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Hi guys.

The idea of this deck is to do everything Dark Worlds normally do but use Cyber Dragon to give me something to do when I have bad hands or no discarding cards.

As a result Black Luster Soldier fits in well and it makes Tiras / Adreus summoning easier.

(You may have seen decks like this before but I'm proud of this because I thought of it by myself)

[b][u]Monsters 21:[/u][/b] ( 16 Dark | 4 Light | Earth 1 )

Grapha x3
Snoww x3
Goldd x3
Sillva x3
Broww x3
Battle Fader x1
Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning x1
Cyber Dragon x3
Morphing Jar x1

[b][u]Spells 14:[/u][/b]

The Gates of Dark World x3
Dark World Dealings x3
Dark World Lightning x3
Allure of Darkness x1
Card Destruction x1
Pot of Duality x1
Dark Hole x1
Monster Reborn x1

[b][u]Traps 5:[/u][/b]

Dark Bribe x3
Mirror Force x1
Mind Crush x1

[b][u]Extra 2:[/u][/b]

Adreus x1
Tiras x1

I need advice with what to replace Battle Fader with. It's useful when I summon it but most of the time it ends up discarded.

Also I don't know whether I should keep Mind Crush in or whether I should make room for Eradicator Epidemic Virus or Deck Devistation Virus.

The final thing would be: what should I put in the Side Deck?

Also, the words 'Raven', 'Solemn' and 'Dragged' are banned from your replies :D... no I don't have those cards.

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Dragged is a common, thus cheap, so you can get it.

Get 3, drop at least 1 Dealings. +2

Lose the Lightnings. -3

Battle Fader is bad. CyDra isn't necessary. -4

From experience, I can say that you should only be running 1 Sillva or Goldd, not more than 1, and no multiples. Sillva is preferable. -5

Solemn Judgment is now in a Structure deck, you can get 1 of those. +1

Solemn Warning would be preferable, it was printed in a tin so its value is diminished. +2

Deck Devastation is an amazing tech. +1

Beige is good @2. +2

Then some more changes... There's too much to try and fix with this...

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