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Subsection for decks built with custom cards?


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Considering this is a Card Making Forum, I'm surprised we don't have yet a place for posting decks built with cards that users have made.


Of course, I understand that it would be complicated for the community to test those decks themselves and drop advice afterwards, but from theory it should be possible to give suggestions for those decks, or remind the poster of existing cards that could support the deck. (e.g. an user posts a deck with his custom archetype of DARK monsters but forgot generic DARK support like Allure, Viruses, etc. and/or staples; this is where the community could come in and suggest/remind him of those cards.)



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Now here's the thing

We have Realistic Cards


We have Pop Culture Cards


we also have Any other Cards


I believe you can post your set of custom cards in Realistic Cards, or even AoC if you prefer.


if you mean an actual section in Decks...



well...I dont see why not, though most of those cards WOULD just go to Realistic cards...




The thing is, it WOULD be hard to playtest these and give fair critique on how the decks work themselves.


Its much more convenient for everyone if the cards are judged based on their overall capabilities, as realistic custom cards rather than a functioning deck.

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So there was a section for this and it remained dead? I see.


How about allowing decks with custom cards in "TCG & OCG Decks" section instead? Tags like [Custom Cards] could be used in the thread title, and of course include the effects of the custom cards on the OP.

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Here's the thing.


There's not enough people that actively support custom Decks because there's only a sanctioned section dedicated to anything Custom. The entirety of the Created Cards Forum is dominated by singles. Within that, though, is a small community known as DP, which does everything Custom, but again, there's not enough people within said community to showcase an entire forum around it. It also won't get used.


No support.

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Or maybe the other way around could work.

Allowing cards from the actual game to be posted at RC - Multiples. So long as they are kept separate from the custom ones within that thread, labeled clearly and accordingly, and being completely exclusive to threads along the lines of "My Deck/Fanfic Deck/Character Deck" etc.


That'd save the trouble of "Your deck" section from bumping into threads with custom cards, and it's a good thing for members of RC to get to see actual cards if they don't know too much about the actual game's card pool (which I've seen people that are like that... namely Ragnarok didn't know Super Nimble Mega Hamster existed back when it was very abundant in the meta, just to name an example).


RC members have to have some degree of knowledge of the actual game anyways.

Meanwhile TCG members don't have to know custom creations.

It'd just make more sense and would sound easier to do as an alteration.

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Forgetting the old "we already had a section like this and no one used it" excuse...

For Created Cards sections you're supposed to rate people on how creative and fun their cards are.

For Deck Editing sections you're supposed to do the exact opposite, organize cards to get the most consistent number of wins.

So how would this section work exactly?

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Forgetting the old "we already had a section like this and no one used it" excuse...

For Created Cards sections you're supposed to rate people on how creative and fun their cards are.

For Deck Editing sections you're supposed to do the exact opposite, organize cards to get the most consistent number of wins.

So how would this section work exactly?


The section would work as a follow-up to Card Making: after successfully making a well designed card, you could take it to the next level by including it in a deck and evaluate if it's actually good/healthy for the game. Because one thing is making a well designed card/archetype/etc., and another if it is worth being played or if it doesn't take things unexpectedly too far. For instance, I could make a boss for X official archetype/deck, but if the archetype/deck cannot play it consistently, then the card may not be as good as the theory implied (I think Lightray Diabolos, Loki and perhaps T.G. Halberd cannon could be seen as real examples of this). Or any card that is good in theory, but in practice no one would run it. On the other hand, I could make multiple cards for supporting an archetype that, while they may be balanced by themselves, in combination break the archetype; and looking at the cards from the perspective of a deck would help with noticing those issues and fix the problems afterwards.


Using some of your words, the section would be for organizing a deck to get the most consistent number of wins, but including your own creative cards, and for looking at those custom cards hypothetically working in a deck along official cards to see if they are actually fair, or to detect problems (broken combos, etc.).



But that doesn't matter anyways, because if the section already existed a no one used it, I don't see the point of making it again. I would be fine with being allowed to post decks with custom cards at the Decks or perhaps RC - Multiple Cards section.

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