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[CFV] Kook's irl deck archive.


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I'm going to be getting into Vanguard a lot more in the near future when getting a job finally succeeds and all of my exams are done, meaning I can go to Team League events etc. This thread is mainly going to be used for English metagame standpoints etc while also posing as a place for me to post decklists that I'm going to own when english releases come out.

[spoiler=G-Sweep Command - Last Update: GBT02]


2 Eradicator, First Thunder Dracokid
4 Sacred Spear Eradicator, Pollux
3 Eradicator, Yellow Gem Carbuncle
4 Eradicator, Blue Gem Carbuncle
1 Eradicator, Dragon Mage
4 Worm Toxin Eradiator, Seiobo

4 Eradicator, Wyvern Guard Guld
4 Mighty Bolt Dragoon
3 Eradicator, Demolition Dragon
2 Rising Phoenix

4 Demonic Dragon Berserker, Chatura
4 Voltage Horn Dragon
3 Fiendish Sword Eradicator, Cho-Ou

4 Eradicator, Dragonic Descendant
4 Eradiactor, Sweep Command Dragon

4 Conquering Supreme Dragon, Conquest Dragon
3 Lightning Dragon Knight, Zorras
1 Snow Elemental, Blizza[/spoiler]
If there are any questions about the deck(s) that I post, please do let me know and I'll be sure to answer them asap. If anyone also wants a guide of some kind written about one of the decks featured in this post, let me know and I'll be sure to write it.
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Why's the 4 descendant?

Allows you to have a huge pressure central column late game that can easily just kill your opponent. Limit Break effects are a lot better now that you have something to do other than the actual Limit Break, so Descendant is no longer considered "too slow"
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