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destiny heros

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hey guys im going to be rewiewing a deck concept every week this weeks concept is my own deck if u find ny thing wrong let me now also plz dont mock my ideas


the destiny hero deck


this deck revoles around the theroy of destiny it uses a bunch of combos to get the job done combos like captain tenacious d sheild and ring of magitnetism.the main card in this deck is dreadmaster dreadmaster has this really cool effect that lets u summon 2 destiny heros from the graveyard and its atack is dependent on the destiny heros combined atack points this card is a 9/10 stars running in a close second is DOGMA now this monster is hard to summon to the feild but when this momster is summoned it halves your oppoints life points im not kidding and with 3400 atk points its a force to be reckoned with. now there are plenty of ways to play this deck but ill give u how i use it i start out by playing d sprit to summon ether captian tenious

or doom lord sarifiuce the monster to summon either doulble dude or dasher now this is where it gets fun if u summon double dude summon it fd and wht till ur oppoint attacks it and summon the 2 double dude tokens then sacrice them to summon along with a d hero to summon dogma or if u summon dasher switch it to def and wht until ur oppoints attack it then use his graave effect to special summon a monster from the deck then saficee teme to summon dogma now once dogma comes out its time to atk atkwit dogma then end ur turn now dogma will take havle of ur oppoints life then next turn atk and win the game but once again tis combo i extremly hard to pull off and this deck concept isnt for beginners so im giving it a 9/10 and an expert level

nxt week te kuriboh based deck

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Destiny Heroes can be very good. D-Hero Dogma is a real killer card, and has a really high ATK power. Some of the D-Heroes have effects that can work together with others for very good combos.


D-Heroes are much better than E-Heroes, which are absolutely terrible.

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i suggest fusion your E-Heros or you will get crushed unless you have bladedge

what did i just say? i said i always need to fuse them...like one time..polymerization was at the bottam of my deck and so was my other one lol. so i had no choice unless i drew fusion sage which just happened to be in another of my decks.

anyway i could only win without fusions and that is what i did. with the help of H-E-R-0 and spark blaster, cyclone boomerang and bubblfeshufflle. i won with combos with that.

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Yes, it's informative, but can you go into more depth, perhaps post the card's effect and ATK/DEF points out, explain your combos better, etc. It's not going to help people much if they already know what the cards do; you should be targeting people who DON'T know how the cards work and introduce them to it.


Also can you please fix up the grammar and spelling. If you are trying to write an informative article, it has to be easy to read. The content is good though, you obviously know what you are talking about. Also a decklist, variations of the basic theme, key cards, and the like, would make this article a good deal more helpful than it already is.


Thanks for the article, though.

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