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Chaos Number 487: Giratina, origin of the Distortion World


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This is my official chaos number. I'm not too sure for this one but I think it's overpower. Well the first effect I tried to reflect its signature move Shadow Force or Phantom Force (same move but different attack stats.) The second is if the normal number is used as Xyz material is that it leaves a bit of a burn and gain half of the battle damage. What do you think about this card? Wow I have been studying and observing of how to execute a good chaos number but it took me a while.




3 level 9 monsters
During your main phase, you can banish this card from the field until next turn with its remaining Xyz material. When this card returns to the field, your opponent loses half of the attack of this card. If this card has "Number 487: Giratina, dragon from the Distortion World" as an Xyz material, it gains this effect.
. When this card successfully attacks your opponent's monster: You can detach 1 Xyz material, to give your opponent an additional 400 life points of damage. This card attack gains half of your opponent battle damage.
Maybe I will change the additional burn because it's already too good. Maybe I went a bit crazy on this card.
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Thank you for the open invitation. Let's get started, shall we?


3 Level 9 monsters
During your Main Phase: You can banish this card from the field and all Xyz Material attached to it until the next Standby Phase turn with its remaining Xyz material. If you do, when this card returns to the field, attach all other cards banished this way to this card as Xyz Material, When this card returns to the field, also inflict damage to your opponent loses equal to half of the attack of this card's ATK. If this card has "Number 487: Giratina, dragon from the Distortion World" as an Xyz Material, it gains this effect.
. When this attacking card successfully attacks your destroys an opponent's monster by battle: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card; inflict 400 damage to give your opponent, an additional 400 life points of damage. also this card attack gains ATK equal to half the of your opponent battle damage inflicted from that attack.

Banishing an Xyz Monster and all its Xyz Material is largely unheard of, along with reattaching the Xyz Material when it returns, so I've tried to rework it to the best of my knowledge.


Its "flicker" effect is already a very potent one, letting it dodge some degree of removal while inflicting at least 1600 damage whenever it comes back, while also conserving its Xyz Materials.


That said, its detach effect isn't so stellar for the requirement of needing the original Giratina. The burn is very minor, and the ATK boost doesn't matter if you plan to flicker it, since it loses its ATK boosts.


My suggestion would be to swap the effects around - make the "flicker" effect require the original Giratina as Material, while the burn-and-boost effect able to be used even if you don't have the original Giratina as Material.

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