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Logo for an upcoming RP


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I'm planning an RP, and I'm asking you pros out here, could you help me?

Text: [quote]Daedalus Gear
Δaίδaλος γρaνάζι[/quote]

Size: W/e seems appropriate

Other details: A steampunk-fantasy themed logo please

Extra Note: Could you incorporate gears/cogs/springs/other machinery parts into the words, sort of like 'Nw had done for Kyng's Skyracy and Bookwyrm logos?
That would be much appreciated.
Also, could a "magical"-looking golden-blue flame be incorporated around the logo, so it is like "a ring of fire" around the text? Not as in words with a circle like O around it, but looking basically flat, with some curves and such around the ends to give the hint of it going around to the back?

Payment: I don't have much in points to give, due to the glitch with decreasing points.
Otherwise, I'll give anything else possible.

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Right.. So I didn't quiet do everything as ya liked. I did both lines of text, as you asked. Instead of doing a ring of fire that circled over the text, I did a gear. I hope ya don't mind that. I also did the title in 3 different fonts for ya to choose from. If you don't like any of them, tell me what you'd like to see changed and/or if there's a font suggestion you'd like to make.


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Alright. I as able to find that exact font (Kaiserzeit on dafont). I did 2 other fonts as well in case the one ya wanted doesn't exactly turn out the way ya thought it would. Free of charge, btw. Just credit me, is all.


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