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[CFV] Post-GBT04 Celestial Hybrid


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1 Hope Child, Turiel
4 Hot Shot Celestial, Samyaza
4 Invert Celestial, Asbeel
3 Celestial, Landing Pegasus
1 Doctoroid Lifros
4 Recovery Celestial, Ramuel

4 Adamantine Celestial, Aniel
4 Black Call, Nakir
3 Battle Cupid, Nociel
3 Nursing Celestial, Narelle

4 Nurse of Broken Heart
3 Emergency Celestial, Danielle
2 Dosage Celestial, Asmodel
2 Dream Light Unicorn

4 Black Shiver, Gabriel
4 Clumsy Celestial, Batrael


4 Holy Seraph, Raphael
2 Holy Seraph, Uriel
1 Holy Celestial, Mikhael
1 Holy Celestial, Rasiel

Finalized version of the hybrid version of the deck that I've been working on ever since Gabriel has been shown, making use of the conjunction of Gabriel and Nurse of Broken Heart to create a huge Vanguard column during your opponent's turn so that they can no longer hit you and then you just beat them by outracing them. Thoughts?
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actually my deck still does both, using the defenses of gabreel and broken heart combined with rapheal to give me enough time and pressure to push my opponent to 5, so that the metatron push works.

just mentioning because my decklist will be changing, i've been working the kinks out

So your deck's capable of using Danielle and Unicorn in conjunction with each other to give you an on average 23000 Vanguard for the rest of the turn? o o;; I don't see either of those cards in your list.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So your deck's capable of using Danielle and Unicorn in conjunction with each other to give you an on average 23000 Vanguard for the rest of the turn? o o;; I don't see either of those cards in your list.


no, I usually end up sitting around 17s with battle cupid blocks while the nurse boosts compound and make my rgs also push up high, making my whole front row harder to hit.

my deck build wasn't celestial, so I didn't have Danielle as a good choice to play. but if I did go a purely defense build, I would indeed set that up as well, it's quite smart.


my defense can rely on triggers more since I run 3 of our standing roid, it allowed me to push pretty much every trigger I damage or switch back into the deck often, I"ve used it to heal a lot more than non legion decks should be expected to. inaddition it all provides a 4k boost for the damage counters, so the multiple end effects it gives makes it amazingly useful


in addition, the fact that I understand how to mitigate damage well in the early game also helps, because then they have to push through more damage that triggers effects. it's more about play-style than deck build there however. I naturally play with defensive posturing since I've played since the beginning of the game and generally went with more tech based clans and builds, meaning my power turns come usually one or two later than aggressive decks, so they burn out, and then I strike back. unless I can catch them early and put them off balance for the majority of the game.

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