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It looks great but it seems all the focus is directed towards the top half so maybe add something to the bottom or subtract from the dimensions of bottom to further reiterate the point. but thats may opinion and my tags are awful. By the way what do you sue to get those abstract touches?

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Thanks for the FB. ^^

I made this in GIMP so I don't know if it'll work in PS. For the abstract parts I place my C4Ds where I wanted them, made a new layer and brushed around the C4D's with the sparks brush. Next I hid the sparks layer, and went to Layers > New from Visible. Then I went filters > map > displace. And choose the sparks layer for both X and Y coordinates. You can play around with settings and when I finished I put the layer on Overlay. Hopefully that wasn't too hard too understand. ^^

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