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"YCM News" section in the Card Maker.


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Just what it says on the tin, a little feed somewhere on the cardmaker page (ideally the top) which mentions important YCM news ("Numbers tournament has started", "Zaziuma has written a guide about OCG, check it out!", "Easter event has started", that sort of thing). It should give more attention to things that need it, as well as encouraging more guests to sign up to enter these events or even just read forum pages like cardmaking guides etc.

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It needn't be necessary for all of us to post stuff - just have people who want something put in news PM a mod. The main idea of this is just to bring News to people who don't look at the forums, because realistically the majority of people with forum accounts will notice most of the things in news by just looking at the forums they're interested in.

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How about a newsletter?

EDIT: And with that, we could have different sections, a top 10 custom cards section, and whatnot

We've done that a couple times in the past. It's always been interesting for a few issues, but the writers/contributors eventually either lose interest or have time conflicts, so these never last too long.

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Whilst a YCM Newsletter sounds really cool it's not really what I'm getting at - the idea is to have headlines actually on the card maker's page so people who wouldn't normally use the forums see it and get interested.

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