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MLP: Dawn of the Rebellion [OOC/Started/Not Accepting]

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[quote name='~Applejack~' timestamp='1328383633' post='5798995']
I've been wondering... is the actual RP going to happen here, or is there another thread for it and this was just a planning step? =0
[/quote]more than an hour late, but

The actual RP will happen here :'D


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[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1328389418' post='5799263']
Jeez, no offense Tommy, but you're first post was pretty grim...
And like I said, I still don't know if I like how much Tinker and Starlight have this thing put together already...
And this is why you have me around.
Because Morning has incredible foresight.

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I made an app for the colt I mentioned in Winter Snow's bio.
[spoiler=Volt Speed]
[b]Name: [/b]Volt Speed

[b]Gender:[/b] Male

[b]Age:[/b] 32

[b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i39.tinypic.com/23vyhpk.png[/img]

[b]Bio:[/b] Volt Speed was the youngest member of Celestia's Royal Council, before the overthrow, and is also the last surviving member. He took the seat in the council when his father, Rapidfire, also a retired Wonderbolt, passed away from a mysterious illness. After the overthrow, he and the remaining council members, plus Winter Snow, fled to a cold, deserted town, outside of the northern borders of Equestria. Over the course of 10 years, the council members would gradually pass away. Eventually, only he and one other member, Silver Swirl remained, along with Winter Snow. A terrible blizzard soon hit, and took the life of Silver Swirl. After a proper burial, Volt was the last remaining council member. Volt was taught by Winter Snow, Silver Swirl’s daughter, how to fly in the cold, and he help her control her magic. Soon after, another blizzard came, and separated them. Volt was lost in the harsh environment. He tried his best to fly against the wind, but couldn’t make any progress. When the blizzard subsided, he exhaustively made his way south, but found the town he and Winter had previously shared was completely snowed over. He fled the town, trying to escape the memories. He continued flying, eventually reaching speeds of over Mach 8. He flew and flew, but eventually was stopped in Ponyville. The residents chastised him for destroying parts of their town with his flying. Over the course of a few months, he helped rebuild the town, and even improved on it. He now lives in Cloudsdale, where he flies and practices controlling his electrical abilities.

[b]Personality:[/b] Volt Speed is quite intelligent, and is often antisocial. He prefers to work on his own, as being on a team causes him to remember the ordeal in the northern town. He refuses the constant offers to join the Wonderbolts, and secludes himself from other ponies.

[*]Immune to being electrocuted
[*]Can fly in the cold.
[*]Can fly through thunderstorms.
[*]After flying at high speeds, his fur will pick up a negative electrical charge. Touching the ground or an obstacle such as a tree or a rock will disperse the charge. Touching a positively charged object will produce a small, damaging burst.
[*]Similar to the legendary Sonic Rainboom, he can perform a Thunder Clap, which happens when he breaks the sound barrier. He can perform it traveling in any direction, not just down. If performed while electrically charged, he produces a short range EMP.
[*]While he has an electrical charge, he can exceed his normal speeds.
[*]While charged, he can make a full 90 degree turn on a dime.
[*]While charged, he glows.
[b]Side:[/b] Neutral

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[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1328390719' post='5799331']
You do realize that's quite a bit faster than the SPEED OF LIGHT right?
Just making sure.
Mach 8 is nowhere near the speed of light.

Mach 8 is about 6089 mph in oxygen.
The speed of light is 671 million mph.

The SoL is around Mach 872,093.

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Ah, so Tommy, I actually have a compromise for you.
So Y'know how your whole plan kinda conflicts with mine?
Well alright, here's what I propose, tell me what you think:

It'd be really bad to have to rewrite an entire post, not to mention your apps, so I won't make you do that. So instead, if you don't have a problem with this, we could have something like this happen. His entire plan goes horribly wrong, he doesn't get the tracker thing on Sniffy, his technology is destroyed in one way or another, and he loses connection with the rest of his group, including Demitri and N. To top it all off, if just for a bit of comic effect, the other 4 of the Mane 6? Not who he was planning to recruit at all, but because they're all gone, and these 4 are willing to form a rebellion, and since they have no connections with their previous group, and no way of contacting them, Tinker and Starlight go along with them anyway, because it's the best they've got.
So what do you think?

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[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1328413275' post='5800023']
Ah, so Tommy, I actually have a compromise for you.
So Y'know how your whole plan kinda conflicts with mine?
Well alright, here's what I propose, tell me what you think:

It'd be really bad to have to rewrite an entire post, not to mention your apps, so I won't make you do that. So instead, if you don't have a problem with this, we could have something like this happen. His entire plan goes horribly wrong, he doesn't get the tracker thing on Sniffy, his technology is destroyed in one way or another, and he loses connection with the rest of his group, including Demitri and N. To top it all off, if just for a bit of comic effect, the other 4 of the Mane 6? Not who he was planning to recruit at all, but because they're all gone, and these 4 are willing to form a rebellion, and since they have no connections with their previous group, and no way of contacting them, Tinker and Starlight go along with them anyway, because it's the best they've got.
So what do you think?
So basicaly, destroy my entire plan but go with yours to save my back story? WTFudge? Please tell me that I could still have the resources come into effect. Like although the plan goes horribly wrong, N planned for that and is watching our progress while maintaing distractions and helping in little ways. Since N knows that Starlight could get the job done. Also, Tinkers main purpose is being a hot mare for any of the members to flirt to and to be my gadget girl. So could she make me stuff along the way?

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Hey. How about whatever tracker you're talking about (I haven't read the IC yet, but I'll do it after I post) gets put on Sniffy, and does happen to work, but the signal disappears in the middle of the ocean. And we find out that one of my characters caused it. Volt because of his electrical charge, or maybe Winter because she noticed it and knows what it's for?

ADDENDUM: Oh, actually, I assumed there was a new IC post but there wasn't.... I'm still the most recent...

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