peeled for anyone who dared to try and make a move out of their premises. Helicopters hovered over the area, spotlights fling strafing back and forth amongst the buildings.

“Anything yet?” Frunk was pacing the Admin building, veins popping. 

“No sir,” an officer replied, “We have the whole place on lockdown. If she’s anywhere, we'll find her.”

Frunk sighed in frustration
 “We have to find her! If a f*cking lockdown isn’t enough, then we’ll raid every damn building in this city until we do!”

Every officer in the same room widened their eyes but did not move from attention
. “Sir, are you mad?” One of them said, “If we raid someone’s home without a warrant, then-”

“Then what?” Frunk approached the speaking officer, who swallowed from anxiety. “What could anyone possibly do? You honestly expect them to do anything while they’ve been sitting on their asses not doing anything about Crab’s tyranny? If they couldn’t stop that b*tch from taking advantage of the Admin, then I assure you that they cannot stop me!”


Frunk was driven to punch the officer in the face, but held himself back. The officer was sweating, knowing what was held back by the sight of Frunk’s clenched fist.

Another officer entered the room, “Sir! Another mod wishes to speak with you.?”

 it wait?” Frunk shot back, “We’re in the middle of something…”


Frunk looked out the window to see Night entering the building, he scoffed at his trenchcoat. “Bah, let him in. What does he care, anyway?”


The reporting officer walked back out of the room, making way for Night to walk through the same doorway to with glower at Frunk. The mutual gaze heated the place up.

“Where the f*ck have you been?” Night snarled, hands
 in his coat pockets as the other held a burning cigarette between two fingers. A breath of smoke steamed from his lips.

Frunk stomped towards him, swiping the cigarette from his hands, “You do realize you’re not supposed to smoke in here, right? This is government building. Only the best example can be made here.”

Night laughed,. “Oh, best example
 huh? So the best example right now is putting the whole city on lockdown because your ‘brother’ is missing?”

“Don’t patronize me, Night. That’s the best advice I’ll ever give you.” Frunk popped more veins in his forehead.


Frunk continued to pace the room as Night watched him. “So why the hell’d you wanna see me?”

“I know where Pika is.” Frunk froze where he stood for a few seconds at Night’s statement.

“You’re lying,”
 he snorted, “I’ve had this place on lockdown for God knows how many days and nights; and I can’t even find her. What makes you think you know where she is?”

Night took a deep breath, “This runaway killed Yin. I knew who did it the minute it happened, and I want that b*tch castrated.”


Night’s brow began popping veins of its own, but another deep breath settled it, “I’ve been in pursuit of Pika for these past several few days and I've found where she’s hiding. I chose not to kill her because…”

“Because what?” Frunk’s voice was shaped by the gritting of his teeth at the suspense that Night left.

“…because she’s holding YCMaker hostage.”

“LIAR!” Frunk backhanded Night, leaving his head dangling in shock despite his composure to not strike back,.
 “I cut you enough slack to enter this building, and you give me THIS sh*t?” His fists clenched as he turned his back to walk towards the window, looking out of it, “…if what you say is true, how should can I trust you?”

“You can start by making a raid on her hideout. You don’t even have to leave this place.”

Frunk lowered his head.
 “This is true. This way if you were just baiting me into a trap, I can just kill you here and now.” He turned back to Night, “You understand the risk here?”

“What risk?” Night smirked, “I’m telling you, she’s f*cking there.”

“She better be.” Frunk grabbed his walkie-talkie, but hesitated before turned back to Night, “Where is Pika hiding, exactly?”

“There’s an abandoned building along the outskirts of the city. It was said that a runaway from long ago hid there. I’ve heard stories, but I’ve also passed by it several times. When I saw she was there, I knew it made sense.”

“Right…” Frunk was reluctant to make a snarky comment at Night’s nostalgia, speaking into the walkie-talkie, “I need a squad to scout an abandoned building along the outskirts of town.”

One of the responses came from a veteran officer, “Roger that. I know exactly where that is.” After several other “rogers”, Frunk shrugged.

“Well whadd’ya know? Looks like I can trust you after all.”

“Told ya.” Night snarked one last time, “Now let’s bust this b*tch.”

A familiar alleyway along the outskirts of YCM city lingered in
 a the midday sun; it was decorated with the dust falling from the bricks of each building. At the edge of the road passing it, Pika stumbled into it, her breath heavy from running for so long and hiding so often. The lockdown had proven to be a hassle in her escape, not to mention a few other encounters.

“Damn Frunk, how the f*ck did he become a mod again?” She looked behind her every couple of seconds, paranoid at the occasional sound of sirens playing in the back of her head. As she neared the abandoned buildings, she smiled at the sight of another place to hide and rest, “Thank f*cking God.”


She caught her balance and breath on one of the old trucks that was parked next to them, coughing from the dust that lingered in the air. She didn’t care, for she rounded a corner and through a set of doors which lead to an empty hallway. Many of the doors hung open, leading into the various rooms. “Ugh, finally, some shaded peace and qui-”2

A creak was heard throughout the
 cavernous building, causing Pika to flinch and hide behind the corner, “Who’s the-” she began, before slapping a hand to her mouth, knowing that she’d be giving away herself to any hidden officers. She started creeping through the building, drawing her gun from her waist. The creaking echoed from deeper into the building, but only subtly and not once afterwards. The so-called resident was hiding, and Pika only laughed as she increased her pace into the room where it came from. Along the left wall was a closet, which she almost instinctively sensed the presence of the hider and flung the doors open.


“Oh, you son of a b*tch!” Pika said with wide, psychotic eyes at the sight of Mugen, who also had his gun drawn and aimed at the other. His expression was calm, his hands steady, but his eyes wore a glare of guilt. Pika sensed this, and only laughed more, “It was YOU who let Coolspy escape, wasn’t it?”

Mugen let out a scoff through his nostrils, summoning a smirk, “I regret nothing. Hell, I don’t even feel guilty after seeing you here alone. You must be a runaway as well. How shocking.”

Pika scoffed back, “What does it matter? At least I caught the culprit who let a prisoner escape. If Frunk finds us, I’ll just kill you here and now and they might just forgive me!” Pika was holding her gun with two hands now.

“Seems to me that they know what you did.” Mugen and Pika stared each other down like a dog and a cat through a glass door, “The only person who knows that I let Coolspy escape is you. Beyond that, I’m innocent.”

“But what will they think seeing you hiding in a place like this? As I recall, this used to be the place where a pair of runaways used to hide before blowing a past mod sky high.”

“Ah yes, Fusion. I’ve heard the stories.”

“You know him?”

“Pfft, ‘do I know him.’ He’s still here, you dumb b*tch.”

Pika shook her head, shocked at the news, “Whoa, hold on. How can he be here when he fled the f*cking place? Why would he come back?”

“I already told you too much.”

“Right, well I’ve got news for ya. All that work of treachery that you went through to let Coolspy loose? Well, we caught him again! Suck on that!”

Mugen smiled, “You sure about that?” At that moment, Pika could feel a sharp sensation at the back of her neck. She gasped while flinching into a position where her head was raised and frozen.

“Don’t u get crazy now, Peekz.”

“But… but HOW?” Pika was dumbstruck, her voice cracking to soprano from shock.

“You shouldn’t underestimate my Coospy-Woospy.” Mugen made a baby face at Coolspy, who responded with a mirrored look.

“Aw, I’m only half az gud az my Schumengz!” Coolspy, needle still propped up on Pika’s neck, cocked his head back as he heard sirens approaching. Mugen’s smile waned into a more serious expression.

“Well, we’ll leave this to the ones with no criminal record. Who do you think it’ll be, Woospy?”

Coolspy scoffed with a smile, “Peekz wud make a grate prisoner, wudn’t ya say?”

Mugen laughed, “Oh indeed!” The sirens got louder as the sound of voices began approaching the building, yelling out for everyone to exit the building with their hands behind their heads, “Well Pika, they’re after you, after all.”

“Bite me!” Pika swiped her arm backward, knocking the needle out of Coolspy’s hand while bashing him in the head with the hilt of her gun, knocking him down. Mugen, gun still drawn, shot a bullet into Pika’s other arm, prompting her to quickly scuttle out of the room and down the hall where officers entered, “Help! I need back-up! Mugen is here and he shot at me! And Coolspy is here as well! Mugen was the one that set Coo-”

“Shut up! You’re under arrest for the murder of Judge Yin!” Handcuffs could be heard buckling around Pika’s squirming wrists as she screamed for reconsideration. Just as Mugen and Coolspy got comfortable with laughter, an officer barged into the room, spotting them, “Sh*t, she wasn’t kidding! I need back-up!” Mugen frowned, letting the gun loose from his grip as he put his hands on his head while the officer approached with an extra set of cuffs. Coolspy was lying dizzy on the floor as more officers came in to hoist him up with the same constraint. The two were escorted out of the room, down the hallway and outside, where a whole cluster of blaring red and blue lights flickered. Beside the vehicles, Frunk and Night waited as the escorted Pika continued to kick and scream.


“Shut your trap, ya snitch!” Frunk backhanded Pika across her chops, “You’re supposed to be the leading commander of the Mod department! You have no authority to dismiss another mod without consent from me or the admin himself, capiche?”

Pika spat in Frunk’s face, “Of all the people who had to be here at the foundation of his shithole, it HAD to be you…”

Frunk wiped the spit from his face, which turned red before a smile crept across it, followed by a laugh, “Oh, the leading commander spitting in the face of her own colleague. How mature of you!” Frunk pulled out his gun, aiming it at Pika’s head, “Let’s see you spit down the barrel of this gun! Bonus points if you hit the bullet as it fires into your skull!”


There was a pause as the entire group by the building was distracted by the oncoming swarm of sirens. In front, a motorcycle ripped through the dusty horizon and approached at what appeared to be mach speed, headed right for Pika. The two officers holding Pika jumped out of the way as Pika was lifted on board, disappearing down the other direction of road as gunfire erupted in the same direction. Frunk watched as they rode away, popping so many veins that his face turned purple, “F*CK! Crab, that f*cking b*tch, I thought she was behind BARS! Everyone, pursue those scissoring b*tches!” Frunk rushed back into his vehicle along with everyone else, tearing dirt after the fleeing criminals.

The motorcycle sped along the bordering highway of the city as Crab had two arms over Pika’s shoulders, grasping the handlebars. Pika was wincing at the pain in the arm that was shot by Mugen, which Crab acknowledged with a stroke of a thumb on the wound, which Pika flinched from all the same.

“Gah! Crab, that hurts.”

“Sorry, sweetums.” Crab responded, still rubbing the wound, “The pain needs to be tolerated in order to be healed.”

“Save the philosophy for your death sentence when these guys catch you because you’re too busy swooning me!” Dust kicked up from the rear tire of the motorcycle towards the pursuing vehicles on the horizon. Crab chuckled, twisting her wrists back on the handles to accelerate more.

“There’s no need to be bashful, Pika, deary. Just be glad I was the one who picked you up.”

“Oh yes, I can just release a massive sigh of relief right now.”

“This is why I love you, sweetums… now hold on!” The cycle accelerated more forcing
 Pika to embraced Crab out of reflex with her good arm, leaving the other dangling in the passing wind. Further up the road, a vehicle obstructed the lane that the two were speeding down, eventually coming into view as a blaring ambulance. “Oh great, something to slow us down.”

“Psh, nobody obeys street markings anyway. I can pass this joker!” Crab swerved sideways, trying to flank the ambulance as it also swerved, almost willingly blocking her path. Crab scoffed, “Oh, so you wanna play like THAT, do ya?” She pulled out her gun, aiming it at the back doors.

“Crab, DON’T! You’re driving with one hand!” Pika held on tighter, pressing up against Crab’s breasts, which warmed Crab’s face under her helmet. With Pika secure against her bosom, Crab unloaded her pistol, hitting the handle which somehow managed to loosen it and fling it open from the momentum. A patient was inside wearing a knock-out mask, but Crab knew immediately who he was, “…oh sh*t!”

“Now’s not a good time to be giving me bad news.” Pika groaned, looking up at Crab while following her gaze. She knew as well as the other who it was in the back of the ambulance, “Crab… is that who I think it is?”

“We gotta total this thing!” Crab accelerated and flanked the ambulance, pulling up to where the driver’s window was. Gun in hand, she aimed for the window, gambling on whether a headshot was possible through the shaded windows, and fired. Success was shown by the ambulance cutting right into the ditch, flipping broadside. Crab braked to a screeching halt as she sharply turned toward the flipped vehicle, riding to the back.

“What exactly is your plan?” Pika was talking through gritted teeth, her body tense from shock.

“We’re taking YCMaker.” Crab was breathing heavily, almost panicking, “We can’t let them retrieve him. I just won’t let it happen!” The rear doors were ajar, revealing the semi-conscious Admin lying like a ragdoll on one of the inner walls which was now the floor. Jumping off the bike, Crab let it fall sideways as she put Pika down gently, crawling into the ambulance to grab YCMaker and carry him out, mask and everything.

“You don’t actually plan to carry two extra people on that thing, do ya?” Pika got on her feet, gripping her bad arm.

Crab was already lifting the bike with one hand, while the other hooked around YCMaker over her shoulder, “Quit your b*tching and let’s get the hell out of here!”

“No! Your plan is sh*t! Admit it, ‘sweetums’, you lost!” The sirens got closer as Crab looked back at the sound and then back at Pika, who was giving her the stern eye. Crab sighed, looking at YCMaker’s hoisted, unconscious body, pondering where she has ended up. The situation left her puzzled and dazed, and tears began to form in her eyes. Her knees weakened and were on the verge of falling to her knees as she dropped YCMaker. At that moment, Pika walked over to catch her with her good arm, embracing her as she broke into a cry.

“…how… how did this happen?!”

Pika sighed, rubbing Crab’s hair with her fingers, “You got mad with power. It was bound to happen eventually.” With more tears soaking into her uniform, Pika was about to let a few tears of her own loose before she looked up to see the oncoming Frunk and friends. However, she did not budge and continued to comfort Crab.

“Is… is that Frunk? Is he coming to get me?”

“No, sweetums…” Pika whispered in Crab’s ear, “They’re not gonna catch you. They’re not gonna get EITHER of us alive!”

Crab lifted her head to wipe her eyes, “Alive?” She watched as Pika reached into her belt to pull out her gun and aim it at the bottom of the ambulance, where the gas tank was. For a second, Crab felt like flinching, but she soon took comfort in the idea, “…we’re gonna escape them after all?”

“Yes, we’re gonna flee from the law into another world. You and me. No one can stop us!” Pika loaded the pistol with what she could of her other arm, unloading tears that fell on Crab’s shoulder. Crab shared her own for a mutual feeling that resulted in a mouth-to-mouth connection with slathering tongues and drooling emotion.

The pursuing force pulled up to the scene, still in heat from the chase. Frunk was the most initiated
 pof the group as he sprinted with a gun held in one hand. He watched the two criminals make out in front of him as he ran towards them, seeing Pika with her gun pointed at the gas tank of the ambulance. A look of shock and panic plagued him as he screamed, “NO! PIKA, DON’T DO IT! YCMAKER’S IN THERE!”


The moment between Pika and Crab was as if it was never going to end before the two both squinted and tensed up their bodies before Pika pulled the trigger. Upon firing, Frunk took a dive in attempt to knock the bullet off course, failing as the ambulance burst into an inferno that blasted all four of who were around it. The force was enough to blow back several officers who followed a decent distance from Frunk as the others behind them watched as their leader fell victim to the explosion, all removing their hats. The scene fell out with a smoking circle of ash.

A moment went by as more ambulances were stationed at the scene, having the bodies of the victims being carried into them. Night stood in the midst of it all, smoking his cigarette with one hand as another snuggled in his trench coat pocket. He watched as the body of Frunk was carried in front of him, scoffing.

“Not gonna lie… I never liked you.” He whispered as if he expected Frunk’s dead corpse to respond, “I think it’s about f*cking time you passed on. Maybe Bloodrun will have a place for you in DNF.” He looked to the side, watching the body of YCMaker being hoisted up on a stretcher with a sheet over him, “Wait, hold on!” Night held a hand up, stopping the guys carrying him as he walked over to the body, throwing the sheet off.

“Sir, what are you doing?!”

“Quiet.” Night silenced him with a held-up finger, inspecting the body, “…yep, just as I expected.”

“Expected what, sir?”

“This isn’t YCMaker.” Both guys holding the stretcher widened their eyes in disbelief.

“But… but sir, how can in not be him?! He looks exactly like him!”

“Well of course he does. That’s what he WANTED you to believe.” Night threw the sheet back over the false Admin, “Have him buried as planned, just not as the Admin. I don’t really feel like explaining.”

One of the men sighed, “Understood, sir. Though… where’s the real admin?”

Night looked up at the sky, sighing, “No idea. He could be anywhere, but there’s no way of knowing since he hardly does anything anyway.” Both of the men with the stretcher chuckled as Night shot a threatening glare at them, silencing them as they
 timidly carried the body into one of the ambulances. Turning his head to eye another officer, he gestured him to come to him, “Where’s Mugen and Coolspy?”

“They’re in a barred vehicle to be escorted to the city prison, sir.”

“Let them go.”

“What?! …but sir!”

“Do as I say!” The officer stuttered in attempt to get another word out, but nodded with a grunt and began spreading the word. Within minutes, Mugen was on his feet walking toward Night, Coolspy following with a hand on Mugen’s shoulder.

“Thanks for looking out for me, ya punk.” Mugen said with a smirk. Coolspy repeated it, but Mugen nudged him.

“What can I say? You’re still my responsibility, Schmugenz.” Night laughed.

Coolspy scoffed, “Hey, only I’M da one who can call him dat, Nightz, capeesh?”

“Yeah yeah, capiche, whatever.” Night rolled his eyes.

“Well, should we just… go home then?” Mugen said.

Night hesitated to speak as he looked down the road, “You guys can go ahead. I still have stuff to take care of.” With that said, Mugen and Coolspy shrugged and started walking the other direction. As Night stood with his arms crossed, he took deep breaths through his nostrils as he looked back up in the sky, “I hope this isn’t a waste of my time.” He whispered as he took out a slip of paper from his chest pocket, re-reading it:

Meet me at my place.

Night found himself walking down a long driveway, where the end met with a garage larger than the actual living space. He was both skeptical and annoyed at such a sketchy location, but he went with it as he approached the door. With his fist, he knocked on its steel frame, which made an echoey clang that rang in his ears.

“State your business?” A faint voice was muffled by the door from the inside.

Night rolled his eyes, “I’m here to beat the living crap out of whoever called me here for no reason.”

“Now now, let’s not be that way. Come on in.” With a kerchunk, the door began to open with a whirring sound, bit by bit revealing a lab inside. Night had no words to describe what he saw, but as he looked around in slight awe, he saw the man inside turn around to reveal himself as Armz.

“Bah, who else would it f*cking be?”

“Who else indeed?” Armz approached Night with open arms, “Welcome to my lab.”

“Right, so why am I here?”

“Ah yes, I called you here to give you something that you once lost.”

“So you brought Yin back to life?” Night’s expression grew more malicious at the idea of Armz playing a joke on him, but Armz showed no signs of fear.

“Wait here.” Armz was about to walk out the back door of his garage before Night swiftly lunged forth to grab his coat, lifting him up by the collar with flaming eyes.

“You’re not going anywhere until I see my Yin with my own eyes, you f*cking rat!”

Armz calmly removed Night’s grip, “Then come with me. No need to bust a vein on my lab coat. I just had this thing bleached!” With Night’s grip off him, Armz continued to walk to the back door, this time with Night following him with unsure eyes set to unload at any sign of a prank. As Armz opened the door, Night froze with wide eyes as a tear eventually found its way trickling down his cheek. Yin was in an upright sitting position on the sofa that sat in the middle of a cement slab covered in nothing but small rugs. She looked back at the sound of the door opening, smiling crookedly. Her left eye wandered independently from her right as it glared with a hue of red, stroking the scar that trailed off of it. At the back of her head, signs of metallic features showed between the strands of her hair.

“Don’t get too excited now.” Armz held an arm out to stop Night from bolting forward as if to embrace his precious Yin, “She’s still recuperating. Should be a few more days before she’s stable enough to walk on her own.”

“But…” Night was dumbstruck, stuttering in disbelief, “but… HOW?”

“It was a
 snitch sinch!” Armz held his hands at his waist, holding his chest out, “The shot was a clean one, so it was a LOT easier for the brain tissue to regenerate.”

“Regenerate?” Night could not believe a word Armz was trying to say, “How the f*ck can you regenerate a punctured brain?”

“The real question is, Night, how CAN’T you, which is a LOT easier to answer. I happen to have a special formula for rapid cloning and clotting of cells, which works well with healing injuries as well as resorting vital organs. As far as bringing her back to life, well, I’d tell you, but the procedure would be rather shocking!” Armz laughed at his own joke, only to be slapped in the back of the head by Night.

“Can I at LEAST talk to her?” Night said, trying to be calm.

“Oh yes, by all means.” Armz gestured Night to go to Yin, which he did without hesitation. Facing her, he kneeled down to her level, looking at her half-cyborg face, “And of the robotic parts?”

“Ah yes, the brain was the only thing I could heal. The rest I had to add because they were completely obliterated.” Armz began to leave the room, “Well, I’ll leave you two alone. Call me if you need me.” Before Night could blink, Armz vanished as he was left with Yin, who stared back at him in semi-oblivion.

“N-n… Night…”

“Yes, Yin, I’m here…” Night held Yin’s hand up to his cheek to catch a falling tear, “I’m sorry this had to happen…”

“It’s… not your… fault…” Yin’s voice was faint and glitchy, but understandable, “You… did the… right thing to… stand up to…”

“Okay, don’t talk, please.” Night was cringing at the effort it took for Yin to speak, “Just rest until you’re recuperated. Then we’ll talk.”

“O… kay…” Yin’s last words for the night faded as she laid down, still holding Night’s hand. As Night gently stroked her face, he looked at her red eye, curious.

“Say, what does that red eye do-” Night was immediately answered as Yin shot up and fired a lazer at a fly that was about to land on Night’s shoulder, burning it to ashes that fell like snow to his feet. Night’s eyes widened once again at the sight as Yin laid back down, leaving him to wonder what he had in store for the rest of his time with her.

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