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I'm pretty sure that it's because the top 4 Espada are all Vasto Lordes.


Ulquiorra looks badass all the time, and increases in awesome every time he releases.


If he was able to do so much damage to Ichigo just by using Cero Oscuras in Murcielago, Ichigo is going to die if this second form has an even stronger attack, which it most likely does.


Ichigo's only chance of survival is if Byakuya shows up. I'm certain Yammy will show up before/as Uryu gets Orihime above the dome.

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True, but it would still be nice to see his Resurreccion. However, Nnoitra, Aaroniero, Zommari, Szayel, and maybe Grimmjow all got killed off, so why is Yammy still alive? Aaroniero, I can understand, since he was a Gillian and the only original Espada, but everyone above him dying before Yammy is ridiculous.

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BLEACH 348 MANGA IIS OUT. In the end Ichigo has a big whole in his stomach so he is dead...


Hmm let's see what else has a hole in their body and can still moves/survive? Ichigo goes full Hollow in next one I guarantee it!!


Also it's only Ulquiorra that can go to that second stage, that's what he says anyway.

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Yes, that's what I figure the Second Release as.


These are my picks the top 3 can turn into.


Stark: Reaper, Bull, or Matador. Someone on Bleach Roleplay site jokingly suggested a Shark.

Barragan: A dragon.

Halibel: Two people on the aformentioned Bleach Roleplay site suggested a porn star. My mature equivalent idea to that was a Succubus. I also thought of a spider for some reason.

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For Stark the Matador idea would fit him best. He doesn't enjoy or relish in fighting so it's like he is fighting but at the same time teasing his opponent while occasionaly stabbing him in the face. I don't think he'll change much, probably get a cool thing on his arm or something.


Barragon looks and behaves like a King, my assumption is he's just gonna get up of his @$$ and beat the crap out of everyone with insane strength (kinda like Mr. Eye Patch).


Halibel as a Succubi sounds pretty cool but I think she's gonna be of a reptilian theme (I came to this conclusion after research).

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Now that you mention it' date=' a Matador would be good.


Even against Soifon, Barragan will eventually have to Release.


[b']What makes you think Halibel would turn into a reptile?[/b]


Well I think she would turn into a mammal more than a reptile.

I say that because her face qualities give the shape of a wolf or of a puma.

I don't see how she could turn into a reptile.

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