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Harrison Ford involved in a plane crash.


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As some of you may have heard, Ford was flying a ww2 era plane near LA. The engine failed and he had to land on a golf course. The plane got wrecked and golfers rushed to his aid. He was still conscious. Luckily he is still alive. It was a miracle, most crashes like these don't end well. This almost gave me a heart attack. I had just gotten over Leonard Nemoy's passing (R.I.P.). So YCMers, what do you think of this?

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You're a day or so behind, but it's still relevant more or less.


I applaud him for knowing what the best course of action was, given the options he had at the time.

And indeed, surviving said crash was a miracle.



That being said, I don't particularly know or care too much about this man, so in essence I'm neutral on the issue.

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