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Welche the crab

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[align=center][url=http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-165641-post-3440043.html#pid3440043]Tournament going on. Please read the guidelines and start duelling.[/url]

Hello and welcome to "Elemental Academy". Here you will learn, not only about yourself and your own skills, but about the universe and the secrets it holds. At this school, there are 6 "Elemental Dorms" and 2 ranks within each dorm. You were your dorms color, and I think you can guess that much for yourself. If you are Class A you are in a lighter shade of your color then the Class Bs.

These dorms each hold people whose decks wields a certain element. If your deck is built of many different elements, you will be placed in your dorm according to what your deck focus's on.
[spoiler=Dorms][spoiler=Aquos-The Water Dorm]The general strategy an Aquos student has is to lock down the field, thereby having all the power in the duel. This makes most of the support passive, so they use their field spell (Umi and A Legendary Ocean) to boost the attack of their monsters. At the same time, they also lower their monsters levels and get their powerful monsters out onto the field easily.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Flamaré-The Fire Dorm]Flamaré students also do not focus on attack strength (although they do have some stronger monsters hidden in their deck), but focus on removing opponents life points. This is called "burn". They take control of the field, then use monster, spell and trap card effects to systematically remove the opponents life points.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Stealtory-The Earth Dorm]The Stealtory students use decks designed around stalling the duel, until they can pull of a quick victory. Almost all of their decks have a OTK possibility. Cards with high defense are highly valued by these students. Many of them have a card that automatically wins the duel either in their deck, or in their room. All of them have at least one card with over 3000 defense.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Windegaru-The Wind Dorm]Windegaru is a dorm focused on spell and traps. They love using them, but when they do, you can be assured that they don't want to target anything but your spell and traps. They then take advantage of this empty back row to destroy your life points. If you really on your spells against one of them, your in trouble because your spell and traps are going to be gone soon enough.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Darkonus-The Dark Dorm]These students believe that when a card is sent to the graveyard its time in the duel has only just begun. There decks make the graveyard and the field almost interchangeable. There are some students who are the exact opposite, who still wound up here. They focus on stopping access to the graveyard, effectively making them removed from play.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Luticaria-The Light Dorm]These are student who want to win. They have lots of big and powerful monsters. When these duelists are not overwhelming you with force, they are boosting their life points and drawing cards. Recently, they have started to accept mill decks, but not every one of these is allowed to join.[/spoiler][/spoiler]
If you do not feel that you fit into any of these dorms please ask me what dorm you should be in. In each of your rooms, there is a machine that you can put your deck in for a virtual duel. The duel is against a computer, but it is good training.

There are two classes, the upper and lower class. A challenge duel is required to move between the two classes.
[spoiler=Class B-The Lower Class]This is a class for all new students. You cannot move out of this class without winning a challenge duel.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Class A-The Upper Class]This class is hard enough to get into, but once your in you must periodically duel students from the lower class. If they win you and them both get sent to a challenge duel.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Challenge Duels]On a regular basis students from Class B and Class A will be paired up with each other and will duel each other. If the Class A student wins, then you continue around campus as normal. If the Class B student wins, then both students get sent to the "Challenge Arena". In this arena are special instructors who have a set of decks that they are allowed to choose from. They choose their decks depending on what dorm the student they are facing is from. If the student (both Class A and Class B) losses they either stay or become a Class B student, but if they win, they either stay or become a Class A student.[/spoiler]

[size=large][b]What Will Be Happening?[/b][/size]
In this RP students duel each other, but they can also go around the campus and talk, make friends and start small sub-plots between dorms. During the RP a plot will slowly be revealed.

There is rivalry between certain dorms. Like in the actual game, they go Aquos (Water) and Flamaré (Fire), Stealtory (Earth) and Windegaru (Wind) and Darkonus (Dark) and Luticaria (Light). So feel free to make enemies for yourself from your opposing dorm and the teachers are allowed to pick sides.

There will be booster packs handed out periodically during the RP in the shop. At the start of the year, class A students get 10 and class B get 15. Also, every term, you get credits for accomplishments. These are awarded by teachers. You can use these t buy rare cards from the shop.

1. This RP is now following the "Advanced Clause" so please no OoC only posts.
2. If I think you are in a duel and someone thinks you are god-modding, PM me before you start to argue. I will most-likely be able to solve the problem better then you could.
3. The rules of YCM must be followed.
4. NO banned or made up cards.
5. All posts must include at least 2 sentences, unless your in a duel and you are waiting to see if your opponent counters.
6. Duels can be held in the thread, by PM or on any internet site you find. I suggest [url=www.yugiohnetwork.com]here[/url]. If you cannot make an account, just tell me, I can try to make arrangements. This site is preferred, because there cannot be god-modding there,
7. Max. 2 decks per person.
8. It is possible that a member may seem to not have joined. If this happens simply PM me, and I will check. There is a large possibility that they PMed me their application. If that is the case, then you would not know that they joined.

[spoiler=Class B]
User Name:Gearfist0
Role Play Name:Mashiro Sakamoto
Picture or Description:Is mostly a quiet person. When he does speak, he is short and to the point, or is explaining the effects of his cards.
Deck Name: The Water Guardians
What Your Deck Tries To Do: Defends own monsters while establishing a strong offensive.
Age: 14
Bio-Optional: He absolutely loves pizza above all other foods.
User Name: Dokuro-chan(why do people ask for this cant you see the name of the person posting)
Role Play Name: Hiita Coal
Picture or Description: [spoiler=Hiita][img]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c89/churbette/My%20Art/HiitaDD.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Dorm: Flamaré
Deck Name: Inferno
What Your Deck Tries To Do: Burn and when it cant destroy your oponets monsters.
Bio-Optional:Shes a duel spirit thats taken the guize of a human, and is a new comer to
User Name:jonny250
Role Play Name:Kura
Picture or Description: http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/1268/...ndship.jpg
Deck Name: Fire Destruction and Destroyia
What Your Deck Tries To Do: Aggresive and targeting the LP of the oppenent
Bio-Optional: / (know more about him in the rp)
[b]User Name:[/b] Destiend for Darkness
[b]Role Play Name:[/b] Tanaka, Heero
[b]Picture or Description:[/b]


[b]Dorm:[/b] Flamaré
[b]Deck Name:[/b] Heart of Fire
[b]What Your Deck Tries To Do:[/b]
Burn away my opponets life points and then go in for the kill with his favorite monster
[b]Age:[/b] 15
[b]Prefered Place To Duel:[/b] Anywhere

User Name: ProtoMachineKing
Role Play Name: Chortes Gaiaes
Picture or Description: [spoiler][img]http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:6KRVSeKTbUkzNM:http://www.freewebs.com/woods-of-night/AnimeGuy.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
Dorm: Stealtory
Deck Name: Assembing Pieces, The Almighty Gaia, X-Sabers Come To Battle!
What Your Deck Tries To Do: The first one features mostly putting together monsters like Valkyrion the Magna Warrior and Machiners Force. But does use other cards related to pieces like Blockman and the Gadgets. The Almighty Gaia revolves around the defensive side of rocks and features Gaia Plate the Earth Giant as its featured card. X-Sabers Come To Battle is based on Saber monsters which he use to swarm the opponent unlike his previous ones this one is very fast paced.
Age: 15
User Name: Mr.Wham
Role Play Name: Zonixs Truchen
Picture or Description: The only difference is his hair is red, and he has light brown skin [spoiler=] http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj24/iceman320109/White-hairedanimeboy.jpg [/spoiler]
Deck Name: Darktown 2.0, Exodus into the Dark World
What Your Deck Tries To Do:
D2: Load grave with monsters get better ones & sync + surprises
Exo: Exodia/Ultimate Exodia& dark world discarding +surprises
Age: 16
Bio-Optional: He has had it somewhat hard so he can be heartless, but is incredibly nice and personable. He has to go to a special doctor because he release various pheromones that can induce people to be happy, feel high,be friendly, draw attention to him or others, or get aroused. He can control this, but he doesn't over use it. He was studied in hospitals a lot so he feels somewhat at home in them. He is also great with medical needs.

[b]User Name:[/b]~xXKuri-xHiroXx
[b]Role Play Name:[/b](first)Enos(last)Heathren
[b]Deck Name:[/b]Rage of Fire and Knights of Heroes
[b]What Your Deck Tries To Do:[/b]Rage of Fire:This deck is filled with counter spells and traps but the best card in it is Raging Flame Sprite. Trying to attack directly the first time is easy but the 2nd time is hard and that's why Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth is in his deck to protect Raging Flame Spite the 2nd turn. Knights of Heroes:This deck has many counter traps and spells to help warrior type monsters.If all else fails then he usually summons 3 monsters in defense mode and places a trap or monster to counter 1 attack to later summon Blue Eyes White Dragon!
[b]Age:[/b] 14
[b]Bio-Optional:[/b]His decks were made from old cards from his grandpa's rundown antique shop.But one day his grandpa was mugged and seriously injured.So before he passed away Enos was given the last card needed in one of his decks,his most cherished card, Roc From The Valley Of Haze. In the pursuit of his grandpa's attacker who is ironically a duelist he enrolls in the academy training for the day he would get revenge. At the start of every duel he mumbles "This is for you gramps..." and puts on his goggles that were once his grandpa's.
[b]Prefered Place To Duel:[/b]Wide open range,with rough grounds but near slightly polluted water or Flat...rocky area with little or large amount of rain water wetting the the dirt to make mud.
User Name: Horologia
Role Play Name: Selene
Picture or Description:
Dorm: Dark Dorm
Deck Name: Zombie Power
What Your Deck Tries To Do: My Graveyard is a deck where i choose wich card i draw next XD
Age: 17
Bio-Optional: Lives in an old hounted mansion. Her card represents her ancestors. She gets angry verry quickly if anybody say something against them.
User Name:Kotaro
Role Play Name:Duo Maxwell
Picture or Description:[Spoiler][IMG]http://i34.tinypic.com/2qaohok.png[/IMG][/Spoiler]
Deck Name:Rise of the Lords
What Your Deck Tries To Do: The Deck focuses on summoning Dragon-Type monsters from the Graveyard.
Bio-Optional:Duo is a just a normal duelist who is getting better at dueling with each duel although he does not believe in himself but slowly does. His Mum and Dad seperated when he was young and it was at that time while they would argue, that he would build his deck.

User Name: Kazekage-------Gaara
Role Play Name: Marsuvees Black
Picture or Description: [url=http://tektek.org/avatar/31555498][img]http://public5.tektek.org/img/av/0910/d04/0832/276a371.png[/img][/url]
Dorm: DArkonus
Deck Name: True Skyfire, All is Equal, DARKness
What Your Deck Tries To Do: SKYFIRE, Clear World, and DARK. Basically, normal strategies for those DEcks, with revival mixed in.
Age: 17
[b]User Name:[/b] ЦᄂƬIMΛƬΣ magician
[b]Role Play Name:[/b] ЦᄂƬIMΛƬΣ magician
[b]Picture or Description:[/b]http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/1861/magicanavi.png
[b]Deck Name:[/b]
[b]What Your Deck Tries To Do:[/b]over power my opponent
[b]Prefered Place To Duel:[/b]YVD
User Name:deept97
Role Play Name:Zirceus
Picture or Description:http://stu004749.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/anime_guy_2.jpg
Dorm: Luticaria
Deck Name: Beatdown Control
What Your Deck Tries To Do: Wipes out monster on the field and attacks with high attack point monsters (1900 and up). Uses speel and traps to ensure that I take minimum damage.
Age: 16
User Name:Compass3
Role Play Name: Leo
Picture or Description: My avatar!
Dorm: Not sure, as it has earth, air, fire, and water in it
Deck Name: Alchemy
What Your Deck Tries To Do: Uses element dragon, saurus, valyrie, to gain powers from attributes
Age: 13
Thank you!
[spoiler=Class A]
[b]User Name:[/b] Welche
[b]Role Play Name:[/b] Welche
[b]Picture or Description:[/b] A dark cloaked figure. Tall with piercing eyes.
[b]Deck Name:[/b] Volcanic Burn
[b]What Your Deck Tries To Do:[/b] Remove Life Points slowly, while having control of the field.
[b]Age:[/b] 17
[b]Bio-Optional:[/b] Nobody knows much about him.
[b]User Name:[/b]~xXKuri-xHiroXx
[b]Role Play Name:[/b](first)Enos(last)Heathren
[b]Deck Name:[/b]Rage of Fire and Knights of Heroes
[b]What Your Deck Tries To Do:[/b]Rage of Fire:This deck is filled with counter spells and traps but the best card in it is Raging Flame Sprite. Trying to attack directly the first time is easy but the 2nd time is hard and that's why Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth is in his deck to protect Raging Flame Spite the 2nd turn. Knights of Heroes:This deck has many counter traps and spells to help warrior type monsters.If all else fails then he usually summons 3 monsters in defense mode and places a trap or monster to counter 1 attack to later summon Blue Eyes White Dragon!
[b]Age:[/b] 14
[b]Bio-Optional:[/b]His decks were made from old cards from his grandpa's rundown antique shop.But one day his grandpa was mugged and seriously injured.So before he passed away Enos was given the last card needed in one of his decks,his most cherished card, Roc From The Valley Of Haze. In the pursuit of his grandpa's attacker who is ironically a duelist he enrolls in the academy training for the day he would get revenge. At the start of every duel he mumbles "This is for you gramps..." and puts on his goggles that were once his grandpa's.
[b]Prefered Place To Duel:[/b]Wide open range,with rough grounds but near slightly polluted water or Flat...rocky area with little or large amount of rain water wetting the the dirt to make mud.
[b]User Name:[/b]Axel
[b]Role Play Name:[/b]Kit
[b]Picture or Description:[/b][IMG]http://i45.tinypic.com/adf049.jpg[/IMG]
[b]Deck Name:[/b]BurninHeat
[b]What Your Deck Tries To Do:[/b]weaken my opponent to finish them with a burning end
[b]Prefered Place To Duel:[/b]in an empty place
User Name:Brodioh
Role Play Name:Bj Barrakus
Picture or Description:Tallish, long brown haire and blue eyes boy.wears a black and white striped shirt and denim jeans.
Dorm:Not sure?
Deck Name:Magic dino slash
What Your Deck Tries To Do:Stall my oppenent with spell and traps, take out there monsters with powerful cards and increase my monster's attack.
Age: 17
Bio-Optional: A cheerful boy who enjoys dueling and having fun.
Prefered Place To Duel: near the sea
User Name: Dragoone
Role Play Name: Drache "Were" Wouke.
Picture or Description: http://jaywearsmittens.deviantart.com/art/Beat-76993029
Dorm: Darkonus
Deck Name: Anthro, Doom Day, All or nothing
What Your Deck Tries To Do: Anthro: Graveyard is deleted from scene with field cards. Doom Day: Power the "Reaper" with graveyard cars. All or nothing: Deal damage by the cards in graveyard.
Age: 16
Bio-Optional: ---
[b]User Name:Michico[/b]
[b]Role Play Name:michico[/b]
[b]Picture or Description:[img]http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w106/yoshimaru_2007/anime-ninja002.jpg[/img][/b]
[b]Deck Name:Tier 1-Chaos[/b]
[b]What Your Deck Tries To Do:Mill cards,remove cards,re-send removed back to grave,raiding.[/b]
[b]Bio-Optional:This duelist can be very evil or very friendly.[/b]
[b]Prefered Place To Duel:Depending on mood.
evil:anywhere at night[/b]

User Name: Masquerade Beauty
Role Play Name: Ms. Clarence Stark
Picture or Description: [url=http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii182/AnimeDeath54321/Anime%20School%20Girls/AnimeTeacher1.jpg]Appearance[/url]
What You Teach: Field Spell Effectiveness
Deck Name: Team Tactics!
What Your Deck Tries To Do: Special Summon stuff
Age: 20
Bio: Ms. Clarence Stark has been a teacher at the Academy for a year now, and knows how to deal with the students there. At her first year there, she was one of the favourites and was usually admired by students. Often people ask about her deck and ask to duel her, often ending in the challenger leaving in defeat.

[spoiler=Official NPCs]
[b]Picture or Description:[/b] Flamboyant, he likes to meet new people and never backs down from a challenge.
[b]Dorm:[/b] Flamaré
[b]Deck Name:[/b] Pyro Burn/stall.
[b]What Your Deck Tries To Do:[/b] Stalls while slowly dealing damage. High defense combined with burn effects.
[b]Age:[/b] 17
[spoiler=Head Master]
[b]Role Play Name:[/b] Dr. Johns
[b]Picture or Description:[/b] N/A, make it up if you need him.
[b]Deck Name:[/b] Unknown
[b]What Your Deck Tries To Do:[/b] Unknown.
[b]Age:[/b] 32
PM me an entry form to have your NPC included.
[spoiler=Student Application]
[b]User Name:[/b]
[b]Role Play Name:[/b]
[b]Picture or Description:[/b]
[b]Deck Name:[/b]
[b]What Your Deck Tries To Do:[/b]
[b]Prefered Place To Duel:[/b]

NOTE- All students begin in Class B unless I state otherwise when I accept you.

[b]User Name:[/b]
[b]Role Play Name:[/b]
[b]Picture or Description:[/b]
[b]What You Teach:[/b]
[b]Deck Name[/b]
[b]What Your Deck Tries To Do:[/b]
[b]Bio-Not Optional[/b]
NOTE-Only three teacher will be accepted at the start.
PM me forms, as I might not see them in the thread if too many posts are made while I am away.

Please only real cards in this RP. Made up ones can be overpowered and confusing.
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User Name: Horologia

Role Play Name: Selene

Picture or Description:


Dorm: Dark Dorm

Deck Name: Zombie Power

What Your Deck Tries To Do: My Graveyard is a deck where i choose wich card i draw next XD

Age: 17

Bio-Optional: Lives in an old hounted mansion. Her card represents her ancestors. She gets angry verry quickly if anybody say something against them.

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Are Pop Culture cards or Written cards allowed' date=' or do they have to be real/realistic?



They must be real cards, either OCG or TCG


User Name: Horologia

Role Play Name: Selene

Picture or Description:


Dorm: Dark Dorm

Deck Name: Zombie Power

What Your Deck Tries To Do: My Graveyard is a deck where i choose wich card i draw next XD

Age: 17

Bio-Optional: Lives in an old hounted mansion. Her card represents her ancestors. She gets angry verry quickly if anybody say something against them.



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User Name: Masquerade Beauty

Role Play Name: Ms. Clarence Stark

Picture or Description: Appearance

What You Teach: Field Spell Effectiveness

Deck Name: Team Tactics!

What Your Deck Tries To Do: Special Summon stuff

Age: 20

Bio: Ms. Clarence Stark has been a teacher at the Academy for a year now, and knows how to deal with the students there. At her first year there, she was one of the favourites and was usually admired by students. Often people ask about her deck and ask to duel her, often ending in the challenger leaving in defeat.

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I think that would be the right dorm.


User Name:Kotaro

Role Play Name:Duo Maxwell

Picture or Description:




Deck Name:Rise of the Lords

What Your Deck Tries To Do: The Deck focuses on summoning Dragon-Type monsters from the Graveyard.


Bio-Optional:Duo is a just a normal duelist who is getting better at dueling with each duel although he does not believe in himself but slowly does. His Mum and Dad seperated when he was young and it was at that time while they would argue, that he would build his deck.

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Guest Tainted Black

User Name: Kazekage-------Gaara

Role Play Name: Marsuvees Black

Picture or Description: 276a371.png

Dorm: DArkonus

Deck Name: True Skyfire, All is Equal, DARKness

What Your Deck Tries To Do: SKYFIRE, Clear World, and DARK. Basically, normal strategies for those DEcks, with revival mixed in.

Age: 17

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Accepted. RP will start.


Welched walked to the massive front doors to the main hall of the academy.

"This is going to be a good year." He thought.

It was his second year, and he had been promoted to Class A at the end of the last year. During the challenge duel, he pulled off an amazing victory. He had been down to his last 300 Life Points and the teacher had 2000. His field was empty, but he had a trick up his sleeve. The previous turn he discarded Volcanic Counter the the Grave and used his effect to deal massive damage to the teacher. He had only spent a week in Class A when the year had been cut short by a fire in the main lecture hall. There was no known reason for this fire, although the official story was kids trying to get out of their last exams.

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User Name: Dokuro-chan(why do people ask for this cant you see the name of the person posting)

Role Play Name: Hiita Coal

Picture or Description: [spoiler=Hiita]HiitaDD.jpg


Dorm: Flamaré

Deck Name: Inferno

What Your Deck Tries To Do: Burn and when it cant destroy your oponets monsters.


Bio-Optional:Shes a duel spirit thats taken the guize of a human, and is a new comer to


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User Name: ProtoMachineKing

Role Play Name: Chortes Gaiaes

Picture or Description:



Dorm: Stealtory

Deck Name: Assembing Pieces, The Almighty Gaia, X-Sabers Come To Battle!

What Your Deck Tries To Do: The first one features mostly putting together monsters like Valkyrion the Magna Warrior and Machiners Force. But does use other cards related to pieces like Blockman and the Gadgets. The Almighty Gaia revolves around the defensive side of rocks and features Gaia Plate the Earth Giant as its featured card. X-Sabers Come To Battle is based on Saber monsters which he use to swarm the opponent unlike his previous ones this one is very fast paced.

Age: 15

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User Name:Gearfist0

Role Play Name:Mashiro Sakamoto

Picture or Description:Is mostly a quiet person. When he does speak, he is short and to the point, or is explaining the effects of his cards.


Deck Name: The Water Guardians

What Your Deck Tries To Do: Defends own monsters while establishing a strong offensive.

Age: 14

Bio-Optional: He absolutely loves pizza above all other foods.

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OOC: All accepted


IC: Welche entered the hall, knowing that this year would be harder then ever, but also knowing that he had friends to help him through it. Just on cue, as he thought that, his best friend Xator appeared. They had roomed together for most of the previous until the third week of the last term when Xator had one a challenge duel. Luckily for them, Welche was also moved up.

"Hey Welche" said Xator, "I just checked the rooms and were together again!"

Welche wasn't too surprised.

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Chortes toke his time to examine the school, there was nothing much to it, just a regular old dueling school with a Attribute-related dorm system. He was wondering whether he would be discrminated due to his dorm. He then just decided to head towards the examination room to take his entrance test, it seemed that he would want to participate in this school.

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