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[MtG] Khans of Tarkir Previews - 01/09


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End Hostilities will make Standard players happy that they got something to replace Supreme Verdict. Although I'm not to happy about a boardwipe that doesn't let me use Skullclamp efficiently. :(


Sidisi just might be my new Zombie tribal commander.

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End hostilities might be ok for some, but I'd sooner run Wrath of the Gods. Turn 5 is too late for my tastes.
I'm jealous because I wish UR had an instant/sorcery version of Sidisi.
Instead we get stuff like Howl of the Horde >.>

Well, obviously End Hostilities isn't playable anywhere else but Standard. But it's playable in Standard because we don't get 4-mana Wraths. That's a new policy.

And Howl of the Horde is good. Should fit into a shit ton of EDH decks.
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Well, obviously End Hostilities isn't playable anywhere else but Standard. But it's playable in Standard because we don't get 4-mana Wraths. That's a new policy.

And Howl of the Horde is good. Should fit into a s*** ton of EDH decks.


Additionally, it hoses bestow as well as all the swords that are seen in Modern/Legacy/EDH. 

Sidisi looks awesome. At an affordable cost, even.


Tempted to change my Golgari reanimator towards Sultai. How much blue will I be splashing...?


Depends. Is it standard?

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No 4cmc wrath. Well shit. It get's rid of bestow and equipment but it makes control decks a turn slower.


Its been said that they are moving away from 4 mana wraths. As far as 5 mana wraths go, this is fine. 


I have a weird love for graveyard decks so I love Sidisi. Pretty much set on playing either GBW or GBU for the foreseeable future. 

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End hostilities might be ok for some, but I'd sooner run Wrath of the Gods. Turn 5 is too late for my tastes.


I'm jealous because I wish UR had an instant/sorcery version of Sidisi.


Instead we get stuff like Howl of the Horde >.>


I for once find hilarious how Howl of the Horde is a Mardu (Raid) Card that works great with either Spell Intensive Jeskai (Pull it off a Narset trigger) or Mana Intensive Temur Both being UR clans

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Additionally, it hoses bestow as well as all the swords that are seen in Modern/Legacy/EDH.

The swords aren't used that much in Modern, and cost effectiveness of cards matter more than what it hits. There isn't enough to support the cost when decks can blow out even before turn 4. 4 mana means more as it doesn't make you waste resources as much against decks like Zoo and Hatebears, but still have the ability to blow them out. EDH is more forgiving, but there are also better cards than Hostile that are either instant speed or are just stronger than it. Legacy cares too much about Supreme Verdict because it can't be countered.

This card will only be used in Standard.
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The swords aren't used that much in Modern, and cost effectiveness of cards matter more than what it hits. There isn't enough to support the cost when decks can blow out even before turn 4. 4 mana means more as it doesn't make you waste resources as much against decks like Zoo and Hatebears, but still have the ability to blow them out. EDH is more forgiving, but there are also better cards than Hostile that are either instant speed or are just stronger than it. Legacy cares too much about Supreme Verdict because it can't be countered.

This card will only be used in Standard.


Oh, no. Of course. That was just what they had in mind designing it, or so I could assume. It might be cool in Cube, considering that swords are a big deal in many.

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