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TCG Section's Trades Thread


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Just a small suggestion, but someone really needs to unsticky that sheet. Nobody's posted there for over a month and it has lost its usefulness. There is more than one website where you can look at card prices and determine whether you've made a good trade or not so the information is there immediately. You can gain the information immediately somewhere else, rather than having to wait for someone to reply to you on an inactive forum.


It could be replaced, perhaps by a kind of "market watch" thread, that looks at the state of the trading market in general and highlighting some "hot" cards that highly sought after. It could also provide trading advice in general and advice on how to build a collection. It could still be used for the purpose of the current trade thread, but people could elaborate more than they currently do in there. 


For example, if someone trades a Lose 1 Turn for a Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit + a Chaofeng, current card prices would mean that is a fairly even trade. However, you could elaborate and say that Ghost Ogre is likely to lose value in the near future whereas Lose 1 Turn is in very high demand and will only gain value in the future, so it may have been worth holding onto the Lose 1 Turn instead.


Obviously, a couple of people would have to be willing to run a thread like that.

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Technically, Komaeda posted there at the end of last month (along with ihop and some other guys), but yeah it was dead from February until then.


But yeah, there are other places to keep track of card values.

I generally refer to my local dealership when I check on values (although they're on the lower end most of the time due to their pricing and stuff)


Thread can be destickied, although I'll leave that to evilfusion since I'd rather not screw around with things in his section. 



Market value thread sounds nice, but as you say, people need to be willing to run it.

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