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July 2014 TCG Prediction Thread

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Dark Striker Fighter (From Banned) - This card has already been updated in the TCG Database and thus all they need to do is print a copy with the updated text. Easily done and I could see this being done.
Soul Charge (From Unlimited) - Incredibly strong topdeck card, but honestly some of the best decks don't even play it because it can just be overkill. Would rather just have it not being around, but product life cycle dictates they'll probably keep it in the game at 1 anyway.
Geargiagear - One of the strongest parts of Gears that makes them a competitively viable deck, since the deck didn't really do much without it.

Fire and Ice Hand (From Unlimited) - Limiting these 2 is out of the question, but they are some of the strongest side board options that you can access in 3s. Semi-limiting them will make them significantly weaker without making them utterly useless. This is one of the things that I feel will be the more controversial part of my predictions, but I can see them feeling these 2 are too strong in their own right and may want to touch them in a way.
Artifact Sanctum (From Unlimited) - I think Konami may want to give the Artifact engine a small slap on the wrist, but nothing that may want to discourage people from buying Primal Origin for the engine. A semi would probably suffice for that.
Gladiator Beast Bestiari (From Limited) - Gladiator Beasts are one of the decks that Konami wants to push with the latest set being Primal Origin, so a good way to cause hype would be to give them back a Bestiari in order to make them seem as if they're getting stronger.

Reasoning - Don't see much of a detriment to actually having it come back to 3 and I guess they could consider it a boost to Sylvans but not really.

(Unsure of how or even if to hit Madolche since that deck's gonna drop off in like 2 weeks after the banlist lol)


Felt like making an official thread for July 2014 predictions seeing as how it's better than just making a bunch of one-off threads. Keep in mind this is for predictions, not for wishlists.
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Personally, I'd love to see another Dark Strike reprint, if only because we would get the "We are sorry we broke things" version.
Sould Charge, we might have for another format, despite the fact giving it list attention would be nice.
Hands... Considering they, more or less, became modern Gadgets, I wouldn't doubt it if they were Semi'd.
(Gadgets had a similar treatment with the list before, shoosh)

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Honestly, the TCG list shouldn't be that big this time around. But I can actually see them screwing up and hitting a lot of random and unnecesary stuff.


And I agree with Dyson, it sounds unlikely that both Artifacts AND Hands would get attention this time around.

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Hands and Artifacts are super strong individually. Together (and Sylvans) they make a deck. Hitting both of them isn't out of the question.

...says the one person whose opinion on the meta you should definitely listen to above all else.

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For reference: I'm not hitting the Hands solely because of the fact that they're good in HATE. They're incredibly powerful generic and sideboard cards, which make them more likely to see list attention with Artifacts.


Thats not why why are saying it. We are saying it because they are too new still.

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Thats not why why are saying it. We are saying it because they are too new still.

Dragons of Legend is definitely not out of the question for slap on the wrists, since the stuff'll still be good. They are clear for outright huge hits, but not for very small restraints. The only set you can properly say is out of the woods in terms of hit potential is really just anything from Primal Origin, which is why I haven't hit Madolche.
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Thats not why why are saying it. We are saying it because they are too new still.

Spirit got limited within a few weeks of Rooster's release to keep it from being too good (hands)


Lord of the Tachyon Galaxy got hit 2 months or so after its release (soul charge)

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don't shoot down lists based purely on what you'd do if you wanted to get players to average more product income - konami realise that they can't leave degenerate stuff untouched because it will push people away from the game e.g. spellbook of judgment.


it's a solid list with well-thought out choices, the format atm isn't too bad outside of soul charge which you've hit, other than that decks don't really need to be touched apart from geargiagear which is broken and should have been hit last list.

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