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So here what I thought up, this has to be random every post has to be it fun to how random this will end up like here I will start, but the rules are it has to be random not the same like person and then about that person so on, okay have the most epic random fun!

Bleach ended

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So I opened the door only to find a butterfly sitting on the toilet. It looked sad. So I asked it "Why are you sad?" The butterfly said "Are dragons in real life?" I quickly farted, and ran out of the house as fast as I could, only to see a potato blocking the door. I stepped on it, and it blew up. When I woke up, I was stuck in a huge glass container with 50 walruses. The walruses greeted me and we played Tic-Tac-Toe. The walrus that played me cheated, so I slapped him in the face and called him a polynomial. He screamed, picked a toddler off the ground, and ate it. I called the police, and they arrived and threw the evil walrus into a cauldron of lava while the officers and I sung Chocolate Rain. The next day, I felt like a chocolate bar, so I decided to take some medicine and sleep in. When I woke up, the world instantly turned into a pink marshmallow and everyone died.


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