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The Mythical Deck [11 Cards]

MR Unknown

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Hello Everyone,

I'm now presenting my latest deck creation, which is actually

the second deck i created...



The mythical deck is based on the real life mythical monsters, as known in

the history, such as Hydra, Leviathn, Dragons, etc...


I got the idea of creating these new monsters when i was searching in devianart about some pictures for my cards, then i found something, while i was searching for "Summoner", i found a  picture, with a man summoning 

A Maya Looking Monster ("Mythical Summoner").

So, let's get started:


Spell Cards: [3 Cards]


Mythical Summoner




[Spoiler=Effect]Discard 2 cards to target 1 "Mythical Beast" Monster on both players graveyards and Special Summon it on your side of the Field. You can only Activate 1 "Mythical Summoner" Once Per Duel.[/spoiler]


The Lost Mythical World




[Spoiler=Effect]All Face-Up "Mythical Beast" cannot be destroyed by Card effects. Once per turn, during either players turns: You can Target 1 Face-Up "Mythical Beast" On your side of the Field: Bannish it: And if you do: Special Summon it during the End Phase.[/spoiler]


The Legendary Cave Of Miracles




[Spoiler=Effect]Bannish 1 Face-Up "Mythical Beast" you control to Draw 2 Cards. [/Spoiler]



Monsters: [6 Cards]


Mythical Beast - Amphibien The Sea Demon




[Spoiler=Effect]When this Card Destroys an Oponnent's Monster and sends it to the Graveyard, You Gain Life Points equal to that Monster's ATK.[/Spoiler]


Mythical Beast - Bury The Forest Protector




[Spoiler=Effect]Cannot be normal summoned/set, this card can only be special summoned (from your hand) by discarding 1 "Mythical Beast". Once per turn: If you control a face-up "Mythical Beast" other than this Card, you can target 1 Spell/Trap card on the field and destroy it, if it was a Spell, you gain 1000 LP, if it was a trap your oponnent gain 1000 LP.[/Spoiler]


Mythical Beast - Gloko The Volcano Golem




[Spoiler=Effect]When this Card destroys a Monster by battle and sends it to the graveyard, inflict dammage to your oponnent equal that Monster's ATK.[/Spoiler]


Mythical Beast - Gould The Damned Man




[Spoiler=Effect]This card cannot be used as a synchro material except for the Synchro Summon of a "Mythical Beast". When this card is normal summoned: Target 1 level 4 or lower "Mythical Beast" in your graveyard and special summon it on your side of the field but its ATK and DEF become 0.[/Spoiler]


Mythical Beast - Kalor The Sky Master




[Spoiler=Effect]When this card destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the graveyard, target 1 Spell/Trap card on the field: Destroy that target.[/Spoiler]


Mythical Beast - Loro The Cave Monster




[Spoiler=Effect]As long as this Card remains Face-Up on the Field: Field Spells cannot be destroyed by Card Effects.[/spoiler]


Synchro Monsters: [2 Cards]


Mythical Beast - Gore The Grave Protector




[Spoiler=Effect]1 "Mythical Beast" Tuner + 1 or more Non-Tuner "Mythical Beast" Monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned: You can target 1 Face-up Spell Card on the field: Bannish that target. Once per turn: You can target 1 Face-Up "Mythical Beast" Monster You Control: It can make a second attack this turn. [/Spoiler]


Mythical Beast - Chaos The Mountain Dragon




[Spoiler=Effect]1 "Mythical Beast" Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner "Mythical Beast" monsters

This card can only be Synchro Summoned. This card cannot be destroyed by card effects. If this Card battles a Defence Position Monster: You can send the top 3 cards of your deck to the graveyard: Inflict Damage to your oponnent equal to the difference between this Card's ATK and that Monster's DEF + 300 and This card will be able to make a second attack during this turn. You can only control 1 face-up "Mythical Beast - Chaos the Mountain Dragon" on the field.[/Spoiler]



Trap Cards: [0 Cards]





Thank you for checking out my "Mythical Beasts", the new Extra-Deck monster will be posted soon, once i find a way to change the cards colors to something else like: Light blue, Navy, etc...













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