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2 Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit

2 Dark Destroyer

1 Dark Eclipser

1 Delta Shuttle

1 TIE Fighter

1 Female Anakin

2 Millenium Falcons

1 Goodwitch

2 X-Wings

2 Stormtroopers

1 Strawman

3 R2-D2

2 Darth Maul


3 Emergency Teleport

3 Kozmotown

2 Reasoning

2 Twin Twisters


3 Call of the Haunted

2 Kozmojo

2 Oasis of Dragon Souls

2 Solemn Strike


1 Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon

1 Black Rose Dragon

1 Clear Wing Synchro Dragon

1 HTS Psyhemuth

1 Red Wyvern

1 Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend

1 Abyss Dweller

1 Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer

1 Cyber Dragon Infinity

1 Cyber Dragon Nova

1 Dante, Traveler of the Burning Abyss

1 Leviair the Sea Dragon

1 Raidraptor - Force Strix

1 Super Quantum Mecha Beast Granpulse

1 The Phantom Knights of Break Sword



...Am I doing it right?


Also, Dark Destroyer needs to stop being 140 dollars.


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suggested edits: DOG fighter and Delta Shuttle are s*** tier, replace with another Dark Destroyer and bae Witch, and replace a copy of Tincan with a Farmgirl.

cut oasis, run Instant Fusion at 2. cut a CotH and a trash Witch, replace with 2 Maxx "C".

Extra is then:




Red Wyvern

Dark Strike Fighter

Ancient Fairy Dragon


PSY Omega









ta da. might wanna consider switching Eclipser with BLS

for the side consider Lancea, Scythe, Kaiser Colosseum, Quaking Mirror Force

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Ok, so regardless of whether there are any cows in this deck or not:


I would remove Dark Eclipser from the Main Deck. A surprisingly large amount of decks do not run any traps, and if they do, then they are often Solemns, which Eclipser obviously can't respond to. The Side Deck could be a nice place for Eclipser, but there are probably better Side cards.

I would move Dark Destroyer up to 3, but it seems from "Also, Dark Destroyer needs to stop being 140 dollars" that this is an IRL deck and you can't afford 3 Dark Destroyer.


I would also suggest at least one of either Escape from the Dark Dimension or Brain Hazard. Both cards fill similar roles in your deck to the CotH/OoDS, but for banished Kozmos, which are far for prevalent than grave Kozmos, except for those milled by Tin Can. The pros of each (relative to each other) are as follows:

Dark Dimension can bring back Dark Destroyer, and so can be rather useful in the late game.

Brain Hazard can bring back Farmgirl, Tincan and Strawman, allowing you to either search more or revive some more, making it useful throughout the game. It also just destroys rather than destroy and banish as Dark Dimension does. This means you can summon that card again with CotH&co. It also allows you to return a used HTS.


If you wanted to take the deck in an entirely new direction though, you could try Soartroopers FTK. All you need is 3 Overdrive Teleporter, 1-3 Brain Research Lab + some Terraforming, 1 Amazoness Archer and an M-X-Saber Invoker. You can easily side these out for duels 2 and 3, mitigating the weakness that most FTK decks have. This is more viable in metagames where Performage Damage Juggler is banned, such as the OCG or TCG tournaments once that Alternative List thingy kicks in. It might not be up your street, but hey, I'm only making a suggestion. If you want me to explain the FTK, then I can.


I hope you enjoy playing Kozmos and that they're not too hard on your piggy bank. :P

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suggested edits: DOG fighter and Delta Shuttle are s*** tier, replace with another Dark Destroyer and bae Witch, and replace a copy of Tincan with a Farmgirl.

cut oasis, run Instant Fusion at 2. cut a CotH and a trash Witch, replace with 2 Maxx "C".

Extra is then:




Red Wyvern

Dark Strike Fighter

Ancient Fairy Dragon


PSY Omega









ta da. might wanna consider switching Eclipser with BLS

for the side consider Lancea, Scythe, Kaiser Colosseum, Quaking Mirror Force


I'm not going to lie. That extra deck looks really really bad.


Getting 2 Forerunners/Destroyers on the field just isn't going to happen to warrant running Dracossack and Felgrand, and even if they do happen, its a very bad idea to sacrfice both of them for an Xyz like that. Chaofeng literally doesn't do /anything/ here. Trish is completely unreliable due to needing 3 materials.

DSF is just bad, and Noden is a huge maybe whereas Panzer is a flat out no. Omega literally doesn't help at all, and Scarlight can at least clear fields to help with OTKing.


I considered Ancient Fairy, but the only field spell worth hitting is Domain, and I can't summon AFD in the first place with that out.


As for the main deck suggestions, I can take out Delta Shuttle, I don't like it anyway. But Dog Fighter is surprisingly good at its job, generating more damage on the board as needed, so that's staying in as a one-of. I can swap out Goodwitch for a third Wickedwitch. Although the Maxx "C"s could help, I prefer Oasis here, because I'm trying to maximize Tincan potential here. But I can definitely lower the Tincan to 2 though.

Ok, so regardless of whether there are any cows in this deck or not:


I would remove Dark Eclipser from the Main Deck. A surprisingly large amount of decks do not run any traps, and if they do, then they are often Solemns, which Eclipser obviously can't respond to. The Side Deck could be a nice place for Eclipser, but there are probably better Side cards.

I would move Dark Destroyer up to 3, but it seems from "Also, Dark Destroyer needs to stop being 140 dollars" that this is an IRL deck and you can't afford 3 Dark Destroyer.


I would also suggest at least one of either Escape from the Dark Dimension or Brain Hazard. Both cards fill similar roles in your deck to the CotH/OoDS, but for banished Kozmos, which are far for prevalent than grave Kozmos, except for those milled by Tin Can. The pros of each (relative to each other) are as follows:

Dark Dimension can bring back Dark Destroyer, and so can be rather useful in the late game.

Brain Hazard can bring back Farmgirl, Tincan and Strawman, allowing you to either search more or revive some more, making it useful throughout the game. It also just destroys rather than destroy and banish as Dark Dimension does. This means you can summon that card again with CotH&co. It also allows you to return a used HTS.


If you wanted to take the deck in an entirely new direction though, you could try Soartroopers FTK. All you need is 3 Overdrive Teleporter, 1-3 Brain Research Lab + some Terraforming, 1 Amazoness Archer and an M-X-Saber Invoker. You can easily side these out for duels 2 and 3, mitigating the weakness that most FTK decks have. This is more viable in metagames where Performage Damage Juggler is banned, such as the OCG or TCG tournaments once that Alternative List thingy kicks in. It might not be up your street, but hey, I'm only making a suggestion. If you want me to explain the FTK, then I can.


I hope you enjoy playing Kozmos and that they're not too hard on your piggy bank. :P


Nah, it isn't irl. I was just making a comment on how retardedly expensive Destroyer was. Although I can certainly have a third one over Eclipser.

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I cannot for the life of me fathom what purpose Force Strix serves.

Look at the side deck. It's for the Raidraptor matchup so you can banish the card they rely on most. Also for duels 2 and 3, you can side in a Chimeratech Fortress Dragon to hit one of the more likely sides against Kozmo.

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I have 42 this time because I'm now debating between Dark Dimension and DDR, ones faster but has a cost, and can also grab the pilots, Sliprider, and Forerunner.




-1 Kozmojo

-1 Delta Shuttle

-1 Tincan

-1 Goodwitch

-2 Oasis


+1 Dark Destroyer

+1 Wickedwitch

+1 BLS

+1 Bottomless

+2 DDR OR Dark Dimension (still debating)


Didn't take the lancea suggestion for the Side deck, because although Lancea stops banishing, it still can't out ships.


EDIT: Side Deck is pretty much capped out now. Extra backrow hate is to out sided IIWs, MAsk of restrict is for monarchs/Majespecter magcians, ASF is for pendulums, Cyber Dragon is for the mirror match, and Drifting is for RR/BA/Odd-Eyes Match-ups


EDIT #2: Also debating if Maxx "C"s are more important than Reasonings. As they do conflict as I mentioned earlier.


EDIT #3: As fo the extra deck, Abyss Dweller is for BA, Psyhemuth is for the mirror match, or anything else that can't be targeted by my ships. Dante is for Drifting, and also to actually make on ocassion for extra CotH plays if needed. Break Sword is basically Kozmojo on legs, Granpulse is just another backrow hater, Scarlight is a field clearer

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-1 BLS

-1 Wickedwitch

-2 D.D.R

-1 Kozmojo


-1 Abyss Dweller

-1 Clear Wing Synchro Dragon

-1 Cyber Dragon Nova

-1 Cyber Dragon Infinity


+1 Farmgirl

+1 Raigeki

+1 Dark Hole

+1 Leo, the Keeper of the Sacred Tree

+1 Star Eater

+1 Constellar Pleiades

+1 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (Moved from the side)


As for the side:


-2 Mystical Space Typhoon

-1 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon (moved to Extra Deck)


+1 Cyber Dragon

+2 Quaking Mirror Force


From testing, I have found that Escape works better for me, as I tend to not have things to discard often for D.D.R, and Twin Twister is already a discard outlet if needed. In addition, I have also added more field clearing in the form of Raigeki and a single Dark Hole. I also swapped out a Wickedwitch for a Farmgirl so I can take advantage of Soartroopers at least a little more for more R3 plays as needed, as well as to take advantaged of the additional field clearing I had added. 


Kozmojo was just too slow, so it got the axe.


Leo and Star Eater may seem like subpar choices, but they are basically designed for the mirror match. Leo is a pretty solid wall that Destroyer just cannot get over outside of MP2, and Star Eater is pretty much there for its power, and now looking back, idk why I added Star Eater, I guess it was to tune with Destroyer then just revive with CotH or something?


For the side deck, Quaking deals with Monarchs, and other pesky things, and the third Cyber Dragon adds more Ship outing consistency.

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It seemed like a good idea if you can resolve multiple cans or recover from something like Notice without waiting a turn


Problem is, the interaction is really narrow and doesn't really advance you that much; getting 1-2 more pilots mean nothing without ships to back them up. Having multiple Tincans on the field is even worse since you can only shiptrap one of them, and it is more often than not a brick card that is suboptimal. In addition, you almost never Tincan if you go second, and your opponent can't set traps when you go first.


3 Tincan 2 Farmgirl is actually a really good ratio, as, to keep it simple, 3 Tincans maximize your chances of opening it turn 1, while 2 Farmgirl guarantee the OTK if you go second and can break their board. I would consider a Gameciel or 2, though, as Monarchs w/ Majesty's Fiend under March can be a pain to deal with.


DOG Fighter is a cool card, but it's really mediocre; being a Level 6 doesn't improve it's status that much, as it does nothing in the ship crash wars, and can't help make Infinity. The token generation clogs up your board with 2K beaters, which is mediocre and most likely can't run over anything.

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Whoo, lot of changes again. Stole some ideas from Dolphy. Sorry.




-1 Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit

-1 Dark Hole

-2 Reasoning

-1 Twin Twisters

-2 Solemn Strike (moved to side)


+1 Kozmo Goodwitch (upon remembering that each Kozmo pilot banish is hard opt zzzzzz, so needed another level 4 name)

+1 Kozmo Sliprider

+1 Kozmo Tincan

+2 Mystical Space Typhoon

+1 Instant Fusion

+1 Terraforming





-1 Star Eater

-1 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

-1 Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon

-1 Constellar Pleiades

-1 HTS Psyhemuth

-1 Super Quantum Mecha Beast Granpulse


+1 Elder Entity Norden

+1 Panzer Dragon

+1 Cyber Dragon Nova

+1 Cyber Dragon Infinity

+1 Scrap Dragon

+1 Abyss Dweller




-3 Cyber Dragon (No longer needed as I have Gamaciel)

-3 Anti-Spell Fragrance

-2 Quaking Mirror Force

-1 Twin Twister


+3 Effect Veiler

+3 Gamaciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju (yay, forgot about Kaijus until I saw Dolphy's deck. In addition to outing big ships, it'll out monarchs, and in 3 days it'll out Quantum.towers too, and soon it will out Ultimate Falcon as well)

+3 Solemn Strike (2 from Main)  (Decided to reserve it completely for pendulum match-ups, or those that really love the extra deck)

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