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Crystal Gathering [plz lock, see last post]


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First of all here is the form to sign up






Fake,Real, or Mixed cards?:


Other Info:

Student or Teacher:


Get a rep for applying


Second, heres the Beforemath


Children of good and evil are going to a duel school sponsered by Crystal Gathering, and the top duelists there will join it. But they will find out that the duel school is not what they expected






(?) applicant number 86, Chazz Hasment, look at this record! It's incredible, send him an invitation


(??) yes, add him and make the entire school hang thier heads in shame because they are no match he probly wont even show up


(?) Nassic, you could duel him for his entry


(Nassic) that would be deligtful, yes i'll duel him


(???) no, you wont, Tracshire will,


(?) but Tracshire dosnt have any qualification to duel duelists with such a high reputation does he Taswen?


(Taswen) Monty! you know I dont like to be called by my last name! i'm probly the only teacher in this school that dosnt, but I dont like to be called by my last name


(Monty) and I dont like to be called by my first name, Lilly


(Nassic, Unhappy) I thought we were talking about if Tracshire or me would duel the newcomer


(Lilly, Displeased) JUST SHUT UP NASSIC! She took a step toward him and he backed off. Tracshire wll duel him! got it!


(Nassic) ok, fine, but I'll stack up odds against him in my class, you can be sure of that. Nassic turned around and stormed out of the room


(Monty) ok then, applicant number 86, check



[spoiler=Chapter One]

Chapter One

Chapter One

Entrance Duels


(J) Hurry up, we're gonna be late!


(Chazz) I'm coming


Chazz and J run down to the Entry Duels where they find Anthony already there


(Anthony) I hope we dont have to duel each other to get in


(J) Look, they're about to announce who duels


The Three young duelists looked up to see a rondomizer on the board


(The Randomizer) First Match: Chazz Hasment Vs Carl Tracshire


Chazz approached the duel stage


(Chazz + Carl) Duel!





(Carl) I'm first I summon Hard Armor!




and I end my turn


(Chazz Thinking) why would he play that?


Chazz's Turn-DRAW- I summon Gigantes and lay a card face-down, then I attack with Gigantes







Carl's Turn-DRAW- I lay two cards face-down and summon Armed Dragon LV 3




Chazz's Turn-DRAW-I attack with Gigantes


(Carl) activate Trap Blazing Earth (fake)

with this I can destroy one attacking Earth monster


(Gigantes Destroyed)


and now I attack you life points directly with Armed Dragon LV3


Chazz- 4000-1200=2800



Chazz's Turn-DRAW-Summons Crystal Beast Emerald Tortiose in defence mode





Carl's Turn-DRAW-Summon Injection Fairy Lily


End Turn


Chazz's Turn-DRAW-Summon Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger


(Chazz) I attack your Injection Fairy Lily!!


(Carl) Activate Effect, my Fairy's attack becomes 3400, and I win the duel





(Chazz) What?! I lost?! how?


(Carl) It appears you were too eager to win, so you didnt think about it and just attacked


(Chazz) yes I suppose your right


(?) hey you, kid! Chazz kid!


(Chazz) huh? Counselor Lilly Ta-


(Lilly) thank you for not saying my last name, but i'm here to offer a price for admission


(Chazz) i'm sorry I dont follow, do you mean I can pay to get in?


(Lilly) Yes I do, actualy I'll let you in for free, you see Carl over there?


(Chazz) yes, I do


(Lilly) thats Carl Tracshire, and when you put your deck in the randomizer, we selected the order of your cards, our apolagies, but we were seeing how well you would hold up, and you held up fine, so we will let you in


A couple hours passed and the three found themselves hanging around at J's house


(Anthony) well... at least you got in


(J) yeah it would have been boring if you didnt


(Chazz) I thought my entire deck was strong and had no room for error, but I guess...


(J) just stop thinking about it, we'll talk about it tommorrow when we get in


(Anthony) ok, now remember, when they let you choose your dorm, we cant get separated ok?


(Chazze,laghing) ok, but dont run or the teachers will catch us


End Chapter One (Still to be revised)



[spoiler=Chapter Two]

Chapter Two

The Duel School


(Anthony) rise and shine nimrod


(Chazz) wha-


(J) you missed rec room time before classes, we cant let you miss the first class


(Chazz) what is the first class


(Anthony) ummmm, lets see. Anthony took out a notecard containing all the classes. Advanced Tactics and Card Combos by... Sario Ojima


(J) sounds tough


(Chazz) wontbe tough if we dont get there right?


Chazz,J, and Anthony rushed to thier class. as soon as they got there they noticed a black dressed kid with several girls around him


(Sario) now, I call. Checks list. Anthony Hawkins and J (whatever his last name is lol) down to duel


Anthony and J go down to the dueling platform


(Sario) now watch closely, learn from this, the lesson will begin once the duel is over


(Anthony+J) DUEL!!


Anthony's Turn-DRAW-ok, lets see what I can do...I summon Six Samurai- Zanji and I end my turn



J's Turn-DRAW-let's see...I summon Armed Dragon LV3 in defence mode and I put a card face-down, I end



Anthony's Turn-DRAW-ok, I have no monsters so i'll attack your Armed Dragon LV3, my turns over


(Armed Dragon LV3 is destroyed)


J's Turn-DRAW-ok, I activate Premature Burial I pay 800 life points to specail summon my Armed Dragon LV3 from the graveyard, and now I tribute my Armed dragon LV3, to summon my Armed Dragon LV5


(Anthony) what? no way!


(J) I spent about $200.00 on cards so that my deck was invinceable, you cant beat me, go Armed Dragon LV5 attack his Zanji


(Zanji is Destroyed)







Anthony's Turn-DRAW-lets see....


and Anthony thought thier was nothing he could do


(Anthony) I surrender, I cant win...


After that they went on with class, and right before they walked out the door


(Sario) and J?


(J) yes?


(Sario) I expect to duel you tommorrow


(J) those cards weren't my strongest


(?) excuse me?


A man dressed in black was walking up to them, and three or four ladies were right behind him


(J) yes?


(?) my names Lukas, and you are


(Anthony) I'm Anthony


(Lukas) was I talking to you?


(Anthony) excuse me?


(Lukas) im joking, im joking, its nice to meet you


(J) well.. i'm J, so see you around?


(Lukas) you will see me in the training rings, in the rec room


(J) day rec or night rec?


(Lukas) night


(Anthony) c'mon we have to hurry or we'll be late


(Girl Behind Lukas) you know? Lukas isnt the best dueler around, but he cares about dueling the most


(J) so you mean... you get followed around by girls just because your good at dueling?


(Lukas) of course not! I bet once YOU get known for dueling, some girl will start talking to you, and then realize your more than just a good dueler, thats how it happened to me


(Chazz,Impatiently) WE HAVE TO HURRY!!


(Lukas, as Chazz is sprinting down the hall) HEY!! WHATS YOUR NAME?


(Chazz) My names Chazz


End Chapter Two



[spoiler=Chapter Three]

Chapter 3

Chazz and steps Forth


(Announcer) The night recreation room is open


(J) you ready Luke?


(Lukas) as ready as ever


(Anthony) hold on, J has a duel with Mr. Ojima dosn't he?


(J) well...


(Chazz) you dont want him to know your deck. Points. see hes right over there


(J) ok, so who's gonna duel him in my place?


(Anthony) I wi-


(Chazz) no I will


(Anthony) ok, good luck



Chazz and Lukas approach the dueling stage. A bunch of people crowd around


(Lukas) I challenged, so I go first, I summon Gladiator Beast Hoplomus,in defence mode and end my turn



Chazz's Turn-DRAW- (thought) good, one of my strongest cards in my first hand (speak) ok... like, J, I spent a lot of money on extra cards, I summon Insect Queen and attack your Gladiator, I end


(Gladiator Beast Hoplomus is Destroyed)




Lukas's Turn-DRAW- ok, lets see. A smirk strts to run across his face. I activate Polymerization, and since I have Gladiator Beast Sparticus and another Gladiator Beast monster in my hand, I can summon this, Gladiator Beast Gaiodiaz


(Chazz) what?!


(Lukas) go Gaiodiaz attack his Insect Queen


(Insect Queen Destroyed)


Chazz's Turn-DRAW- (thought) wow that was just dumb luck! I drew Polymerization! (speak) ok, I activate the effects of polymerization, and since I have two Cyber Dragons in my hand I fuse them together to create, Cyber Twin Dragon, and I attack your monster!




(Gladiator Beast Gailodiaz destroyed)





Lukas's Turn-DRAW- good... I summon Test Ape in defence mode and lay one card face-down, and I end my turn




Chazz's Turn-DRAW- ok I summon Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger, and I attack!


(Lukas) activate trap! Defence Tactics, all my monsters and life points are safe for one turn


(Chazz) oh well, next turn your mine, I end





Lukas's Turn-DRAW- I summon another Test Ape in defence mode


(Chazz) why are you-


(Lukas) none of your business, my turns over


Chazz's Turn-DRAW- ok I summon Crystal Beast, Cobalt Eagle in attack mode, and I unleash both my monsters fury on your monsters


(Lukas) just what I was hoping for


(both test apes are destroyed)


(Lukas) now I can summon two more Gladiator Beasts from my deck, I choose Gladiator Beast Liqari and Gladiator Beast Dimacary, and then I activate Monster Reborn, to bring back Gladiator Beast Hoplomus, and now I send them all to my deck to summon this, Gladiator Beast Heraklinos




(Lukas) now, my strongest card, attack, his Topaz Tiger





Chazz's Turn-DRAW- ok, lets see...I lay 2 cards face-down and end my turn


Lukas's Turn-DRAW- go my Beast!! attack the Eagle


(Chazz) activate Trap!!!


(Lukas) same here, i'll chain it


(Chazz) and I'll put the third link on with this


Chain Link


1. Sakurestu Armor (Trap/Chazz)

2. Trap Jammer (Trap/Lukas)

3. Trap Jammer (trap/Chazz)




Trap Jasmmer Destroyes Trap Jammer so that Sakuretsu Armor works fine


(Heraklinos is destroyed)


(Lukas) I end my turn


(Chazz) and my Cyber Twin Dragon can attack twice in the same battle phase so go Cyber Twin Dragon...Double Fang Attack!





(Chazz) hey, dont have any hard feelings it was a good duel


(Lukas) yeah, I guess your right


They hear applause and look up to see everybody tat was watching was clapping loudly


They walked off the duel stage and just as Lukas predicted, one of the girls that was watching the match walked up and started talking to him


(Sario) now, get back to your dorms everyone!!!


Everybody starts rushing to thier dorms


(J) well, tommorrow is gonna suck


(Anthony) what do you mean


(J) I mean my duel with Sario


(Anthony) hey man just try your hardest, and while Luke ad Chazz were dueling simebody told me if you beat him, you'll become legendary


(Chazz) well, at least I got victory tonight


(Intercom) will Freshmen Chazz Hasmetm,J (whatever his last name is), and Anthony Hawkins please report to princaple Higgins, also I need second year Lukas (whatever his last name is) and 5th Year student Zack Anderton


they walk up the long hall to Princaple Higgins's office, and just before they got there Lukas noticed a card on the ground




(Lukas) well... if only I had this card when I dueled Chazz


he raced down to the princaple's office


(Zack) I cant wait to get out of this place


(Higgins) and I cant wait for you to leave


(Anthony) something wrong?


Zack turned and stormed out of the office, dropping a card


(Anthony) Evil Hero Malicous Fiend






End Chapter 3



[spoiler=Chapter Four]

J's Duel with a teacher


(Anthony) well, J? Do you think you can beat him?


(J) I'm not gonna lose to some stuck-up teacher


Lukas started walking beside them


(Lukas) hey, what you guys talking about?


(Chazz) J's duel with Sario


(Lukas) hey, I heard there was supposed to be a specail spectator


(Anthony) who?


(Lukas) his wife, Cydonai


(Chazz) hehe, your in trouble even if you win J


(J) oh shut up!!


(Lukas) c'mon, we need to hurry


They sprinted down the hallway into the class


(Sario) are you ready J?


(J) yes


(Sario) ok, lets duel


Note: The dueling Dialog has changed, so has the entire dueling way


(Sario) Im the teacher, so you go first


(J) ok... I summon Masked Dagon, and lay one card face-down


(Sario, thought) typical (speak) ok its my turn, I lay one card face-down and summon the creator Incarnet




(sario) and I attack!!


(J) activate trap, Sakuretsu Armor


(Sario) I chain it with Trap Jammer, your too typical


(J) WHAT?!





Cydonia let out a little laugh she couldn't hold in




(Sario) are you going to take your turn?!


(J, smirking) Not only will I take it, but I'll summon the Blue-Eyes White Dragon






(Creator Incarnate is Destroyed)





(Sario, Thinking) and now to render that blue eyes useless (speak) ok I summon Felgrand Dragon in defence mode, and lay one card face-down, my turn is over




(J) first I summon another Blue Eyes, and then I attack you with it!


(Felgrand Dragon is Destroyed)


(J) now I attack you directly with my second Blue Eyes!


(Sario) activate Trap, Magic Cilandar (spelled wrong I know) and your attack goes back at your life points


(J) WHAT?!?





(cant find an image)


(Sario) its my turn, and I activate Call of the Haunted to bring back my Felgrand Dragon


(J) it wont help


(Sario) it will if I activate it's effect, when its specail summoned I select one card in my graveyard and it gains attack x200, and I choose the Creator Incarnate so its attack goes up to 3600!


(J, groan) nooo


(Sario) go Felgrand Dragon attack!!!


(Blue Eyes White Dragon is destroyed)





(J) well, I even though I drew my third Blue Eyes, and Polymerization its useless to me now, I pass


(Sario) and I attack to win the duel





(J) well, I guess you cant beat the teacher


(Chazz) and I guess Anthony cant beat anybody


(Anthony) oh just shut it Chazz


(Cydonia) well played Sario


(Sario) yes, and I think he did fine


(Cydonia) just a little head-strong


(Anthony) you cant win them all J


(J) ok, then i'll try to win all but one


They all laugh


(Sario) ok now, back to teaching


(Chazz, whisper to Anthony) I have these new cards, they're realy powerful


(Anthony) and your going to try and beat me?


(Chazz) no, I want to duel Zack Anderton


End Chapter Four




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Current Entrents:



name: J

Appearence: look at my sig

Personality: Look at my charizrd sig

Fake,Real, or Mixed cards?: Real

Hobbies: Dueling

Other Info: none

Student or Teacher: student that becomes a teacher later

Age: 13


1 armed dragon lv 3

1 armed dragon lv 5

1 armed dragon lv 7

1 armed dragon lv 10

3 blue eyes white dragon

3 masked dragon

1 exploder dragon

1 hunter dragon

1 fergland dragon

1 decoy dragon

1 kabiaman

1 morphing jar

1 tyrant dragon

1 luster dragon


1 foolish burial

1 heavy storm

1 lightning vortex

1 big bang shot

2 sheild crush

2 mausoleum of the emperor

1 ancient rules

1 card destruction

1 premature burial

1 mystical space typhoon

1 shrink


1 chaos burst

2 sakuretsu armor

1 call of haunted

1 dark bribe

1 dust tornado

1 malevolent catastrophe

1 Dragon Mirror

1 Future Fusion











Personality:friendly with the ladys

Fake,Real, or Mixed cards?: real


Other Info:can pick up girls easy if u know wat i meen

Student or Teacher: Student

Age: 13


Gladiator Beast Alexander

Gladiator Beast Laquari X2

Gladiator Beast Secutor X3

Gladiator Beast Bestiari X3

Gladiator Beast Andal

Gladiator Beast Murmillo X3

Gladiator Beast Spartacus X3

Gladiator Beast Darius X3

Gladiator Beast Dimacari X2

Gladiator Beast Hoplomus X3

Test Ape X3


Fusion Monsters:

Gladiator Beast Heraklinos

Gladiator Beast Gaiodiaz X2



Spell Cards:

Gladiator Beast's Battle Manica X2

Colosseum - Cage of The Gladiator Beasts X3

Gladiator Beast's Archfiend Shield

Mystical Space Typhoon

Lightening Vortex

Gladiator Beast's Respite X2

Heavy Storm

Gladiator's Return

Monster Reborn

Gladiator Beast's Battle Halberd X2


Trap Cards:

Defensive Tactics

Trap Hole

Parry X2

Disarm X2

Double Tag Team X3






Name: Anthony Hawkins

Deck: Six Samurai



Personality: Easy-going, Loves to be challenged, hates seeing his friends in pain

Fake,Real, or Mixed cards?: Mixed

Hobbies: Dueling. Saving the world on a daily bases >_<

Other Info: Chairman of the industrial Rainbow Corp.

Student or Teacher: Student

Age: 13



x1 Armor Breaker

x2 The Six Samurai - Yaichi

x2 The Six Samurai - Kamon

x2 The Six Samurai - Yariza

x2 The Six Samurai - Nisashi

x2 The Six Samurai - Zanji

x2 The Six Samurai - Irou

x2 Shiens Footsoldier

x1 Great Shogun Shien

x1 Grandmaster Of The Six Samurai

x1 Chamberlain Of The Six Samurai

x1 Spirit Of The Six Samurai

x1 Enishi, Shien's Chancellor



x2 Legendary Ebon Steed

x2 The A. Forces

x1 Shiens Castle Of Mist

x1 Reinforcement Of The Army

x1 The Warrior Returning Alive

x1 Cunning Of The Six Samurai

x2 Six Samurai United



x3 Return Of The Six Samurai

x2 Swift Samurai Storm

x2 Breakthrough

x1 Backs To The Wall

x1 SwiftStrike Armor

x1 Double-Edged Sword Technique






Name: Sario Ojima

Deck: Rise of the Dragon Lords, modified to perfection.

Appearence: look at attachment

Personality: Very strict, and agressive, but very respectful.

Fake,Real, or Mixed cards?: All real cards

Hobbies: Likes to play chess.

Other Info: Sario has had some very promising duels in the past, and he's usually very respectful at the end of every match, though during the match he's competitive and very aggressive. But he always makes sure he doesn't insult his opponent, unless his opponent really ticks him off during the match.

Student or Teacher: Teacher (if I can't then student) (and if I can be a teacher, have him be a Teacher for advanced tactics and card combos for General Beat-Down styles.)

Age: 18


Axe of Dispair

Big Bang Shot

Call of the Haunted

Card Trader

Coffin Seller

Cursed Seal of Forbiddon Spell

Dark Blade

DarkBlaze Dragon

Decoy Dragon x2

Double Summon

Dragon's Gunfire

Draining Shield x2

Dust Tornado

Element Dragon

Felgrand Dragon x2 (his trump card duo)

Final Attack Orders


Foolish Burial

Herald of Creation

Just Deserts

Kaiser Seahorse x3

Lightning Vortex x2

Luster Dragon x3

Magic Jammer

Maha Vailo

Majestic Mech-Goryu

Masked Dragon x3

Premature Burial

Raging Flame Sprite

Sakurestzu Armor x2

Secret Barrel

Staunch Defender

The Creater Incarnate


Trap Jammer

Tyant Dragon x2

Ultimate Tyranno

United We Stand







Name: Gray Allkaner

Deck: Nightmare Betrayal, dark deck



Fake,Real, or Mixed cards?: Mixed

Hobbies: Dueling, clubs...

Other Info: ------

Student or Teacher: Student

Age: 17


not yet in






Name:Jesse Anderson

Deck:Crystal beast




Fake,Real, or Mixed cards?:real


Other Info:

Student or Teacher:student




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Name: Anthony Hawkins

Deck: Six Samurai



Personality: Easy-going, Loves to be challenged, hates seeing his friends in pain

Fake,Real, or Mixed cards?: Mixed

Hobbies: Dueling. Saving the world on a daily bases >_<

Other Info: Chairman of the industrial Rainbow Corp.

Student or Teacher: Student

Age: 13

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I guess I'll apply. Sense I got nothing better to do...if I still can here is my form,.


Name: Sario Ojima

Deck: Rise of the Dragon Lords, modified to perfection.

Appearence: look at attachment

Personality: Very strict, and agressive, but very respectful.

Fake,Real, or Mixed cards?: All real cards

Hobbies: Likes to play chess.

Other Info: Sario has had some very promising duels in the past, and he's usually very respectful at the end of every match, though during the match he's competitive and very aggressive. But he always makes sure he doesn't insult his opponent, unless his opponent really ticks him off during the match.

Student or Teacher: Teacher (if I can't then student) (and if I can be a teacher, have him be a Teacher for advanced tactics and card combos for General Beat-Down styles.)

Age: 25


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Sorry, for double posting but..I would also like another character submited...In ties with Sario...This'll make the Fan-Fic more interesting.


Name: Cydonia Ojima

Deck: does not duel, and does not have one..

Appearence: look at attachment (no, she doesn't wear that dress, she wears a casual clothing, like a shirt and girl's-blue-jeans...it's only her facial features that matter in that pic)

Personality: very sweet and gentile.

Fake,Real, or Mixed cards?: no cards at all.

Hobbies: Watching her husband (Sario Ojima) duel. And also playing chess.

Other Info: She is Sario Ojima's wife, they have been married for 3 years. She usually sits on the side-lines and watches Sario duel. She also loves watching him teach, so she is always a guest in his class room.

Student or Teacher: Guest



and I would like to change Sario's age to 25, I got carried away and said 18 by accident and just noticed that.


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Name: Zack Anderton

Deck: Evil Hero

Appearence: Is very unknow as he aways has black shoes, black trousers, black shirts, black socks, black hair and a black cape with a duel disk on his left arm

Personality: Never takes alway has a angry face on him

Fake,Real, or Mixed cards?: Mixed Cards

Hobbies: Dueling

Other Info: This boy duels his opponents like the supreme king did but with different Evil Heroes he is even more powerful. When he wins a duel the opponent is knocked unconsicous

Student or Teacher: Student

Age: 21



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1 character and 1 spirit


Name: Ryan

Gender: Male


Personality:Always looking for a duel, but is Extremely Mean, for the reason, look in bio

Bio: While looking for a duel, Ryan gets possessed by a spirit, He went looking for an exorcist, but could not Exorcise this spirit, he gained so much control over the spirit, he can materialize the spirit, but not total control, if he sleeps, the spirit gets out of control, and can Injure or kill anyone, a friend of his told him about duel academy, then the first time, Ryan fell asleep, then the spirit materialized and killed his friend and 3 other people, upset after waking up, he went to Duel Academy to look for Duels.

Deck: Chaos


Spirit name: Doomsday Horror

Personality: Persistant and very mean

Bio: this spirit can materialize when the possessed is sleeping, this spirit also has special powers that can be used by anyone that this spirit possesses, the possessed can slow or stop time, and is able to teleport

Deck (Multiple Decks): Chaos (When Materialized by the possessed), Orichalos (When Materialized while Possessed is Sleeping)


the whole Chaos Deck


BLS - EotB

*CED - EotE


*Witch of the black forest


Shining Angel x3

Mystic Tomato x3

Magnetic Mosquito x2

Cyber Jar

Painful Choice

Time Seal


Graceful Charity

Fine x2

Doomsday Horror x2

**D.D. DNA Transplant x3

Fiber Jar

Chaos Sorceror

Morphing Jar

Pot of Greed

Burial From the Different Dimension x3

Pot of Avarice x2

Magician of Faith



Harpie's feather duster



Marshmallon glasses x2

Heavy Storm


Whole Orichalos Deck

****2x Divine Serpent

****3x Orichalos Shunaros

***3x Orichalos Dexia

***3x Orichalos Aristeros

***2x Orichalcos Gigas

***2x Orichalcos Malevolence

****3x Orichalcos Kyutora

*3x The Seal Of Orichalos

***2x Orichalcos Deuteros

***2x Orichalcos Tritos

1x Pot of Greed

*2x Phantom of Chaos

***2x Orichalcos Mirror

***2x Mirror Knight Calling

***3x Impact Revive

***3x Martyr Curse

2x Pot of Avarice


* = Key Cards

** = \/


Select 1 Attribute, all removed from play monsters are treated as this type as lon as this card is face-up on the field

*** = Anime only

**** = Anime only key cards


(Sorry for double post)

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