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CODE: XANA [OoC, Accepting, Not Started]

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[spoiler=Story]You are the third generation of students at Kadic Academy to discover the supercomputer in the factory. After the first generation - Jeremy, Aelita, and the others - shut down the supercomputer, they went on to grow up as normal people. However, years later, a second group of students found the lab and turned the supercomputer back on. By this time, XANA had learned much about the towers in Lyoko, and the second the students turned the supercomputer back on, XANA launched a relentless attack on the students by materializing dozens of monsters into the real world.

The students left the room, unaware, and continued exploring. When they opened the virtualization chamber room, the swarms of kankrelats and hornets and mantas rainedlasers down on them. It was every student for themselves as they scrambled, some seriously injured, out of the factory. Each and every one of them, however, never made it out of the factory. When the cops went looking for them, they found the factory and a number of monsters gaurding it, and saw bloody drag marks around the floor. The monsters wouldn't let them in, so the police yellow-taped the area and the city concluded that the children were dead and the factory was to be boarded up and scheduled for demolition. The demolition never came. What's more is nobody knew the supercomputer was never turned off.

Now, even more years later, a third generation of students - this time, teens the equivalent of highschoolers - would discover what real evil lurks in this cordoned off factory. They heard about the missing kids and wanted to see the factory for themselves. The police have long since stopped gaurding the factory from pesky kids, but these students came prepared for whatever got the last kids. A serial killer? A loose bear? They wanted to know, and they brought some weapons with them. A crowbar, a baseball bat, a stun gun, pepper spray, anything a highschool student could get his or her hands on.

These students will soon discover that what attacked the other students all those years ago is something none of them have encountered, as well as discovering that those students aren't really dead...[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Rules]Standard YCM rules apply.
No godmodding, powerplaying, overpowered characters, etc.
Limit 3 characters per person, though i will accept twins as one app. But only once.
We'll need some characters to play the old students too. They're XANA's newest cronies so we need antagonists and perhaps antiheroes too.
We need at least one computer nerd to work the supercomputer and be the brains of the operation.
To learn everything you can about the Lyoko universe, see http://codelyoko.wikia.com/[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Character App]Name:
Age: between 13 and 17
[spoiler=Personality]5-line minimum. Also include their hobbies and interests, as these reflect their Lyoko counterparts' abilities[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Skills]simple list format. No excessive multi-genre talents. Just things that circle around one or two generalized subjects, i.e. a computer nerd would have skills pertaining to hacking, coding, software/hardware understanding, wiring, etc.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Lyoko Abilities]at first, all the third generation students get a few standard issue abilities, but gain more over time. As for the second generation students, they have a wide variety of powers from their time spent in Lyoko. Again, nothing overpowered.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Appearance][spoiler=Earth Appearance]a picture is acceptable, otherwise a 5-line minimum description[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Lyoko Appearance]you can use a picture if you can find it, but it should follow these guidelines, and if not, just a 5-line minimum description:
-Lyoko outfits are sleek and techy. Think Tron: Legacy, but more colorful and without the lightlines
-The outfits are slightly similar in appearance and/or color scheme to their earth outfit counterparts, with few exceptions
-Also describe where, if able, you would holster your weapons, i.e. Ulrich had back sheaths for his katanas, but William always carried his greatsword on his shoulder[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Other Info]anything else important enough to mention here[/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Accepted Apps][/spoiler]

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