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*Reads thread*


Am I the only one who misses the Koko-Black regime?


I mean, they enforced standards to keep RC from looking like the DNF's Create-A-Card section that it is now.


This is what happens when you stop being a hardass in what is both the most important section on this forum, and the one that gets most of the stupid.


The bulk of the people who join this forum don't care about design, the meta, or how their abominations interact with existing cards.


They watch the show, then they come here to make Elemental Dragons and Elemental Wolves and Red-Eyes Ultimate Dragons and Exodia support.


You have to rip them to shreds.


You have to teach member that OCG fixes, comments about the card picture, and abstract posts are not in line with this forum's standards.


You have to enforce high standards in the RC section because this isn't the "post any busted or badly designed card you want."


On that note, does this section even have a mod?


Previous RC mods here would make their presence known by posting in threads to criticize offending members.


Public shaming? No, it's teaching other new members that this section has high standards, and provides an example for how not to post.


You can just warn these members, but so what? That warn is just a number, and the other members can't learn how to improve from a numerical slap on the wrist they can't see.


This topic aside, it looks like the most attention this section gets is when a random mod pops in to lock a necro'd topic.


Yeah, the anonymous members in the opening post were far below standard, but it's pretty easy for these members to not see why it's a bad thing when the mod doesn't directly give them, or the mountain of other recent offenders, a dressing down in the original threads and tell them to get up to section standards.


This is...exactly why I try not to post and try not to comment in RC because these kinds of people just want to be real card makers and dont respect other people who just want to make realistic type cards...this hurt my feelings it really did.


This is why im asking for the Love of all card makers out there, for a new Real Card section other then the current RC and MC, and other cards is not a place for offset realistic cards, its mostly joke cards...


Please I just want to make a realistic card and not get trashed on because i messed up one line of text and suddenly its OP and could never be used in competitive.


I just want balance and there to stop being arguing over people not commenting right, and not doing a card right...please.

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As stated in Toyo's "rant" thread of sorts (and inside the rules), you should have some degree of knowledge of what the heck goes on in the metagame.

Granted, some of us don't play competitively due to personal reasons, but at the least, just read the cards on the Wikia or simply check the TCG forum from time to time to figure out why some types of cards aren't liked.


Yes, some members are a bit, how I should I say, militant, about card reviews, and they should offer help instead of being the a-word and calling you out. The stuff in RC is graded on a competitive level, so casual players will feel out of place if they have little to no knowledge. Hence, why you should make an attempt to know what goes on in the competitive world before making a non-competitive card and getting chewed out for it. It also helps if you simply read the rules/guides in that section; that way, you won't get berated for it. Comment-wise, you don't have to be an adept at the competitive game, but just make sure you try your best to make a good review on a member's card.


As for the suggestion, the current forums are fine as they are.


You can always use Any Other Cards to post stuff that isn't "competition" material; heck, you can still use RC for that but just use existing cards as a guide to know what NOT to create in your stuff. As I already mentioned, just look at existing cards to figure out what's going on [or use the TCG forum here]; it really isn't hard to spend a few minutes reading.

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Most people want great art work and card feats. If you dont' have it, some people scold you. But the smart, helpful people gives  you advice on how to make it better. Never tell them to go to hell. Listen to them. They are trying to help. Any card usually is ok. Others might have high expectations.

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There is no reason for this. The fact you're inept at making cards and want to continue scrubbily doing so is on you. AoC exists. RC is for realistic cards that are either well designed or looking for improvement or just trying an idea that hasn't been done but isn't absurd.

Granted, I know nothing of your cards, so "you" is a general term.

RC is for people striving to do their best. Design requires thought, and spammy "2stronk5me" posts are useless spam. If you want to post something for the hell of it, AoC exists, but RC is for actually designing cards and learning about game design, even if it falls short.

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Thanks you guys but I dont think im ment for this site, I mean I want to make cards but if i get scolded because my card doesnt seem real enough just isnt cool. and to post a card in AoC just seems like kind of a waste cause I want my cards to be real to a certian point but not to a point where every card i make has to at least hold up in a real deck.


Sorry if it just seems like im being a baby and backing out, but im a person that has soft emotions and again if i make a card that i think is cool and seems realistic gets bombed for not being real enough...i dont wanna be here.


Im just going to continue play YGOPro till i think im good enough to come back here.

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