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Danilus' Deck Feat. The Dark Magician


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5 Cards Lv5-Lv8

1 Dark Magician of Chaos

1 Dark Magician

1 Dark Magician Girl

1 Magicial Marionette

1 Chaos Command Magician


16 Cards Lv1-Lv4

3 Skilled Dark Magician

2 Aprentice Magician

3 Old Vindictive Magician

2 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

1 Sangan

1 Magician of Faith

1 Treeborn Frog

1 Breaker the Magical Warrior

2 Gravekeepers Spy


13 Spells

Dark Magic Attack

Magical Dimension

Sword of Revealing Light

Mystical Space Typhoon

Nobleman of Crossout

Lighting Vortex

Black Pendant

Heavy Storm

Mage Power

Difusion Wave - Motion

3 Rush Recklessly


9 Traps

Compulsory Evacuation Device x2 [One of my faveorite traps]

Just Desserts

Call of the Haunted

A Hero Emerges

Magic Cylinder

Divine Wrath

Magical Explosion

Deck Devistation Virus


Total Cards 43


How its played: [spellcaster/Beatdown]

Try to summon and protect Skilled Dark Magician so his spell counters become high enough to sacrifice to make way for the Dark Magician himself and then Dark Magician of Chaos.

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lets not get overwhelmed here people, we don't want a deck with too many situational cards like Knight's title and DMK, not that they aren't fairly good cards in the proper deck, but they can't just be thrown in any old DM deck.


And I really wouldn't add Dark Paladin (yay my favorite card). It would go against your deck's purpose.


I'm in love with your level 4 and lower choices, pretty solid. Although it was recently decided in the banned list on the official web site that Breaker and Magician of Faith are banned.


My Suggestions (these are just some suggestions, I'm not telling you to do this, just suggestions)


Cards to Take out:

Dark Magician Girl (Not really worth the sacrifice if you don't have Sage's Stone)

Magical Marionett

Chaos Command Magician

Magician of Faith (if you're following the banned list)

Breaker (if you're following the banned list)


Black Pendant (if you really have to have a equip spell card Mage power may be a better choice)


A Hero Emerges

Magical Explosion


Cards to Put in:

Dark Magician x 2


(any of these cards: D.D. Warrior Lady, D.D. Assailant, Exiled Force, Mystic Swordsman Lv 2: these cards are all monster destruction cards, really useful)


Magical Dimension x 2 (Gives you a great advantage; use after you activate Old magician's effect for the best results :P )

Also, Smashing Grounds or Shrink would be useful.

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