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Lunar Origins

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I haven't seen your sense of humor, either
You don't seem so bad, either. I haven't seen enough for a proper analysis, but a hypothesis can be conducted. I'll either see more of you and learn of you from then, stop taking the time to gain knowledge on you or we will explicitly banter as a manner of learning about eachother efficiently.

I'm sure, however, I will not behave negatively towards you.

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[quote name='Nu-Mou Knight' timestamp='1314394822' post='5470955']
Since Lunar repealed the 4 Star limit...I'm curious.

You seem like a pretty cool guy. I carry no dislike towards you, though I can't say I've seen that much of you outside General.

Don't know you so I have no opinion on you.


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Unfortunately, my amount of interest in you has always been rather small, in relativity to many other people I may have spoken to.

Though you do seem to be somebody who could be a bit lazy at times. We all can, but I've seen few examples of it from you.
You don't seem to be too rude or arrogant, as I haven't seen moments of those from you.

An example of your laziness is your description of Mr. Striker, unfortunately. You've at least implied he was cool, but with what example or reason?
Unless justification means nothing to you. That is fine as well.

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Daemon.. Daemon, Daemon. What more is there to say about you? You can be a complete douche at times but that doesn't degrade you awesomeness. You're better than me at GFXing (don't say we're equal in skill cause I still believe you're better). We have many things in common that we didn't know. Though I'm still proud to call you my brother and friend. :3

EDIT: Ninja'd >.>

Umm.. Hatsune, I don not know much about you besides at the beginning of summer, the whole Mary and Evangeline situation you had. After that I don't remember much about you. All I know for now is you're into this Shizuo guy. You seem like a cool guy after everything I've known about you. ^^

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