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Galaxy Eyes Deck


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This is my Galaxy Eyes deck:

Monsters (22):
3x Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon
3x Guardian Eatos
3x Photon Thrasher
3x Photon Lizard
3x Photon Sabre Tiger
3x Lightray Sorcerer
3x Photon Kaiser
1x Honest

Spells (8)
2x Dimensional Fissure
3x Photon Sanctuary
2x Photon Trident
1x Future Fusion

Traps (10)
2x Macro Cosmos
2x Solemn Warning
1x Solemn Judgement
1x Mirror Force
2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Torrential Tribute

Extra (9)
1x Neo-Galaxy Eyes Photon Dragon
2x Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis
1x Twin Photon Lizard
2x Grenosaurus
2x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 34: Terror-Byte

Since I'm new to this archtype, I probably epic failed, so comment and suggestions would be helpful.

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There's definitely a lot of mistakes here.

Lizard is bad and has no place, even in Photon Decks.

Normally, Thrasher makes for a nice option in certain HERO Beat builds, but it's way too inconsistent to consider maining at three here.

You're also not running any Effect Veilers or Skill Drain, and the fact that Galaxy-Eyes is being run in here goes against the Photon Drain aspect of the Deck that makes it efficient. You probably need to pick one theme and focus on it as opposed to trying to build a Deck with the archetype.

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But if you run D-Fissure or Macro Cosmos, Veiler can't use its effect while either of those are out. So you would maybe only run 1 Veiler, or cut back on the banishing cards.

And if you run Skill Drain, Galaxy-Eyes is mostly just a beatstick, when Beast King Barbaros could serve the near-exact purpose while being easier to Summon and a 1900 if Skill Drain wasn't out. It'd also be Level 8 to not interfere with your Rank 8 engine.

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