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SCOTUS thread (lock)

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I don’t agree with the thread being locked. The comments under fire there were small potatoes compared to what's going on elsewhere and what's going to come.  Like people have said, this isn't over yet. While mankind does accept and embrace change, it can take a while. No one likes being told about sudden change and is expected to immediately accept it, whether you're on Sweet 16 and getting a Prius instead of that Porsche you wanted or that a law's being passed that you don't agree with.
We can't lock up discussion and interaction when things get heated. We shouldn’t. Someone being faced with change they don't like and then immediately being told to shut up and not say anything back will only make them angrier and more withheld on their opinion.
Think back to the aftermath of the Civil Rights movement. It’d be regressive to separate white and black people every time things got heated between them. I remember watching a documentary about this school teacher back in that time who had taught her elementary school class about discrimination by separating the class into blue eyes and brown eyes. Only the blue-eyed kids could go to recess that day while the brown-eyed kids stayed in to do extra work. The next day, the reverse happened. I think other privileges like snack time were taken away too, hard to remember. After that, all the kids talked about how they felt, came to realize that discrimination was an evil act and said that the current treatment of black people was absolutely wrong.
We have to talk it out. Not yell at each other or using hateful language against other parties like religion. We could point fingers at bigots and the Catholic Church or whoever else we feel like blaming in not going along with what we believe and start systematically oppressing the intolerant. Or we can stay above all that and let them come to terms with it themselves.
I saw these two tweets today.
Most of us don’t agree with the anti-gay agenda, including me. But we’re not going to get anywhere by just showering praise for change and shunning those who don’t agree or have problems with these parties. 
Love wins. There’s more than one meaning behind that.

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Here's the thing.


On YCM, if you have a different opinion than the above poster, it's considered wrong and hateful and stupid and that person is immediately shunned for THE lamest of excuses. It isn't the fact that we're arguing about the topic at hand, it's more of the fact that no one on here can respect anyone else's opinion. We WERE talking about the topic at hand and then the thread devolved into everyone saying "funk you my opinion is better". THAT is the reason the thread was locked. Of course open-ended discussion is encouraged and honestly the thread was doing fine so far. Then people came into the thread and started talking smack to one another and then things went downhill.

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