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How did you come up with your username?


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Back then, when Destiny Heroes were my favorite archetype, I used it as a Gamertag on Xbox Live, but it couldn't fit the character limit, so I went in as "D Hero Dogma"

but then on other websites, I went with "HollowIchgo" because back then I watched Bleach, but now I don't like watching it for some reason.

Then when I found this site, I just thought "Goof, I don't want to use that Bleach Name, grr..." and then it came to me, My Gamertag! "D Hero Dogma", but I thought Spaces or Special Characters couldn't be used, so I removed the Spaces.

Here I am now, with this Username, lol

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Previous name:

Got BulletMonkey from iCarly where Sam says: "I was gonna say bullet monkey, but whatever tickles your peach." Made it one word and them cap'd the B and the M.

New name:

Taken from a character of a comic series called: "Calvin and Hobbes". It was about this kid named Calvin who had a stuffed Tiger named Hobbes where in Calvin's mind he was real. Made the o into ø and the two b's into ß.

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majortim = i liked chaotic (a trading card game) and the protagonists code name was majortom so tim = tom getit????


Lupus Magnus Divinus = means great divine wolf in latin. it's epic but long


commander tim = i had to keep the tim part but i changed major into a more high ranking name.

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Rua121Lua - Rua is a bawss character from 5Ds. 121 was just random nooby letters.

~Olimars~ - Olimar > Everyone here

Teh Rua - Read Rua121Lua

Kain Highwind - Awesome character from Final Fantasy is awesome.

Ice (With those gay letters) - Pretty much my staple name, I kept it for a while. I log in on almost every website with Ice. I chose it because I had a love for anything Ice related, back then, because I was retarded. The gay letters were a fad, too.

Godot - Bawss prosecutor is bawss.

Fenix - Awesome name is awesome, am I right?


So yeah, nothing really special.

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First name(-CardMaker2010-)-I made another which was *CardMaker2010* but then i didnt get the activation code.So made "-CardMaker2010-".


I took out the CardMaker since i got excited about making Yu-Gi-Oh! cards.And it was the new year 2010.And i wanted to say that I'm new(just like the year).So yea.


Second name(=™ .:Vex:.™=)-I was searching for names and i checked for dragon names and it said "Vex".So i was like,"let's make this flashy=]" and put some symbols around it.Right now,everywhere,my username represents me.But instead of,"=™ .:Vex:.™=",it's "SuperVex"

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