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Pop culture needs help


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So what exactly is the suggestion here? Either there are too many announcements or that we're throwing the RC book in Pop Culture and expect PC-goers to follow the Advanced Clause.


As for the copy/paste of the general RC Rules in the section, that was to promote better card design as a lot of us are getting sick and tired of broken cards of some random Pop Culture character [this holds true for many new members; older members that go in there generally make cards that follow RC precepts].


It's not supposed to be as strict as the Realistic section, but at the least, you do need to make a card that has good design/flavor and not be broken like some of the cards on ban list. As for enforcing a mini variant of the AC, this is also meant to push the quality of comments/CnC as posts such as "oh nice card 10/10" aren't very helpful at all. Suppose we can look into dropping a few of the restrictions in there.



Announcement-wise, can probably edit a few of them so they don't show in CC. 


RC is still the section that needs to be dealt with the most, as that's why new staff were chosen. (Things have gotten better though in there; still some badly designed cards at times, but either people don't make as much of them, or we promptly shaft them to Joke/OPed cards on sight)

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I don't have a suggestion.  I just think that the current situation sucks.  I think that the big red text looks unprofessional, I think 7 announcements is more than any forum could ever need, I think that "announcements" should be removed after a few weeks and not let to sit there for a few years.  Mostly though I think it really just looks stupid.

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I deactivated that red text for the time being.

It needed to be noticeable because again, a lot of new members fail to even read the guides and continue to make broken stuff in Pop Culture. (Already explained earlier)


That thread marked "Guide to Pop Culture" should serve as enough rule enforcement until a better way is found.


Saber, Striker and I agreed that Pop Culture should have its quality brought up as well, though we're supposed to boost RC first; since that's the main one.

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