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Photoshop CS5 Demo ~ New Sig Banner


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I started out with a 500 x 150 black document.

Then I opened up this [url="http://fineartamerica.com/images-medium/colorful-chameleon-nancy-mueller.jpg"]image[/url] and used the Quick Selection Tool to crop out the subject.

After that, I dragged the cropped subject to the 500 x 150 document and rendered some clouds in the background with colors that I extracted from it.

I copied the layer of the subject and added a Motion Blur to the subject layer below the copy, then I set the copy to a Luminosity blending option.

Again, I copied the original subject, this time smudging certain areas to make it look like it's "appearing out of the smoke." After applying another blending option, Color, I blurred some of the edges so they didn't seem so hard on the smudge marks.

After all that, I just took some brushes and randomly spotted the canvas. I did this in several different layers each with their own blending option.

The name I guess was just a touch of identity to my work.


Dang. I guess I'll get in the habit of saving my projects as a PSD before a PNG. Sorry, dude.

EDIT!: The DNA strand was an extraction of this [url="http://www.coolswallpapers.com/photo/37121/abstract-desktop-wallpapers-19.jpg"]image [/url]blended in with the image.

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