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[Fanfiction] Thar's YCM Pairings (PG-16)


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I remember those rip-offs. Broken actually did a pretty decent job, but he still could've done better. Dante's was pretty meh, but still passable.


Don't even get me started on Double C4...


You flatter me my dear; but to be fair a lot of the time I had to restrain myself in what I was doing, as CW wasn't as lively during HB! time as it was during Foe-Fiction's time. So I couldn't get away with destroying people as much as you could.

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Damn it.


I know you all want more of this, but... I just can't get myself to write anymore. Trust me, I'm just as thrilled with it as you are, but I believe it was just a phase at the time. I'm still passionate for conjuring juicy tales, but I think its form in writing is dead now. I'm sorry, everyone. I've failed you.

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Every writer loses their spark from time to time.
What you need is an invigorating presence- something to give you ideas and boot you into acting upon them.


At this point, ideas are useless. What I need is the motivation to write, and I've lost all of that. All the ideas are there, just not the willingness to write it out.

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  • 1 month later...

I was a bit hasty in this decision. I need Cherry's consent for this before I can follow through on it.


Consent confirmed. This shall continue.


This angers me and triggers my jealousy, but at the same time makes me feel so happy.


Thar, you're a mystery.


I try. ;3

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ladies and gentlemen, a month in the making, I give you the first part of the latest crack pairing:


[spoiler=Cherry x Welche - The Creation of Jelly (Part 1) (5,236 words)]YCM City still sat on the same foundation as it has been for the past several months, lingering in a sunset for which cast shadows as tall as skyscrapers. The most beautiful view of this sunset was having something just barely block the source, making an eclipse-like scene to the viewer’s eyes. The day was on the brink of Night, the name of which Night himself was colloquially given.

“Good lord, what have I come back to?” A silhouette was visible on the horizon, walking along the path that led into the city. Without the cloak of black for which the sunset cast upon her, you could see a look of confusion and disappointment. Her face immediately grimaced when a stench shot across her nostrils, holding her hand over it, “my Maker, if this place is dead, then they could’ve at least buried the rotting bodies…” In contrast, but relevant, to her statement, she looked in the direction of where the smell came from, seeing a deep, wide area piled with trash. She adapted to the smell as she came to a realization.
“Huh, a city dumpster.” she scoffed, “Not gonna lie, that’s pretty cleve- OH SHINY!” As she exclaimed, a glare struck her attention, which prompted her to find a way down into the large mounds of garbage. The smell was now completely ignored, for she was now on a mission, powering through the debris like she was climbing up a snowy mountain with a treasure chest on top. She was on a mission.
At last, the struggle paid off as she reached the source. Digging through the rubble, she found that it was a shiny tag. At first, all Cherry could see were dots that appeared to be braille. She squinted, finding the translation spelled out on top: WELCHE
“Welche?” Cherry raised a brow, then tilted her head with a curled lip, “What a strange name. Seems familiar.” She heard a rummaging sound behind her, which startled her and made her quickly turn around with the tag hugged between her palms. Nothing was moving in her line of sight, but she knew there was something out there, “...hello?” she called, “...hey, whoever’s out there, if there’s the slightest possibility that you may know me, I’m back!” Her call echoed off the mounds, which made her feel strangely lonely, but the noise sounded again. This time she sighed with rolling eyes and began climbing down, tag still in hand. She walked around the mound she just got off, hearing the sound get louder with each step.
“Alright, just who’s there?” She saw the culprit; a goose rummaging through the same mound of trash. From what Cherry saw, it appeared to be looking for something… something special to it. The sense of urgency gave it away. Cherry tilted her head, coming to realize the tag she was holding. When she opened her palm, a glare shot onto the goose’s face, drawing its attention, which led to an awkward, still silence before it frantically charged. Cherry panicked, ducking with her hands held out in defense, but all that the goose did was grab the tag that hung from her thumb. After that, serenity took over the bird.
“Are you… Welche?” the goose perked up at the sound of the name, turning to gaze into Cherry’s curious, glistening eyes, which it returned with a similar pair. The mutual feeling hit Cherry like a flash flood, making her flush red as rich as her name, “Oh my, you’re… different.” Welche soon sulked with his gaze panning towards the ground, wearing a look of humiliation. Cherry instantly regretted saying that, approaching him like a shy dog, “Alright, since I know you’re Welche, you can come with me. I was thinking of bringing back Absolute Powerforce. Isn’t that exciting?” There was no reaction, which puzzled Cherry, “...huh. I thought you’d be more upbeat about this.” She perked up, wiping her shirt off and heading back up to the surface to continue towards the city, “Come by C&O if you change your mind!”
The goose pondered with his eyes still locked on the ground. He slowly looked back as if to say goodbye to the dump, but hesitated to want to go with her. To him, the place was considered home ever since he reincarnated, mainly after being shooed away like a fly and left to live off his own trash, even literally as of his human days. With one last sulk of despair, he was met with the sound of something flying over him; another bird. This one was colorful and beautiful, and its flight was majestic as was the sound of its call. It flew towards the city, and Welche felt something light up inside him. He had to visit at least one last time. For Cherry.
A long time earlier…
The walk down the streets of C&O was nostalgic to Cherry, seeing all the clubs that used to flourish during her last time here.
“Time certainly flew by,” she sighed, seeing the amount of decay that underwent the section, “but that doesn’t mean I can’t bring it back.” She looked down the road, seeing that the pathway leading to where Powerforce used to be has remained unhindered, “Well, at least I still feel welcomed in SOME way…” Just before the dirt road leading uphill, she looked up to see a shocking sight. The building was not there.
“The hell?!” Her heart raced as she sprinted up the road, cutting the curves across the grass. As she reached the top, the remains of Powerforce revealed itself; nothing but shattered brick and a foundation with no walls. Her eyes prepared to both widen and water, but her composure was withheld. In fact, the sight was refreshing, “That’s fine. This place was pretty shitty anyway. I’ll take this opportunity to build a newer, better place!” The thought excited her, almost sexually before she caught herself in her fantasies that could’ve been canon years ago.
“Excuse me, can I help you? These are private grounds!” Cherry was startled by the stern voice coming from behind her. Coming up the hill, a young officer in uniform strutted with authority, one hand on the holster of his sheathed gun with the other dangling along his opposite hip.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize a dead section was being guarded.” Cherry, while slightly intimidated, felt a chuckle from the remark.
“If you don’t have any business here, than you have to leave.” Mugen wore the same expression, standing in the same pose. Cherry turned slightly red in humiliation.
“Actually,” she replied with confidence, “I do have business here! In fact… I used to run this building right here!”
Mugen took a moment to walk up to the building and examine it, later realizing what it was, “Oh…” Mugen also turned slightly red, “I see. You’re Cherry, aren’t you? You were the founder of Absolute Powerforce.”
“Indeed, I am!” Cherry squealed, “Did you miss me?”
Mugen turned even redder, but retained his composure, “Can’t say I know you very well, but if you’re the real Cherry, then you must be here to revive your club?”
“I guess charming officers have mind-reading abilities.” Cherry flirted with a wink, “If you don’t mind, could you allow it? I figured I’d have my return mean SOMETHING.”
“Very well,” Mugen boasted, ego spiked as he was giving permission for something, “looks like this needs rebuilding. I’ll get the project going and you should have a building up in no time.”
“Question, though…” Cherry said with a curious expression, “...what happened? How’d it end up like this?”
“All I know is that some nutjob demolished it with a wrecking ball,” Mugen was just as clueless as Cherry, “Maker knows why. My suspicions are that someone gave someone permission to use such a vehicle despite proper regulations and licensing and whatnot, but I couldn’t tell you.”
Cherry looked sideways, “riiiiight. Well, thanks anyway. I guess I’ll go find a place to stay while I wait.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem,” Mugen said, “I’ve got a spare trailer in my driveway. I can pull that up here for you.”
“Oh, you’re just too kind!” Cherry flashed a grin that turned Mugen a shade redder, “Again, I appreciate it. No more favors, please!” With that, Cherry wandered down the hill back into the neighborhood of the section, looking upon the history with interest. Mugen only stood there watching her, shrugging as he went towards his house to retrieve the trailer. He radioed the other officers about his short departure, for which they acknowledged.
If there was one thing that Welche found bliss in seeing, it was the goose in his backyard. So peaceful. So free. Welche basked in the feeling that he wished he’d have, but alas, the containment of being surrounded by walls kept him from such freedom. Sure, he could come out at any time, but the real containment was his debt for it.
“Seems ironic that I’m imprisoned by walls that I have to pay for,” he sighed, “It’s just not fair. That goose doesn’t have to worry about such chains such as debt. It can also fly. I mean, what the fuck?” The goose continued to peck at the ground, taunting Welche. At that point, he licked his lips in frustration, standing up to boast his desires, “What tyranny prevents the flesh of man to live freely amongst the birds?! What bureaucracy makes the rights of man so convoluted that said holders of said rights have to look through a dictionary to pinpoint the right paths to follow?!” Welche grunted from the headache he gave himself as he rubbed it.
“What am I doing?” he sighed, sitting back down to the bills on his kitchen table. His due date was soon, and he was way behind. Stress continued to plague him as he rummaged through unorganized pile, pretending to be productive. One last time, he looked out the window in hopes that the goose was still there, but it wasn’t. He sighed again, hanging his head back with both hands stroking his face and stretching it downward.
He suddenly felt his phone vibrate, making him almost fall out of his seat. He pulled it out to see a familiar caller ID, which made him light up in an instant. He thought it was impossible, but he opened the message:
Welche was tempted to reply to the message, but he knew it’d be better to respond in person, “These bills can wait! Cherry’s back!” Giddiness took over him as he put on his jacket, nearly tripping over the rug on the way out the door.
C&O was only a couple blocks away, but the fact that he was nearly sprinting took a quick toll on him, which was worth it when he reached the hill at the edge of the complex. There she was, the one who brought everyone together.
“Cherry!” Welche shouted, drawing her attention. She gasped as she waved frantically back, which also drew the attention of the guy next to her. Rod, tall, bulky, and Brazilian, had a cold glare, but he joined Cherry in waving with a heavily-dimpled smile. Welche felt a wave of anxiety hit him upon making eye contact with Rod, but Cherry’s natural draw neutralized that fear as he came up to them, reaching out to give Cherry a hug before Rod cut in to replace her.
“Well, if it isn’t Welche!” Rod said with a bold, heavily-accented voice, “They unbanned you too?”
“I guess so,” Welche said, swallowing in uneasiness, “They brought back a bunch of people. Nice to see them all here after all this time.”
“Indeed,” Rod put a large arm around Cherry’s shoulders, which slightly startled her.
“Will you warn me next time, Biggie?” Cherry chuckled, which drew a bamboozled look on Welche’s face.
“Biggie?” he asked.
Rod laughed, “People often make the joke that I’m named after my rod.”
“If you know what he means,” Cherry chuckled again. This time Welche rolled his eyes.
“Aw, don’t be like that, gummy!” Rod reacted to Welche’s look of disgust, but Welche reacted to the other nickname with utter shock.
“Gummy? Really?” he responded, “What prompted THAT name?”
Neither Rod nor Cherry gave an answer, but only shrugged and turned back to face the near completion of the new Powerforce building. Welche was frustrated, but even he was in awe of the new place. As the last bits were being put in, Cherry walked up to the entrance.
“Welcome one and all to my return as well as the return of Absolute Powerforce!” Applause followed the charismatic voice of Cherry, but Welche only golf-clapped, “With the re-opening of this once-striving organization, it is my hope that we will bring back activity to this section that was left to rust into memory! Soon the doors will open, and applications are piled high in the room behind the one I stand in front of right now! There will also be food, drinks, and games supplied for your amusement!”
The applause turned into a roar, which immediately calmed as Cherry reached out and lowered her arms to gesture silence. She then raised them up to louden it again, then lowered it. She repeated this motion to her pleasure, but made it quiet again as she looked up to see that the workers were finished. Everyone broke into a ready stance to barge in, which made her smile, “let the re-opening of Absolute Powerforce… BEGIN!”
Cherry flung herself aside as the stampede of people nearly broke the door frame, which she cringed at the idea of breaking just after construction, yet she found joy in the fact that people were swarming her property like locusts. She walked in after the outside cleared out, making her way around the crowd for it was too dense to walk through even forcefully. The applications that were once piled over a foot high were only a few inches, most of which were scattered on the floor and covered in dirty footprints.
“Oh for god’s sake, I just had those neatly stacked,” Cherry scoffed as she looked over the crowd to see Rod’s beefy figure effortlessly making its way through the moshpit, which she could never do. She rolled her eyes, assuming Rod was only showing off, but his eyes showed no sign of flair. He was just trying to get to Cherry, as if on a rescue mission.
“I’m fine, Rod!” Cherry shouted over the buzz of the mingling crowd, “As long as I’m inside this desk area, no one can touch me!”
Rod reached the edge of the desk, resting his arms on the surface, “If there’s anyone I’m worried about touching you, it’s-”
“Welche?” Cherry’s confident guess saved Rod the awkwardness of getting her on the same page, “Rod, you know I’m with you, right? Why would I do such a thing to you?”
“See, that’s just the thing.” Rod lifted the hinged platform to walk through the gap that it left, setting it down to close it. He turned around to meet Cherry’s eyes again, “You’ve always been spontaneous at hear-” Cherry put a finger on Rod’s lips, hushing him.
“Have faith in me, big Rod.” Her smile nearly broke into a giggle before closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around the back of Rod’s massive neck to near in for a kiss. The moment was broken by the doors slamming against the walls, which caught the silent, still attention of everyone in the room.
“Back from the dead and ready to party-” Nexev’s arms were out, but the sight of Striker holding a dirty application that was lying on the floor silenced him. As they made eye contact, Striker alternated glaces at Nexev and the application, dropping it and standing up straight to march out awkwardly. Not a word was said as he passed Nexev at the doorway. Nexev took a deep breath, shaking the moment off, “Thank god, I was beginning to regret coming back after-” Another moment ruined itself at the sight of the application filled out on the floor. He made a break for the piece of paper, but Rod was already there picking it up, “No! Rodrigo! What are you doing?”
“Today is a new day, Nexev, sweety!” Cherry’s voice was like that of a leader in the presence of a hundred silent followers, “All grudges and conflicts are in the past! Striker has every right to be in this club as everyone else does!”
“But… but what about what he did last time? What about the war?”
“What about the war?” Cherry’s arms were crossed with a smirk on her face, “We annihilated him, remember? It’s hardly worth bringing up again.”
Nexev sighed, shrugging, “Alright, then. Well, since I’m here, I guess I’ll join again for old time’s sake.” He frowned at all the applications on the floor, “Where can I get a clean application? You know, one that isn’t trampled at dirtied up for peasants to fill out?”
Cherry rolled her eyes and sighed, grabbing one from the top of the pile that was on the desk, “Here. Pass this to Nexy, if you all will.” The application made it through without a fold, where Nexev filled it out on the wall with his own pen. It returned to Cherry the same way as he made his way out of the building with his hands in his pockets.
“...AND THEN THEY ALL FUCKE-” Nexev’s attempt at famous last words were cut off by the doors knocking him back after he closed them. Apparently the doors had no latches like the last ones, and they turned the other direction to bash him backwards. For a few solid seconds, he lied on his back groaning before he got back to his feet and walked away down the hill.
Cherry cringed at the sight of two holes in the walls made by the knobs, “Ugh, first the door frame, now the walls… I guess it could be w-” She quickly silenced herself by putting a hand on her lips, saving herself from bad luck. She looked around as the crowd began mingling again. She looked at Rod, who was at the outer edge of the desk, shrugging.
Welche was one of the last people to turn in an application. Cherry was half asleep, for the day was long. As Welche tapped her shoulder to catch her attention, her half-eyed smile lit his face on fire.
“Good to see you joining, Welche.” her voice was faint, as if it were from her last breath. Welche swallowed a wad of saliva that gathered in his mouth at the sound of her voice, and nodded with a curled lip. He didn’t want to break his gaze from Cherry, for her expression was too much to abandon. This exchange of looks led to a hand gripping his left shoulder and spinning him around to meet Rod’s threatening smirk which Welche had to look up to see.
“That’s quite a long stare for turning in an application, gummy.” he said sternly, making Welche’s spit taste like blood. Welche cleared his throat, but failed to say anything, “What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue? Or is it Cherry?”
“That’s quite enough, Roddy,” Cherry said sharply, “He’s a guest here, and he’s also my friend.”
Rod scoffed at the remark, “Friend? Seems like he wants more than that?”
“Can you blame him?” Cherry said with a hint of tease, which triggered Rod to have a hand begin to grope Welche’s skinny neck but hesitate to squeeze at the sight of Cherry’s burning glare. No words were needed to withdraw him from harming Welche any further as Rod grunted through his nostrils with curled lips. With tightened fists, he stomped out of the building as Welche leaned against the counter, taking a deep breath of relief.
“So how did you two meet?” Welche’s voice was heaving from shock.
“Oh, well,” she began, cheeks blushing, “It was at a gathering. I believe it was during one of the parties that I hosted for the last Absolute Powerforce. I’m honestly not sure. It went by so quickly.”
Welche found the answer unsatisfying, but he nodded in understanding regardless, “I guess that makes sense. Did his stature have anything to do with it?”
“Well, now that you mention it…” Cherry’s face was as red as her name. She almost chuckled, but the moment seemed too genuine to make humorous, “he did stand out from the crowd. How else would I have met those beautiful eyes of his?”
“Oh, so it’s his eyes,” Welche grew sharp, which shocked Cherry. However, Welche read her expression like a picture book and withdrew his feelings, “Sorry… I got a bit real there.”
“No need to apologize,” Cherry was not one to try and make a game of emotions, “but tell me the truth, Welche. Do you love me?”
Welche’s face met Cherry’s shade of red, but his words passed through the heat like a bullet through fire, “Y-Yes. I do.”
“I always knew you did,” a trace of joy lit her voice up, comforting Welche, “in fact, Rod was only the looker more than anything. I… I don’t love him.” Tears began to fall from her eyes, which made Welche grab the tissue box just inches from the edge of the desk. Cherry yanked the sheet that sat there waiting to be yanked, wiping her cheeks, “It’s been years, but I’ve been away and I’ve had the chance to think things through. He and I would exchange letters, but… it’s just not the same. I wasn’t around to be around him, and if looks are all that matter, then there’s really no point in being with him…”
Welche lifted the flap of the desk and walked across the gap to the other side, lowering it to close the two off from the world, “Don’t cry, please. If you don’t find him suitable for you, at least give me a chance. I’ve always loved you. I really did.”
These words made Cherry’s tears flood her soul, “Oh Welche… take me!” An embrace followed that made the rest of the world feel like nothing but space, with time stopping for a good moment. Welche felt Cherry’s tears hit his shoulder, soaking into his shirt like a napkin as the feeling of moisture on his skin nearly channeled to his own eyes, conjuring his own tears. He resisted the urge, but his lips quivered all the same, for emotions poured like waterfalls. That feeling came to an abrupt halt when he felt Cherry’s hand groping his crotch.
“What the-” His attempt to withdraw was futile, for Cherry’s embrace kept him from budging.
“You want me, right?” Welche could hear the smile on Cherry’s face as she said that, which confused him even more. His conscience battled between purity and desire as the feeling of Cherry’s hand on his goodies stimulated everything he could have ever hoped for.
“Yes, but-”
“But what?” her voice grew sharper, “we’ve gotten this far. Our bodies are both lit up like fire. I can feel the heat of your skin even through your shorts.”
“Cherry, this isn’t like you-”
“Isn’t it?” again, her expression could be heard through her voice. This time, it was through gritted teeth that was ready to bite, “My face can feel the redness of your face, but my hands can feel the rise of desire in your groin. I wanna see how much you care for me.”
Welche was shocked to see such a personality change from Cherry, but his body rejected all feelings of morality as he let his desire consume him, “Yes, I want you. I’ve always wanted you.”
“Shut up!” Cherry’s grip hardened in order to pull Welche to the ground with her. As the lights turned off from a timer that triggered at sunset, the two lovers let the twilight seep through the windows to emit the mood.
Welche woke up the next morning as if during a hangover. The previous night could be felt through his throbbing muscles as he struggled to sit up with squinting eyes. A draft could be felt across his naked body which laid inside the desk area of the Powerforce building, which woke him up enough to know he was indeed naked. The shock brought him to his feet without conscience, but common sense came back to him in time to cover his groin with his palms out of reflex. He knew he was wearing clothes at some point, which were fortunately laying on the floor next to him. He dressed himself, shaking off the fact that he was in an unexplainable situation and acted natural on his way out.
“Good lord…” he groaned with squinted eyes, which squinted tighter in the presence of the morning sunlight. He soon realized that despite having had a wonderful night with Cherry, she wasn’t there when he woke up, but he withdrew that realization after also realizing that he was too tired to care. All that mattered was that he make it back to his house to make breakfast.
The headache he had worsened when he passed through a neighborhood with a wood shredder along the curb. The noise was unbearable, but after a few minutes of adaptation to the sound, Welche walked up to the man in a hardhat and earmuffs guiding the wood into the grinder.
“Yo!” Welche shouted, but the man didn’t flinch. He shouted again and again to no avail, until he decided to just tap the man’s shoulder. At last, the guy turned around to reveal his face.
“Whataya want, kid? Can’t ya see I’m workin’ here?” The worker’s voice was harsh, like that of a man with much experience working with crappy co-workers. His jaw emphasized his Chicago accent, and his eyes appeared worn as a rusty spoon having been used for decades.
“Sorry, but…” Welche winced, “that’s just loud. What are you doing with this shredder?”
“Shreddin’ wood, dummy!” the worker sassed, “but in all seriousness, some joker decided to build a treehouse in this guy’s backyard. The guy called in asking for us to get rid of it for good.”
“Treehouse?” Welche raised a brow, “That sounds familiar.” He shrugged, putting his hands in his pocket, having gotten used to the loud noise already, “Alright then, carry on.”
“Oh by the way, kid, that big guy over there seems to want yer attention!” The worker turned around to return to his duties when Welche turned around himself to see Rod approach him faster that he could realize as he was lifted by the collar and slammed against the side of the shredder.
“Alright, gummy, I wanna know what the fuck you think you’re doing!” Rod’s voice boomed through his thick figure as some kind of intimidating ring across Welche’s soul. All Welche could do was look into Rod’s flaming eyes with the shock of being slammed against a metal wall ringing through him, leaving all other senses obsolete until Rod continued to speak, “Just who do you think you are?!”
“W-What?” Words finally managed to conjure in Welche’s mouth, but it did little to no good.
“What did I just ask you?!” Rod was fuming, veins popping on his forehead like a flat hose after having the water turned on, “Don’t think I didn’t see you with my precious Cherry! You were fucking her, weren’t you?!”
“What?! No! I was, um, well…” Welche’s hesitative answer had him thrust against the metal wall again as Rod released his grip to angrily pace the street with a hand stroking his forehead in disbelief.
“I can’t believe this… I can’t believe she would do this to me!”
“I don’t understan-”
“Cherry is the love of my life! I could’ve given her everything, and a gummy-ass twat is what she decides to go for!” Tears went down Rod’s eyes. Welche couldn’t help but cherish this moment; Rod was never the kind of guy to let tears show on his face. With his face still wet, the flames in Rod’s eyes returned when he shot a glare back at Welche, “You’ll pay for this…”
“Pay for what?” Welche felt intimidated, but pride eventually found its way into him, “Sure, you love her, but that doesn’t mean she loves you. I wonder if she even gives you any mutual feelings in bed. I sure felt that-”
“You little cunt!” Rod charged with steam coming out of his ears, or so Welche thought. With a large fist driving forward, Welche dodged to have it dent the side of the wall of the shredder, making it come in slight contact with the rotating blades inside and having it clang uncontrollably. The worker standing alongside the machine was there to witness the entire endeavor between the two, but it wasn’t until Rod’s punch that he decided to intervened.
“Just what in blazes is yer problem, boy!?” As the worker walked towards Rod, Rod’s rampage was too powerful, which got him knocked back to where he was standing before he started walking. Welche stumbled where he went after dodging, letting Rod adjust himself to go for the second strike. With another charge by Rod, Welche rolled under a massive side swipe, gathering bits of the road on his arm as he shot back to his feet like a ninja, just a few feet away from the spinning, clanging blades of the shredder. He watched as Rod pivoted to re-aim his third charge, which Welche could easily see coming.
“You’re mine, gummy!” The roar was the battlecry of the charge, and Welche saw his opportunity to do another rolling dodge, but he did not see that Rod had an underarm ready to grab him mid-dodge. Once again, Welche was held by the collar, this time with one arm raised high to leave his feet dangling about a foot above the street. He struggled, which only made Rod grin with malice, “Any last words?”
“I always loved her!”
Rod burst into laughter, “Don’t be ridiculous! What do you have that I don’t?”
“Her feelings for me.” Welche’s smirk after the comment left Rod to grimace in frustration as he turned to throw Welche in the direction alongside the machine, but his aim was slightly off. Instead, Rod threw Welche directly into the shredder. Rod realized his mistake at the last second as he watched Welche’s body fall into the rotating blades, slicing and dicing him up like a blender. The sight of the blades turning crimson red in an instant was enough to bring him to his knees, which brought the entire world to a silent stand-still with the exception of the worker flailing in panic at all the blood being squirted out of the blower into the waste truck, coloring the powdered wood inside.
“Rod…” Rod’s senses slowly came back only to have Cherry’s voice barely register into his conscience, “Rod… what have you done?”
“Cherry…” Rod’s voice was barely heard by his own ears, for the realization of Cherry witnessing what he did was sinking into him like a boulder in a pond. He was unfortunate enough to have his senses back to hear Cherry’s ear-piercing shriek penetrate his being before he lost it all again as he passed out on the pavement.
Part 2[/spoiler]
Note: This has not been beta-read and I do not plan on bothering with having it beta-read from now on. Nitpick if you want, but otherwise, enjoy!
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