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my october 2014 banlist

Just Crouton

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i want creativity back in the game and together we can make a stand and tell konami what i really want!!!!


banned for life!

shadolls: i hate them all. so op'd!!! ban them for life!!!!!! STOP NETDECKING THIS DECK!!!!!

qliphoth: so op'd!!! konami made them becuz they greedy jewz!!! ban for life!!!!!!

dragon rulers: oh my god these cards should never been printed!!!! my crystal beasts cant thrive with better decks running around!!!!!! GET RID OF THEM ALL!!!!!!!

sparks: so sick of losing to this card!!!!! op'd!!!!!!

galaxy-eyes photon dragon: becuz a mod on my forum is a photon addict. GET HIM HELP!!!!!



monster reborn: this has been around since the original series. konami were a dumbs to ban this

chaos emperor dragon: how is my blue-eyes white dragon deck supposed to thrive? plus, he has counters. get with the program!!!!!

makyura the destructor: can't handle a mirror force from the hand? suck it up, noobs.

rescue cat: becuz 2 level 3 beast-types are so op'd <_<

sinister serpent: because i need a fusion target for absolute zero. and it has 300 atk. its not that strong. cowards.

pot of greed: can be countered with null and void and greed



dark magician of chaos: my dark magician needs this card!!!!! how can i beat six samurais without it?????



elemental hero stratos: my deck cant thrive without it. pls bring it back. its can be countered with vorse raider.

witch of the black forest: can be countered with compulsory evacuation device

sangan: can be countered with compulsory evacuation device

compulsory evacuation device: to counter sangan and witch of the forest

cyber-stein: he's not bad. he can come back

cyber jar: he needs to be flipped. he's balanced. its time to come back.


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