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dr.crowlers card shop

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:D welcome to my shop!!!

I am the second coming, thepointman

abandon his shop and gave it my responsibilty! now

his account is abandon so you won't find any stupid reps!!!

now Im the owner and i changed it, heres to shop ad:

elite members or higher (moderators etc. etc.)get free cards!

others pay 1 point for a card. these are for your collection

of cards. these cards may not be used in contests or you will

recieve 1 blank negative rep. (this is a shop policy!)

below are 50 cards that are up to buy! cards are never out of

stock so take your time.these cards are forbidden in duels, if you

print these off and glue them to cards, you may not use it in

duels. to buy card, please send me a private message saying

the name of the card. I will make the card and send it to you!

then you will recieve a rep for buying the item. a soon as you recieve the card,

you must send me 1 point, there is a 10 day limit, you must send the point in 10 days.

I am keeping track of days so please send the point within the limit. (all of this is ignored if you are an elite member or higher.)If you would like a catalogue, please notify! catalogues are free to all.





exxodia, master of defence and offence

evil computer

evil monitor

evil mouse

evil keyboard

evil hardrive

evil cableman

creator of earth

creator of light

creator of dark

creator of water

creator of fire

creator of wind

creator of elements

water king denilyses

fire king denilyses

light king denilyses

dark king denilyses

earth king denilyses

wind king denilyses

element king denilyses

spell master

spell and trap master

ulmighty ra, ulmighty obelisk, ulmighty slifer.

token king

token master

token warrior

token scout


token caller

exxod, master of the guard

exodia the ultimate

exxod's servent

exodia's servent

exxodia's servent


anubis' brother

anubis' servent

granite warrior

granite king

granite head


deko boko friends

explosive village

emitsu, lord of searing dragon world



barney (erased)

100 headed dragon



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