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[Finished]~Renegade~ Vs. Tem 23 [Warrior Contest]

Admiral Tim

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For round 4 of my Warrior contest I asked the participants to make warrior type synchro monsters that are of the water attribute.  The first contestant to 3 votes wins!


To vote please include a short description why you chose the contestant:


If a voter does not give a valid reason why, I reserve the right to exclude his or her vote. 



Tem 23 - 1

~Rengade~ - 0



[spoiler= ~Renegade~]




1 Tuner monster + 1 or more non-Tuner monster(s)

This card can also be Synchro Summoned by detaching all the Xyz Materials from a face-up WATER monster you control(min. 1). Then, if you do: Target face-up Attack Position monsters  your opponent controls up to the number of Xyz Materials detached to Summon this card; change those monsters to face-down Defense Position. Once per turn: You can destroy 1 face-down card your opponent controls. If you do, this card cannot declare an attack this turn.[/spoiler]


[spoiler= Tem 23]




1 tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner WATER monsters
When this card is Synchro Summoned, you can target any number of cards on the field, up to the number of non-Tuner monsters used as Synchro Material Monsters for this card; Shuffle those targets into the Deck(s). Monsters your opponent controls lose 100 ATK for each “Ice Barrier” monster you control. While you control 2 or more “Ice Barrier” monsters: This card cannot be Destroyed by Battle.



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Card A: Has an alternate method of summoning by detaching from a WATER Xyz monster, then changing an equal amount of monsters face-down and being able to nuke them with his effect (or any face-down); in exchange for his attack. Though a unique concept combining Synchro/Xyz, it's not really a Synchro Summon; rather a pseudo-Chaos Xyz Evolution of sorts.


Card B: Essentially an Ice Barrier variant of Junk Destroyer; you're guaranteed to bounce at least 1 card but considering most Level 10s, you might need to use 2 non-Tuners and in return, you can bounce the same amount to the Deck. The ATK drop isn't particularly great, as it does require a full field to really deduct anything (100 ATK per monster is weak to be honest; could've been increased to 200-300 and might not have been so bad). Protection from battle is a nice thing, especially if you can build a stall strategy with Defender or something.



With that said, card B gets it for keeping it in line with game standards and for being more balanced/helpful to the Archetype it's meant for (Barriers needed a Level 10 of their own). Card A, while having a playable effect, violates the Synchro Summoning mechanic to some extent [and can often be summoned for little cost in late game; there is some concern with this being used in conjunction with Decks that can spam their materials out quickly (gaining enough to be detached for this card's "pseudo Chaos Xyz Evo" and then setting them accordingly)

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I vote for Card B.


Card A:

It's effects are not that bad actually: It can Set 1+ cards by itself, and then destroy 1 of them at the cost of refraining from attacking. However, what broke the card was its summoning condition: If I understand it correctly, it should Summon itself at the mere cost of detaching material from a WATER, so it essentially an easy +1 and potentially a +2 in terms of card advantange, which is unfair. Then, it lacks a hard OPT clause so you can even Summon multiple of these guys in a single turn provided you have enough Xyzs to detach materials from. Now, there are 2 cards that would simply break the hell out of this card: Bahamut Shark and Full Armored - Black Ray Lancer. Here is an example of what you can do with those 2 and multiple Killer Frosts:


Summon Bahamut Shark.

Detach to Summon any Rank 3 WATER.

Overlay Armored Ray Lancer on said Rank 3.

Detach from both Bahamut and Ray Lancer to drop 2 Killer Frosts and trigger their effects (if possible).

Go for a Rank 5 WATER (Crystalzero being the best choice) with the Killer Frosts, and use its effect if possible.

Summon a 3rd Killer Frost by detaching the remaining material on the Rank 5.

Overlay Armored Crystalzero on that Rank 5.


Yeah, all of that just from a single Bahamut Shark.



Card B:

The last 2 effects may not be that good, but it is the first one which shines, as it turns its Synchro Summon into a +0 with the quite powerful spinning effect that bypasses protection against destruction. Its Level 10 is actually convenient for Ice Barriers because it can be summoned with Defender + Gantala/Tidal/Gungnir; however, you will have a bit of trouble if you want to drop it with Level 4 or lower Ice Barriers. Finally, by requiring WATERs as materials, it can be used by other WATER decks without being too generic, which is nice.

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