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Glyph- The Mark of the Soul [IC /Always Accepting/PG-16/Hosted by Gabriel Maeso]

Gabriel Maeso

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In 2012 instead of the popular belief that the world would end, it didn't but the earth was hit by intergalatic energy winds, most of people didn't had anything diferent about them because of that, but there were some people in the world which developed the "Soul Marks", powers which were connected to what was most important to those people or to what they wanted or considered as apart of them. These Marks, or Glyphs had theyr own side effects. Most fo the people which possesed the Glyphs were destroyed by not beeing able to control them, but those who could were able to live theyr lives normaly, but the Marks powers could be activated whenever was needed, or in some cases when wanted. The current time is 2027, it is estimated that at least 30% of the human race have the Glyphs and are able to use it.

1- All YCM rules apply;
2- There is a limit of 2 characters per person;
3- No shortposting (4 lines minumum)
4- No spamming, godmodding, etc.
5- NPCs use is restricted to the Hosts(unless you are authorized by them)
6- You can't use another person's character unles you have the persons's authorization.
7- Break any of the rules and get a warning, 3 warnings and you are out.
8- If you have any question or doubt don't hesitate on asking me it, beeing it here or by PM, I will be glad to awnser them all.
9- Have fun :3!

[spoiler='OoC Thread:']
[url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/264263-glyph-the-mark-of-the-soul-oocstartedacceptingpg-16hosted-by-gabriel-maeso/#entry5546315"]OoC Thread[/url]

[spoiler='Accepted Apps:']

[spoiler='Gabe's Character:']
Name: Ziegfried Brues (aka Zieg for most of people, but his closest friend have a special nickname for him that he only let her call him that)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Glyph: Wind Blade
-Glyph Type: A (but with time, trainign and learning will grow up to A-B-C in the end)
-[spoiler='Glyph Description: '][img]http://i51.tinypic.com/dyvxgl.jpg[/img] When it is activated it glows in light green on his left shoulder, or under him, when he is using it at full force, his tatooes on his arms glows like the glyph and they extecd trough the whole left side of his body.[/spoiler]
-Glyph Side effect:
-Glyph's Powers: Can manipulate the wind around him or inside objects.
Apearence: Tallish, long blue hair with a bit falling on his face and what is behind is braided, wears a green open polo shirt and a light grey with blue stripes jacket over it, wears light blue jeens and short black boots, wears a necklace with a saphire on it and carries a slim sword with a blue sheet with silver details, hears fingerless dark blue gloves with metal parts on hit finger joints, has dark blue eyes, and has tatoos on his left arm.
A closed man with few words, he normaly only speeks up only when is needed, except if the situation has to do with his friend, he has a dificulty to talk to people and make friends, except if he can express himself by his sword, doesn't like to mingle.
Born in 2010, his mother died at his birth and his father died 5 years after the "Glyph incident", because fo that was sent to live on an orphanage at the age of 7, his only belongng were a sword left by his father and his own clothes, at the orphanage he was contantly outcasted because of the fact that he had a controlable Glyph, which only left him ot his sword training, even if he tryed to get near people at the orphanage he was always outcasted, what made him very closed about his own self. After spending 5 years in the orphanage he was set out to live by himself on a house which was once his, was a house in the egdes of town near a calm small meadow, after all this years the house had been rented, the ones living there were suposed to leave before his arival, but he got there earlyer and after hearding the sotry of the ones living there he said that they could still live for free now, the man and his daughter, which was also a Glyph used, that were living there thanked Ziegfried and asked if he could stay wiht them, he accepted of course, as the years went on Ziegfried contineud very closed about himself and trined more about his sword training, but now he had somehting close to a family, he helped the man and his daughter with house chores, after some time the girl became his first friend, he started to go to the same school as her. Nowdays they are both at the last year of high school, and are very close friends.

[Spoiler='ANBU's Characters:']
[spoiler='Kazuya Himori']
Character Name: Kazuya Himori
Age: 28
Gender: Male
[spoiler=Glyph:]Demon Glyph [url="http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/324/b/b/nox_sempiternal_by_kiraxu-d3392jj.png"]http://fc05.devianta...axu-d3392jj.png[/url] with [url="http://venomx3000.deviantart.com/art/Naraku-Gogera-Magic-Seal-195985099?q=boost%3Apopular%20in%3Adigitalart%20Glyph%20demon&qo=23"]http://venomx3000.de...h%20demon&qo=23[/url] behind it (black in second pic is transparent..) [/spoiler]
Glyph side effect; extreme light amplification to the point that if without sunglasses he walks along a street in proper daylight he is almost completely blind
Glyph's Powers: The Demon Glyph held by Kazuya Himori allows him to transform his body becoming roughly 1/4 taller than his original height his arms and legs both growing during this height change before his skin turnms a dark black with shadows seemingly coiling off the edges of it his eyes becoming a dark red and giving him the ability to see perfectly in darkness, his fingers change becoming more claw like as the transformation finishes giving him his Demon Form. Whilst in Demon form Kazuya can cause shadows to become physical objects transforming them to swords or other objects these weaker than those made by a skilled blacksmith in durability though their slicing or usability is almost exactly the same.
[spoiler=Appearance:] [url="http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs11/i/2006/222/f/c/Demon_by_salgada.jpg"]http://fc07.devianta..._by_salgada.jpg[/url] instead of my usual random anime-ish ninja i decided a photo from DA suited this one better..[/spoiler]
Glyph type: A-C
Personality: Kazuya seems cold to all except his younger brother having been a loner through the times whilst he was in school being in high school when his brother had started primary. On the inside Kazuya had been dark angry at those others who found the world so easy and others easy to get along with having been Disowned by his parents in public building this rage further. After the Solar Storm/Energy Winds Kazuya was left with a dark-ish looking glyph surrounded by orange being the glyph of the demon and representing his inner darkness and rage which was openly shown to those who criticized him since.
Bio: Kazuya and Kenshin had lived a normal life living in the same building after their parents passed away while Kenshin was only 10, Kazuya developing a bond with him during this time asthey grew until the fateful day on the year 2012 when the solar wind hit this causing amplification of Kazuya's darknes in the form of his glyph at first Kazuya uses it to cause pain to others before Kenshin manages to stop him, from then on however they travelled heading to wherever they wanted to go at the time always living inside either abandoned houses or hotels until they decided to move on to the next city their powers both developing at similar rates as they stayed together and sometimes even trained their powers Kenshin often trying to avoid fights in most of the cities to keep the person from being hurt by Kazuya.

[spoiler='Kenshin Himori']
Character Name: Kenshin Himori
Age: 20
Gender: Male
[spoiler=Glyph:] Phoenix Glyph [url="http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/156/0/f/u_have_30_seconds_by_little__decoy-d3g97zn.png"]http://th00.devianta...coy-d3g97zn.png[/url] [/spoiler]
Glyph side effect; Whilst in the water Kenshin quickly becomes drain of his stamina and endurance this making him not only more likely to die but also making it hard from him to keep afloat if the water is deep enough to go over his head height
Glyph's Powers: The Phoenix Glyph held by Kenshin allows him to create energy in the shape of an aura around him whilst he transforms slightly, growing wings roughly 1 1/4 the length of his arms as he takes on a more phoenix like but still humanoid appearance his handsstay mostly the same however his feet become taloned similar to that of an eagle though staying roughly the same size. Kenshin then grows what look to be dark brown feathers and his aura switches between red and orange quickly whilst moving giving a visual effect as if he it on fire the aura able to burn any who come into contact with it and by using his newly grown wings kenshin can fly.
[spoiler=Appearance:]roughly between [url="http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/043/3/b/shcc__thackery_by_prince_palladium-d39cnci.png"]http://fc00.devianta...ium-d39cnci.png[/url] & [url="http://th02.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2010/088/0/0/Constant_Evolution_by_ajCaZ.jpg"]http://th02.devianta...on_by_ajCaZ.jpg[/url] has black hair & Clothes of second pic, body & face shape of first, [/spoiler]
Glyph type: B-C
Personality: Opposite to his older brother's hatred of everyone in the world Kenshin is quite friendly often warning others to move away if they anger Kazuya or even talking them into backing down knowing his brothers strength having throughout his years up until 12 not knowing much of his brother and being easy to get along with. After he finally got to know his brother and about what he had inside towards the human race Kenshin decided to stay with him protecting others from him at any chance he can get often acting kindly and apologising for Kazuya to try to avoid disputes.
Bio: Kazuya and Kenshin had lived a normal life living in the same building after their parents passed away while Kenshin was only 10, Kazuya developing a bond with him during this time asthey grew until the fateful day on the year 2012 when the solar wind hit this causing amplification of Kazuya's darknes in the form of his glyph at first Kazuya uses it to cause pain to others before Kenshin manages to stop him, from then on however they travelled heading to wherever they wanted to go at the time always living inside either abandoned houses or hotels until they decided to move on to the next city their powers both developing at similar rates as they stayed together and sometimes even trained their powers Kenshin often trying to avoid fights in most of the cities to keep the person from being hurt by Kazuya.

[spoiler='Raito Marakami']
Name: Raito Murakami (Light Village Above)
Age: 18
Gender: Male
[spoiler=Magic Light Glyph:]
-Glyph Type: A-B
-Glyph Description: [url="http://th08.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2011/224/d/3/glyph___renee_by_drago_w-d46c50p.png"]http://th08.devianta...o_w-d46c50p.png[/url]
Appears like a magic circle infront of his body where his creation and manipulation of light energy which seems like magic starts
-Glyph Side effect; Whilst inside an area without any light to draw on (shadows, dark buildings without lights, etc.) he loses most of his energy creation ability only being able to make a short whip-like length of light under this condition whil also suffering symptoms similar to withdrawal from a heavily reliant drug
-Glyph's Powers: the Magic Light glyph allows Raito to create and manipulate light energy from his body or manipulate existing light into a condensed energy form which he can use for various means such as making weapons, using it for magic-like attacks or simply quickly bursting to blind his opponents like a flashbang
[spoiler=Appearance:] [url="http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/150/e/e/emanation_by_firered555-d3hl2wa.jpg"]http://fc05.devianta...555-d3hl2wa.jpg[/url][/spoiler]
Personality: Raito is generally reserved about himself around others usually trying to keep personal informatioin to himself whilst formulating strategies thinking of his glyph as a magic presented upon him. Raito believing that 'We are all already dead and life is but out final dream with death awakening us to our death' this being said however he doesn't want to 'wake up' from the dream that is life. When confronted negatively he often holds the crystal on the end of his necklace and closes his eyes as if praying for a few seconds before starting to fight using his light to keep a large and almost immediate advantage if possible. When within a group of people he will talk but not reveal much more of himself than his age and first name until he knows the people better.
Bio: Raito was raised in a traditional Japanese home his parents having learnt a small bit of English to allow them to survive properly in the English speaking country Raito was born in. As Raito lived he found out about American history and the powers which he had gotten at 3 years old his parents dying as he reached the age of 14 which due to his somewhat easy life force him to learn to live on his own for the next four years having the only memory of his parents he had retrieved being a dark purple/black crystal which he tied to thin rope/string making a necklace out of it with a small hole in the top of the metal always holding it and praying before using his powers praying that his parents didn't suffer during their 'awakening' and anything after this often taking only a few seconds. As he grew up on the streets he learnt to keep information especially very personal information to himself seeing as few of the people he had met had actually cared for such a thing whilst others would try to use it against him. As he emerged to talk to more sociable society after managing to find a job which would accept him, delivering pizza for a nearby pizza store and saved up enough money to rent an apartment. Due to this transition he had some trouble fitting in but shared some information just not that which was personal having met few people who he had yet trusted. He currently still lives in the apartment and has been promoted the manager of the pizza place at which he worked due to his ambition to reach higher so his life would be somewhat similar to how it used to be having found his home and gathered what furniture and stuff was mostly in good condition and brought it to the apartment.[/spoiler]

[spoiler='Kuro's Character:']
Name: Fade Aegis
Age: 19
Gender: Male
[spoiler=Glyph] Heavens Breaker
-Glyph Type: Mark C
-Glyph Description:
-Glyph Side effect: Unnaturally sweating and quick energy drain. Excessive use becomes a hazard to him cause to lose control.
-Glyph's Powers: Fade's physical abilities are exponentially stronger than a human's. His Glyph carries a unique ability to turn his body parts into various objects through use of nano machines circulating his body, ranging from swords to dragon heads. Furthermore when Fade was a kid, this ability is automatic, so when someone come near to him, multi weapon-like objects come out from Fade's body and attacks them. Because of his young will, the young Fade was unable to control his powers until he was hunting the Hordes. During his lone days, Fade was able to concentrate and control his powers with ease. However, with people around him, he get nervous and go out of control.
Fade appears as a lean, muscular teenager and has pale skin, shaggy dark hair and deep dark blue eyes, but often people sees them as black as the night and a bottomless pit. The way Fade's body is caused by his ability of hunting and from the experiments that the scientists did on him. His face became lean and sharp, He also bore many battle scars around his body that people are afraid of him and because the silent rage in his eyes. He also seems to have an affinity for black and blue-themed clothing. His shirts and jackets often has the character of "Yami" 闇 on the back. When he is enraged or excited (such as when fighting a strong or amusing opponent Ziegfried) he breaks into a wide grin and laughs, giving him an almost maniacal appearance.
Due to the potential of his ability, Fade has been targeted by assassins and Hordes throughout his life. As a result, he believes only in power and trusts no one. While fighting, he invokes fear and has a sadistic tone. He willingly joins the top places of Hunters in Nassua to gain a reputation as the most powerful and feared warrior so that no one would dare be foolish enough to challenge him and won't hesitate to kill any who get in his way. Some people in Nassua who know Fade thinks of his behavior that he is, in a way, a pacifist; because his power won't disappear, the only way he sees an end to the fighting is to be so strong and sadistic that no one would dare to raise a finger against him. He even seems to attempt to frighten people out of fighting or otherwise encourage them to refuse their battles. After meeting a girl, Wendy, he strives to protect her (although he states he does not like her company, he tolerates her). He saved her from death many times and from being pursued from the Hordes. He treats other girls in the similar fashion, such as when he buys them lunch while searching for his lost ones and by protecting them from the Hordes. He has mellowed out to the point that he actually lectures a child in order to prevent him from getting himself killed after a hostage situation. His attitude towards Ziegfried seem that he both idolizes and is slightly jealous of Ziegfried's heroic personality, and is outright shown when he and Ziegfried finally come to blows before they knew each other. By comparison, Ziegfried and Fade are very similar, but their methods are like opposite sides of a coin; Ziegfried is able to protect his loved ones without killing and is able to stand by their side, while Fade protects his loved ones through violent methods and even admits that he is unable to stand by Wendy's side. Deep down, he is someone that aches for the light, as when Wendy was able to walk up to him and slowly take a gun from his hands before he tried to finish off an injuried assassin after their fight, and later when he refused to hurt Wendy more and tried to heal her wounds after she tried to kill herself. Fade's cousin, Zirus, has commented on the differences between Ziegfried and Fade – stating how Fade craves for the wholesomeness of being a 'hero' like Ziegfried, even to the point that he declared himself evil because he believes he cannot reach that level. He is someone that tries hard to redeem himself.
Fade was always underestimate his enemies earlier in their fights, which led to his loss against Ziegfried. However, after nearly being killed by Kane and fighting Kuroashi Gouki, he no longer underestimates his enemies. This fact is noted by one of the hunters as possibly being the most terrifying thing about him: he always uses exactly how much force he needs to in order to defeat his enemy: no more and no less. If he ever underestimated his enemies, it would have given them an opening they could have exploited, but since he didn't, he simply wiped them out.
What Fade want most is not friends but a lover, and states Wendy is someone he wants to be with. Kane said half-jokingly she wants the same close-friends treatment as he gives to Wendy.
Before the Glyph was ever existing, much of Fade's past is unknown, but Fade mentions that he once had a "normal name". When the Glyph Incident happened, Fade as a child couldn't fit in with the other children due to his powers, harming those that tried to get close to him. Despite what bullies, adults, or city security tried, they were powerless against his nanotechnology ability. This has made him something of a loner and distrustful towards other people. After some time, Fade was discovered by Rin Dragine, who trained him in how to control his powers and influenced him enough for Fade to adopt his personality. Fade's powerful ability made him the subject of an experiment attempting to create the first Glyph superwarrior; But because Fade's Glyph powers are beyond of scientists' ability to tame, the experiment was ultimately stopped. Later it is revealed Fade originally wanted this reputation simply so that no one would ever get hurt trying to attack him, resulting in their own destruction. By the age of twelve, Fade was living alone in a great ruined city that was filled with creatures that world've ever knew about. But the creatures, as known Hordes, aren't friendly, they're bloody killers with their rigid bodies, shot-red eyes, bloody teeth and claws. And the only way to survive in this city was to hunt down each and every Horde there is. With his Glyph powers, it didn't took long before Fade changed mentally, as a result, he believes only in power and trusts no one. While fighting, he invokes fear and has a sadistic tone. But then the Hordes from a different city heard of the competion at Fade's place. Exhausted and outnumbered, Fade's only escape was going below. Fade found a sewer hole and sneaked through it. He never knew that the sewers pivots under the whole city, pitch-black and were also Horde-infected. Fade was in the sewers for four years before he was finally by un-Glyph people living in an underground city, called Nassua, and took him in. And ever since, he was living in there protecting the citizens from the Hordes surrounding the city for five years, until he was banished from the city because people there became afraid of him and his powers. For months, Fade fought the dwimbled groups of Hordes until he was able to find the same entrance that he went in the sewers and now he exit out of it. Though as he went deeper into the world's dark side his goals slowly became more and more twisted. Suddenly, after he escaped the sewers, a mitilia of soldiers came to him and commanded him to surrender. Before Fade had a chance to attack, he was forced down and electified until he was unconscious. Later, Fade woken up and found him in a new city with many people causing him to panic and went berserk. In several minutes, Fade already had destroyed few skyscrapers until a young man named Ziegfried step in. He later panics and is confused as to why Ziegfried was capable of blocking his abilities. Eventually, Ziegfried is able to beat Fade using his fighting skills. Fade didn't know why he was defeated by Ziegfried. After his defeat, he takes on a more heroic role, protecting a girl named Wendy.[/spoiler]

[spoiler='Grey's Characters']
[spoiler= Alley Cat]
Name: Alley Cat
Age: around 15
Gender: Male
[spoiler=Glyph: Nine Lives of Alley Cat]
-Glyph Type: C-A
-Glyph Description: [url="http://fc07.devianta...tsOfTheDawn.jpg"]http://fc07.devianta...tsOfTheDawn.jpg[/url]
It is on the top of his head, between his ears. It is mostly hidden by his hair in human form, but can be seen worked into the pattern of his stripes in animal form. His mark glows when he is releasing energy, shifting, or actively storing it.

-Glyph Side effect: Ally can only go full human for about seven minutes every hour, otherwise he has cat ears and tail, fangs and retractable claws, as well as a few other cat like traits. He also has to turn full cat once a day, and by midnight every new moon and full moon. Also, he cannot talk in his animal forms, but can somehow impress on others, like faint telepathy.

-Glyph's Powers: It allows Ally to shift into a grey furred cat, ranging from a regular sized house cat to one around the size of a lion. He stores lunar light (even during the day, as long as the moon is out) and uses the energy in simply bursts from his body, using his markings as channels. Strangely, he can turn organic fabrics into energy during his shifts to and from human, though he forgets sometimes. He says it gives him nine lives as well, but he refuses to let anyone test that claim.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Appearance] Alley is small bodied, thin but not malnourished, about 4 1/2 ft tall and under 100lbs. He is stronger than he looks and quick and clever with his movements. His hair is gray and unkept, though not all that long, but there is some black in his hair that correspond to the markings of his glyph, though it's very hard to make that out. The ends of the three bottom strokes of his glyph can be seen sticking out about a half inch from his hair line. He has gray fur on his eyes and tail, and faint dark stripes on his body that correspond to his markings in animal for. His animal forms are gray furred with darker stripes. His glyph is on his head and gets thicker as the moon approaches full, and thinner at new.[/spoiler]
Personality: Caustic, snarky, selfish and smug. Alley is self sufficient and arrogant. While he isn't the most likely of persons you would relate to, he likes to impose himself on other peoples life and tends to follow those he sees as interesting to pass the time. Having lived outside of society for so long, he doesn't get or want to get laws and regulations and sticks to the street attitude of take what you want, and sees humans as weak. He is surprisingly knowledgeable for someone who never attended school and is often fond of puns.

Bio: Alley was born a few days after the winds hit, and was born with his glyph partially developed. The hospital was serving as an emergency treatment clinic for those affected by the winds, whether they were afflicted with a glyph themselves or got hurt by those with it. It worked for a few months, and Alley was raised there, his parents among the treated. Before his adoption could be finalized, the fatal error of the center cropped up. With that many marked in one place, the risk of loss of control is much higher. When one did loss it, he took several down with him, and they took out most of the hospital.

Alley survived and had continued surviving though homeless centers, street gangs and living as a cat for weeks at a time. He doesn't remember his parents, and there are on records surviving of them anyway, and he does not care either. He is quite literally an alley cat, and since he doesn't have any other name, that works for him and he goes by it. He never did learn to read or write, but can recognize some letters and signs. He is an accomplished thief and pick-pocket, and makes uses of his shapeshifting to get into places and isn't above dumpster diving or hunting for his own food. He made his home in an abandoned warehouse in the industrial district of town, but frequently roams town.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Annie Roswell]
Name: Annie Roswell
Age: 17
Gender: Female
[spoiler=Glyph: Prismatic Butterfly]
-Glyph Type: B
-Glyph Description: [url="http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs8/i/2005/307/2/5/Wings_or_Butterfly_by_VirulInfectiousCrims.jpg"]http://fc02.devianta...ctiousCrims.jpg[/url]
It appears as like a tattoo across her back.

-Glyph Side effect: She can see whatever the butterfly is looking at and communicate through them. May seem more like an ability, but given that she generally makes more than one, it gives her headaches to focus at times.

-Glyph's Powers: She can create multiple butterflies that act somewhat like prisms, making them appear in different colors. Through them, she can make illusions for a few seconds at a time. She can also make herself a pair of wings for flight.[/spoiler]

Personality: Annie is kind, chipper, energetic and open hearted. She likes to see the best in people and is overall forgiving. A hard worker, and loves cooking, dancing, plushies and a lot of the stereotypical girly things as well as watching swordsmanship and street fights. She is also an artistic soul, and hates seeing things get destroyed, with a great respect for both nature as well as for antiques and things of the past. Her dream is to become an archaeologist. She tends to get pushy when see wants something done and hates it when people slack off their work.

Bio: Annie and her father faced hard times after the winds. Due to the upheavals that the soul-marked caused, he lost his job and had difficulty getting a new one, his wife left him soon after, leaving him to care for Annie. Despite the trials, he did his best to raise her. He eventually got a job as a grounds keeper. During that time, Annie had some difficulty at her school and faced some bullying and was almost molested at one point.

She got through the hard times with her fathers help, and they eventually managed to get housing at a nice, though small place. She at first closed herself away, but after developing her glyph abilities, she opened up some more and started making friends again. When the owner of the house was to return, they couldn't find a place to move to, but were saved when he said they could say. When he first came, she was afraid of the cold-eyed boy, but eventually she warmed up to him and he opened up a bit and they became close friends. She calls him Fri-fri, because it sounds cute.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

First Post:

It was a sunny morning, it was about 9 AM, a young seventeen years old boy, was standing in a house garden. He was tallish, had a long blue braided hair, he weared a open green polo shirt and a light grey jacket with blue stripes on it, he weared a blue jeans and short black boots, he had a necklace with saphire on it and a pair fingerless dark blue gloves with metal parts on hit finger joints. He was looking at a big rock in front of him, he was holding with his right hand a slim sword with a blue sheet with silver details, he got on his battle possition and grinned, he held the hilt with his left hand and rushed to the stone, he then slahsed it in a series of long trained and dificult slashes, it was a beautifull sight, when he finished he was with his back to the stone, and slowly sheated the sword, when he finished, the stone crumbled revealing that he had turned that stone in an altar with "Sky" carved on it in japanease "スカイ". The boy then looked back to the house and a beautifull red haired girl was looking at him with a smile, he walked up to her and said with a smile "Good morning sunflower."

--- For your first post(s) tell what your character is doing in that morning. If you have more than one character don't post what they are doing on the same, like post in one psot what one fo them is doing than wait for someone to post then post what the other is doing, we can get a better use of the RP and that leave us with more readble posts.---

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It was a gloomy, rainy morning in a ruined and abandoned city. Lightning and thunder striking everywhere. On the tallest building on the city, around in the center, was a young teenager sleeping on a rusted couch, unbothered by the weather. He's rather enjoying the weather since his face shows an maniac smirking expression. Soon the sky calmed causing the boy to wake up. His dark shaggy hair fell over his forehead which poked his eyes, so the teenager rubbed his eyes from the tingling sensation. "Pst, another fuckin' day to not enjoy sleeping..." he got up and stretched his arms and gave a big yawn. His body was tall, over 6 foot, with scars on his lean arms. His hair rested on the shoulders of his black shirt with an indigo stripe outlined with white going down the middle ,including the white-colored character 闇 on the back. He also wears indigo shorts held up by a loose fitting belt. He approached to a wall and stick his finger on it, and traced a tall rectangular shape with his finger. Then the grumpy teen kicked the wall, and somehow the rectangular shape fell through. He yawned again, and walked the manmade door. "Too tired to walk to the real door..."

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Kazuya sat up quickly, the light only just rising over the horizon as he came back to his senses more, plagued with the vision from his still half asleep state the nightmare of his brothers slow murder haunting him whilst he sat there almost completely still for about an hour before getting out of bed noticing his brother still fast asleep in his bed as Kazuya headed out into another part of the hotel room they were currently staying in calling room service and ordering some food for breakfast as he sat down noticing his younger brother, Kenshin, waking and getting out of bed watching as he walked into the room just as Kazuya stood up to answer a knock at the door, breakfast having arrived. Kazuya then headed across the room and open ed the door taking the food for roomservice and tipping the staff member before walking back in sitting near Kenshin infront of the table having ordered 2 plates of food, "so how do you feel about this city, brother" he then heard Kenshin say, turning to find Kenshin staring at him. "It's alright.. I guess, doesn't seem as bad as the last one, doesn't look like they have as many arrogant fools either.." he replied his tone somewhat neutral beggining to eat the eggs and bacon he had ordered soon ater he said this.

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"Good morning to you too, Fri-fri," Annie giggled. She put down the hamper of laundry she was carrying and propped her chin up in her hands, her elbows resting on the railing of the porch. She didn't mind delaying her housework a bit if it meant watching Zieg work out with this sword of his. He really was good with it, and he never let up on his practice. There was a little internal darkening as her mind flashed several years back, to the time she saw just how good he was with his sword, but she had long since forgiven him for it. He did save her. But forgiving herself... that would take more time.

"How many more rocks will you break Firfri?" she needled, her smile not faltering in the least. She didn't -wouldn't- show weakness to him. "Just remember you're doing the yard work, not me."

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Ziegfried noticed on her eyes that she was remembering about "that incident" a few years back, he walked up to Annie and ran his hand on her cheek saying "Hey...it wasn't your fault at all, you don't need to punish yourself...I know it was..."weird"...but try not thinking about it, okay?" he finished up wiht a smile. She then asked about the rocks and said that yard work was his he rememebred about that detail and said "Sigh...I had forgothen about that... well but I'm using those rock pieces to make a better trail up to the lake in the meadow, so we can get watter more easily, I will finish it up today." he finished with a smile and an expression of acomplishment, he then walked back and with smallers but not last complicated series of slahses he turned the rock pieces into plataforms, he then got some of them up and was about to follow a path of rocks to inside the small meadow.

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Kenshin looked around the dark world that he was in seeming so realistic seeing what appeared to be a black demon just at the edge of his view, thinking it to be Kazuya he walked closer to it however seeming not to make any progress, smaller black things possibly made by who he though was Kazuya flew at him causing him to wake-up quickly staying still for a few seconds before getting up, starting to walk out of the bedroom as he heard a knock at the door, moving onto a chair near the table as Kazuya returned with their breakfast. After Kazuya sat down Kenshin began to think about how many cities they've gone through staring at Kazuya as he asked about how they felt about this city. Kazuya had replied "It's alright.. I guess, doesn't seem as bad as the last one, doesn't look like they have as many arrogant fools either.." before quickly eating food Kenshin taking this as Kazuya avoiding the subject and slowly began to eat his own food.

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It took 20 minutes for Fade to fell down the ruined skyscraper's stairs. He can just jump out from a window, forms a pair of metal wings and glides to the ground. However Fade's just unusually tired and grumpy today. Perhaps it was the invasion of Hordes from last night that wearied the teenager.
Fade don't give a crap about that, he just wants more blood. Just thinking about that Fade brought a maniacal grin and licked his lips. He knew that they are so many things that wanted to kill him, but there are no way they can. Fade opened the front door, he did something, of the building and put his hand from his eyes to protect them from the unwelcoming beam of light the earth. "Tch. What a drag" Fade complained which he do often. Fade lowers his head and put his hands in his pockets and walked to the abandoned city plaza.

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Annie blushed. And turned away quickly, grabbing her hamper. He noticed. He always did. She hurried inside and set the load of clothes to wash with quick, practiced motions. Any other day, she would have stayed, watching Zieg practice and further hone his already impressive skills. But she needed to cool down a bit. She let out a puff of air as she dumped the measure of detergent into the machine. He mind made up, he headed back out, following Zieg. "I'm not helping you," she announced, "but I will follow you. To make sure you... um... do it right."

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Zieg let out a small laugh as he heard Annie's words he then said "Ok then..." he then grinned and said "...But... you will have to catch me first!" he then started running and turned around while still runnig and said "the last one to get to the pond pays up a meal for the winner!" he then laughed loudly but he was clearly having fun, he wasn't using his Glyph powers to his advantagein any way possibel for him but he knew he would end up loosing for Annie cause she could fly and she always was abelt o beat him on races if he didn't used his glyph power on hte floor so he could get aboost. He was jsut teasing with her a bit.

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"And just who normally cooks anyway?" Annie laughed as she took off after him. After three or four steps, her tattoo like glyph, hidden beneath her blouse, glowed, and shimmering butterfly wings, light playing across and through it in the colors of the rainbow, sprout from her back. She took to the air, soaring beneath the tree branches with graceful movements, reveling in the freedom of flight. Prismatic Fairy. An ability she worked hard on. She didn't often fly above the treeline, but she had more than enough experience and control to dart through the branches, gliding past Zieg.

"Why run when you can fly?" she teased him, before doing a quick loop and darting up the path and into the clearing around the pond.

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Zieg looked amazed to her wings, even though he had already seen in hundreds fo times, he always looks at them with amazed eyes. He Knew from the start that he would lost but he bet on that anyway, he shortly after that got to the pond , he finished putting the last stones on the paht he had made, and looked to Annie and said laughing "hahaha! Well looks like I lost...again..." He then walked up to her and said "So, have you already finished your house works for today? mine are already done so if you need any help I'm completely free to help." he then looked up to that beautiful sky, it wasn't the same sky form the one he saw beofre he met with Annie and her father, even on it's darker times. it was better, it was something that could truly be called "Heaven".

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Raito sat there staring at the window as sunlight came into the room having been up almost the whole night still in the same position.He then stands up slowly pain rushing through him due to staying still all of last night. "[i]I wonder if today will present anything..[/i]" he thought to himself as he stood up walking to the door and exiting walking down the stairs and out onto the footpath walking along the pathway with very few others on it due to the time of day, arriving nearby the Pizza place at which he works for delivering pizza, standing there to await the business' opening time.

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As he walk towards the city plaza, Fade had this feeling through his body that he's gonna get an unwelcome greetings. And he hates it when he's right about it. Fade spotted several men gangsters much older than himself. They looked like they holding something in their hands. [i]Sigh guns, a distraction[/i]. Soon they saw him walking through the area and decided to walk up to Fade, with their guns as well. One of the gangsters, in his 30s tops, talked to Fade with confidence, "Hey, what are you doing here kid?" he pointed his rifle at Fade. But Fade looked at it with unsatisfied eyes. "Hmph, what is this, a family reunion?" Fade scolded. He almost wanted to slice them into pieces until he had another feeling, but this time was a bad one...
"Godammit all of the times, why now?!" as he said it, a car came flying toward him. But fade sticked out his left hand and the car sliced in two before hitting the ground. The gangsters cowardly retreated to one of the small buildings and stayed hidden. Fade eyed front of him and saw Hordes, those monsters that kept Fade from living without blood, running in groups of four toward him. Fade brought an maniacal grin up to his face, "This should be fun!" he ran to them, laughing.

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"Basically," she said, twirling gently over the pond. "The clothes are all washed and drying, including yours. Dinner is in the refrigerator. The house is swept and tidied. So the major things are finished for now." She paused her spinning and brushed her hair back with an idly gesture. "I sure I'm have more to do by the end of the day those, and I need to get some shopping done too. And I want you to pick some ripe tomatoes from the garden today to add to the salad." She was proud of their garden. Her father planted it went his income seemed unsure, and a lot of their fresh vegetables came from it. Her wings dispersed in a billow of sparking dust, and she landed on a rock near the edge of the pond.

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Zieg looked and listened while Annie twirled gently over the pond, his mind kept wondering about all these years together adn all that has happened on them, from the dark to the bright times, everything, while he watched her landing on the rock at the edge of the pond and her wings dispersing in a beatifull sparking dust that reflected on the water, making a beautifull light fountain behind her. Ziegfried didn't noticed at first but hen he noticed that he was blushing over that view, he quickly calmed down and relaxed, he got back to normal, but he didn't knew if she had seen him blushing or not, he then looked to her and put his hands behind his hand and said "Since you need to make osme shopping, why don't we go out and eat something today? I mena it is quite a walk from here to downtown right? And your fatehr said he would be the whole day at work today again so." he said in a normal tone, the tone that he only speeks with when he is around her.

(Ziegfried has a big crush on Annie but even knowing it is true he won't admit that to himself or anyone else so soon on the RP)

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Kazuya stood up as he finished his breakfast wiping his lips slightly with a napkin before standing and heading to the door quickly before his brother could object or stop him from leaving alone. "Sorry brother but I think I'd like to get a better 'feel' of the towns local attitude.." he said smirking slightly as he closed the door and headed down the stairway exiting through the door at the bottom of the street and disguising himself within nearby shadows cast by the hotel building blocking the sunliught moving through this shadow mostly unseen as he made his way for the streets ready to see how much trouble he could cause before his brother caught up.

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"Why Frifri," she asked innocently and jokingly, "are you asking me out on a date?" She giggled again. Zieg was full of surprises today. Or he was sneaking out of some work. Either way, she hopped from the rock and skipped across the stones along the shore towards him. It was something she did often, though she still almost slipped in one or two places. She had hoped he would do some more training with his sword, she loved seeing him swing that piece of metal with his strong arms... "Dinner will keep," she said, squashing the thought before it lead to more dangerous waters. "Eating out is fun too."

((Ha! Annie is a bit of a perv, and she has spy butterflies to boot!))

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Zieg blushed nervously when Annie asked if he was asking her out on a date "N-no it's not that..." he said nervously, he took a deep breath and got a hold of himself and watched as she went near him, he then took off his coat and put it over his shoulders and said as he hold the sheet of his sword near the hilt "Hey, I have been training one thing for a while, wanna see it before we go?" he then smiled, he didn't knew what to do now exactly, he was nervous, he always got nervous when those kinds of situation happened.

(haha! Cool, it will be very funny in the future.)

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[size=3]While walking towards the ambush of Hordes, out of nowhere, one of them attacked Fade, but he jumped instantly and performed a spinning slash mid-air to vertically slice the the creature in half. But after that, more and more Hordes were appearing out of hiding places.[/size]
[size=3]"Been hiding, hah? Well, that isn't going to work on me!" Fade's arm went back to normal, and starts to crack his knuckles.[/size]
[size=3]Fade rushed to the nearest Horde which was directly in front of him, his left leg turned into giant arnour and he roundkicked the wolf-like monster and sent it through to an nearby car behind. Next two comrades of the decreased Horde sneaked on Fade in behind and started to swinging their claws around. Fade just stood there, put his hands in his pockets and without looking, he jumped back and did a back flip. Fade came in mid-air behind the startled duo, he did a front flip this time and split kicked the two Hordes. After landing, Fade turns his head to look for the remain Hordes.[/size]
[size=3]"Just three more, huh?" Fade grinned manical. The three surrounded Fade and jumped on the same time. Just at the moment, time began to slow down, the Hordes moved in slow motion. Fade[size=3] focused more on his body and his body turned into a giant mechanic knight with oversized armoured arms. They sparked into golden flames. Fade larated the nearest Horde with speed and sliced its head off. Afterward the body ignites into golden flames. Fade licked his lips with pleasure and waved his other arm at the remind two and created a shockwave of flames. The Hordes evaporates into ashes, Fade turned back to his normal body and everything went back to normal.[/size][/size]
[size=3][size=3]"Now back to those bugs." Fade said with [color=red]crazed[/color] eyes.[/size][/size]

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"A new technique?" she asked, interested both by the prospect of his swordsmanship as well as the removal of his jacket. Now, it only he would lose... "You've been sneaking around practicing again, haven't you?" she accused him with narrowed eyes and a jabbing finger. She sighed a moment later. It was a pointless effort. He would always wander off and train on his own time, with no consideration of the fact that she wanted to [s]see his bare ch[/s] make sure he wasn't over working himself. It was bad enough that he carried the sword everywhere with him, though she would be the first to admit it scared away the dangerous people, without him killing himself to be a killing machine. Still, she wasn't about to miss a show. "Of course I will watch," she admitted, settling on a rock several feet away. "Show me what you got."

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He smiled and trew his jacket over some rocks, he then put the sheet of the sword betewhen his belt and pants so the sheet wouldn't fall, the then drew his sword and got into one of his battle possitions, his shoulder started glowing wiht the glyph's energy, he then narrowed his eyes and started, he started by russhing foward a bit giving a upwards slash rising a strong wind with it, his hair and shirt raised a bit, he then used the wind caused by the slash to rise him up a bit, he then held his sword's sheet with his right hand and the sword wiht the left, he then charged energy on the sheet and trew it into the ground sending him upwards more, he then gut his sword above his head and then delivered a strong slash that sent a wind wave that went straight down and hit the sheet, the sheet was still charged with energy to with the wave it caused a strong wind shockwave around it, it was so strong that was able to take off Zieg's shirt in the air, Zieg then trew his sword into it's sheet, sealing the wind shockwave. He then fell right next to his sword, and kneeled so he could witstand the fall, his shoulder wstop glowing, he then got up while holding his shirt on his right hand, he then held the sword's sheet wiht his left hand and put it betewen his belt and pants, he then turned to Annie and said "So, what do you think?"

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"You're beautiful," she murmured, holding down her blouse to prevent it from blowing up. "The technique, your technique," she amended hastily, adjusting her top. She was in pants, so that wasn't at risk, but the same that blow the shirt off his back almost did the same for her. Whenever she saw that chest outside of its shirt, she tended to lose her train of thought. Rapidly. She cleared her thoughts with swift meditation, a trick she learned in her self defense class, and swiftly thought instead of what he did, and not of how wonderful he did doing it. Mmm. Ah, meditation, meditation. "It's flashy," she admitted, "But cool. You could take out a bunch of guys with that. Give me enough time to fly away," she joked. She didn't add that she had found out a more aggressive way to use her powers, and she hoped she never had to, or would even have need to use it.

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Ziegfried slighty laughed and said "Thanks, well I have been practicing it for maybe a month now, but I'm still using the wrong ammount of power in it though..." he put one ahd behind his head and looked up to the heavens "...Well that only means I will have to practice it more." He then put his shirt back on and got his sword by the sheet wiht his left hand he went and out his coat back on, he then walked up to Annie and extended a hand towards her and said with a smile "So...where you wanna eat?" even with the side effects of using his glyph acting wildly on his body right now, he was holding it so Annie could relax and don't get worried wiht him.

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Raito noticed the store opening heading inside the wait as he sat at one of the various cubicles inside to await the first delivery he was to make. "[i]hm.. this pizza delivery job would probably seem way too small to most people but they don't know how many I deliver a day nor how much that gets me..[/i]" he then thought to himself as he contemplated his wage before standing back up a few minutes later and early order having came in for him to deliver. Raito grabbed the pizza and then stepped outside holding his crystal in his free hand, praying that his parents will have gone on to a happy life before light surrounds him s he is shot into the air the light around reflecting enough to make him seem invisible as he traveled from the pizza store searching for the house he was delivering the pizza to.

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She took the hand proffered and rose to her feet with the grace of a Duchess of old, then giggled. "I guess we could hit the Chinese place on Marcel street," she replied once she was sure her balance was good certain. "They are pretty cheap, and the food is good too." Splurging wasn't her style, and she tended to be economical in most things; buying in bulk, watching for sales, getting some stuff second hand if she could, fun stuff like that. She had even made a hobby of it, though she was sure Zieg didn't like all the second hand stuff she got for the house, and her father downright hated some of them (the dryer worked fine, as you remembered to pound it when you started it up, just to unstick the drum.) "You don't mind Chinese do you?" she asked, making a second offer. "We could always go to the burgers and fries place by the library."


Alley blinked, the sound of something else in the old warehouse falling waking him from his dreams. He lay were he was, curled in the rays of light from the broken window, for a few minutes more. That spot was perfect for soaking up the moon's light at night, and had the added bonus of being sunny in the day. Eventually, he yielded to the inevitable and pushed himself on all fours, and stretched the last but of sleep from his bones. He licked his lips a bit and wandered over to the leaky broken pipe in the corner, cup a handful to drink. It was kind of late, and he was hungry, but he didn't want to over hunt the warehouse, the mice were easier prey in the winter than wandering around town in the cold. Better he let them breed, for now.

He shifted, flowing easily from human to cat form with a faint silver glow. He kicked a little, shaking the last of the post shift tingles from his leg, and squeezed through a gap in the wall, off to find something to eat.

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