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  • 3 weeks later...

Updated OP.

Decided to swap the copies of Bubbleman for Tinplate Goldfish.

Reason for this, is they can still form Absolute Zero, but in exchange for a name, they can also trigger Mist and Blaze, and even do the occasionally Rank 4 play.

Also I put Poly to 2 and added a Change Second; This is mostly theory-oh. Second, I still find rather iffy, but mostly in this build, and only really because I always have a HERO on-hand, so it's not like I need to invest the extra card to make a Masked HERO, when really, Change Second is just to give Goldfish more use, and let me make Dian plays off Halberds. Srsly, I still say Form Change is better, because HERO Fusions are typically 8s anyway, so realistically, you never jump through any hoops if you have it, when the item you need for it is always there.

I still want to play Poly in 3s, but space..... Guh.... the damn space....

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Version 2 proved to be mediocre, because Goldfish never worked the way I wanted to.
I also tried Summoner Monks here; ironically I got the same result as the Goldfish.

OK SO.... Nice to know what worked and what didn't..... Heh.
I'm thinkin' I should run Call of the Haunted, if only because it could prove to be more effecient.
.....now to make room.

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I would honestly try something along the lines of DDT, it has the best qliphort and necloth matchup and that is what will likely be meta when Heroes finally comeoutish...


Three reasons:


Most Fusions can't hold a candle to Qliphorts Necloths Shaddolls or BA, except Azero so run whatever Super poly you have in side

DDT is the fastest hero deck out there atm, you want to draw into Vanity, and your traps as fast as you can

With IF and Noden legal you want to minimize your monster count, it can't be too hard to TCG this tbh, I would honestly suggest swapping Unknown for p-spread and Trish for Beelzeus for the LP gain since that is the deck's weak point


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>3x Compulsory

Despite the fact I'm calling bullshit on this, I'm using DN's TCG/OCG format of using the TCG list/etc.
IE, I'm not really one to switch over to full OCG.






- Stratos

-2 Compuls

+2-3 Goblinblerg


You can likely kill the Unknown Trish plays for a third AHL and a Bubbleman


There's no need to be rude mate, I was only trying to help, Just pointing out the best OCG build atm and trying to help you TCG it



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It still looks.... Wonky.
Mostly, because you have a lot of cards that only do [x] with [y] while them being literally dead without eachother.
'Course, I suppose that's the point of Diamond Dude, to run potentially dead cards that only make sense if you get luck enough to mill them with him.

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It's the best hero build OCG side, take it or leave it, it's not hard to TCG, and you don't need Trish+US, that's a very Meta Oriented call to hit Necloths and Qliphorts that get over the 2700 range

I was merely adding onto what you said. Goldfish was because it was WATER and could theoretically replace Bubbleman in that other build. But Fish lacks Rota, and Both of Mist's effects can't miss anyway, so Goblin obveiously would have more relevance. Plus, I was trying to force more Change Second plays, which ultimately didn't work.
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